> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 12:05:50 -0700
> Subject: Re: IQ's response to my email paraphrasing your comments about
> IQ --"JM"
> From:
> JM,
> The point I was trying to make is: Muhammad=the Hadith=the
> Quran=Allah=Islam=Sharia=Wahabism=Islamic Terrorism. People are willing
> to expose and condemn Sharia and Wahabism because most audiences are
> unaware that they are nothing more than an extension of Muhammad's
> words and deeds. Muhammad was the personification of Allah, Allah's
> creator, his only voice and messenger. The Qur'an is from Muhammad in
> the voice of his wannabe god persona. Muhammad and Allah are the same
> person, sharing the same attitudes and ambitions. Allah is inseparable
> from Muhammad.
> Audiences are uncomfortable criticizing a religion, or even listening
> to someone who does. So by criticizing Sharia and Wahabism, audiences
> come to believe that these things are a corruption of the true
> religion, and thus appropriate to condemn. But in fact, they are the
> truest expression of the religion as it was lived and taught by Islam's
> lone messenger. Therefore, it is good that IQ speaks of Sharia and
> Wahabism, as that will enlarge his audience, especially if he makes the
> connection to fundamentalist Islam, to Muhammad himself, after he has
> done so.
> One of the reasons that I have survived when people doing far less have
> been killed, is that by drawing attention to me Muslims draw attention
> to a foe they cannot refute--the oldest Islamic sources: the Qur'an and
> Hadith. So by basing everything I wrote on documented evidence from the
> Hadith and Qur'an, Prophet of Doom's credibility and validity had
> nothing to do with me and everything to do with Muhammad, someone
> Muslims cannot refute, and it also made it counterproductive for
> Muslims to bring attention to this evidence by killing me. If IQ does
> the same thing, he too will survive it.
> Yada
> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Yada
> > wrote:
> JM,
> IQ's references to Sharia will help him in PC environments, where
> criticizing a religion is not allowed. So, my only thought here was to
> tie Sharia to the Hadith, the Hadith to Muhammad, and then Muhammad to
> fundamentalist Islam. They are all one in the same.
> With Wahabism, the historical connection between cleric and now king,
> Wahab and Saud, is as important as tying Wahab to the salaf Hadith.
> That way people will come to understand how Arabia became Saudi Arabia
> and why Wahabism is nothing more than fundamentalist Islam--which is
> based upon the Hadith. Too many people think that Saudi Arabia is a
> country allied with the West in fighting Islamic terrorism, when
> instead it is a private estate committed to promoting Islamic terrorism
> by promoting salaf/fundamentalist Islam.
> You and I did 1500 one hour long radio shows Jerry, and yet IQ is
> right. For the most part, I was not listened to. And even today, there
> are very few people willing to talk about Muhammad's willingness to
> rape, murder, rob, enslave and terrorize, or that Islam cannot be
> separated from Muhammad. He was a terrorist so Muslims are terrorists.
> Understand Muhammad, and you will understand Islam, the Qur'an, and
> Allah.
> I am not surprised that IQ is threatened by Muslims. As an Arab/Persian
> Iraqi, and as one who was raised in an Islamic nation, and as someone
> living in London, he is at greater risk than I am. I'm glad that he is
> using a pen name. I am appreciative and respectful of his courage.
> IQ writes brilliantly. He is very well informed. He is relentlessly
> rational. So I did not mean to infer that he could or should learn
> anything from me or from Prophet of Doom. I was just encouraging him to
> use it as a resource to expose Muhammad, the Hadith, the Qur'an,
> Sharia, Wahabism, and fundamentalist Islam. POD's only value to IQ is
> that it uses the four best and oldest Hadith sources to reorder the
> Qur'an chronologically and to set it into the context of Muhammad's
> life. Apart from investing the thousands of hours to do this for
> themselves, this is the best way for IQ's audience to understand
> Muhammad, Allah, the Qur'an, and the religion of Islam. So as he is
> stating his conclusions, IQ may want to reference the free book as
> evidence, as proof from Islam's best and oldest sources that his
> comments are valid.
