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Offline Yada  
#151 Posted : Wednesday, August 25, 2010 4:48:30 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

The following is a series of exchanges between "HT" and Yada:


When it comes to understanding Muhammad, Allah, and Islam, neither your feelings, opinions, nor approvals matter. What I've told you is completely accurate, albeit unpopular.

You can't buy the book, however, since it is out of print. But you can read it free online, download the HTML files for free, transfer it to a Kindle without charge, print out the PDF files for free, or listen to the MP3s, which are also free. The entire book, all 1000 pages, is available at no cost.

There are sects in every religion, but that is irrelevant to Prophet of Doom because it only covers Muhammad's life. There were no sects then. So you are wrong, once again.

Since you are most confused, as are many others, in the area of which sources to rely upon, and even how and when we came to possess these sources, I'd suggest that you begin with the Source Material Appendix: http://www.prophetofdoom..._Islams_Dark_Past.Islam. After reading it, return to the Letter to the Reader and continue as you normally would through any book. It is arranged chronologically.


On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 4:56 PM, "HT" wrote:

Im still not ok with everything you've said, but I will certainly buy the book.

On Wed, Aug 25, 2010 at 10:19 AM,

"HT" wrote:

how many Muslims do you know?


I didn't compile Prophet of Doom to expose "Muslims," but instead to expose and condemn Muhammad and Allah, and their creation: Islam. I know and understand them very well--perhaps better than anyone. Certainly better than you.

apparently none.

Actually, I know many Muslims. I have met with members of the most ruthless Islamic terrorist groups. I have debated some of the most distinguished Muslim religious leaders. I have traveled to and spend considerable time in many Islamic countries. And since posting Tea With Terrorists and Prophet of Doom, and doing some 2000 talk radio interviews on this subject, I've had lengthy discussions with thousands of Muslims.

But informed rational people evaluate religions based upon the statements and deeds of their founders and scriptures, not the opinions of a handful of modern-day devotees. Such is the case with Prophet of Doom.

You should be careful what you put out there, especially because your interpretations of the Hadiths you chose are extremely westernized and can all be disproved with logic.

I am "careful with what I put out there"--