> Based upon the article you sent me, I'm convinced that IQ already knows
> everything he needs to know to deliver this message effectively. And
> that is a rare commodity. Most people start preaching before they
> properly prepare.
> IQ is the right man for this mission.
> Yada
> PS: If you share this email with IQ, which you have my permission to
> do, please ask him to refrain from demeaning Deuteronomy until such
> time as he comes to understand the Torah better. I realize that like
> Ibn Warriq, by doing so he is seen as more scholarly and even-handed in
> pc circles, but the comparison between the Torah and Islam is not even
> remotely valid. If IQ would like to know the Torah better, if this is
> of interest to him, please encourage him to consider
> Yada
> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:58 AM, "JM"
> > wrote:
> From: "IQ"
> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 1:49 PM
> To: "JM"
> Subject: Re: Yada's feedback
> -J
> What a dissertation. WOW! and all of it is true!
> I shall do my best at reformulating the manner of my analysis of Sharia.
> I have read every word you wrote carefully and shall act upon almost
> all Yada's suggestions.
> Yada's voice was the first that BLUNTLY addressed the issues of
> Muhammad's DEPRAVITIES after 9/11 BUT was NOT listened to!
> In his 'letter to the reader' he predicted exactly the SAME attacks
> that were levelled against him and myself.
> I thank you for TRUSTING me with his message and please convey to him
> my gratitude for his valour and knowledge.
> I shall most certainly LEARN again from his book that I have had with
> me since 2003.
> God bless you all
> IQ
> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 6:02 PM, "JM"
> > wrote:
> IQ,
> I hesitated to email you this but later decided it might be beneficial
> to you and the work you are doing.
> Yada informed me that he appreciates your bluntness and logic
> that he finds similar to his own style.
> He hopes you can focus more on the fact that Sharia is based upon the
> Hadith, and the Hadith affirm that Muhammad was a sexual pervert and
> terrorist.
> Yada also would encourage you to use the Qur'an to explain why there
> are no moderate Muslim voices, much less influential leaders. He did
> like who you understand and teach why Islam cannot be moderated, which
> is correct, although he wished you had explained why an Islamic
> reformation would be counterproductive. These are genuinely central
> issues that he is delighted to see someone else addressing. Yada
> particularly liked how you correctly teach that a "moderate" Muslim is
> a person who IGNORES much of what their religion teaches and demands.
> Yada is resolute in his believe that Sharia (which is based entirely
> on Hadith, and mostly Muhammad's example) is proof that when Muslims
> protest that they only consider the Qur'an, they are blatantly lying.
> Prophet of Doom focuses on Muhammad because Muhammad is the focus of
> Sharia, and Sharia is the foundation of Islam.
> So, if you could focus more on Sharia, Prophet of Doom should be a very
> good resource for you to use as it uses the Hadith to reorder the
> Qur'an chronologically and set it into the context of Muhammad's
> life--and as such, it serves as the best window into the basis of
> Sharia.
> Yada’s view is that Wahabism is simply fundamentalist Islam. It is
> inseparable from the Sauds, because the Saud Wahab alliance is how they
> came to own/control Arabia. It is salaf/ancestor Islam, which means
> that Wahabists, like those who promote Sharia, believe that they are
> called to follow Muhammad's example as it is presented in the Hadith.
> That being the case, reading Ishaq's Shira/Biography and Tabari's
> Tarikh/History, or Prophet of Doom which combines them around the
> Qur'an, is essential to understanding the perverted and violent nature
> of Islam. These sources prove that Islamic terrorists have not
> corrupted their religion, but instead, Islam has corrupted them. Simply
> stated: All good Muslims are terrorists because Muhammad was a
> terrorist.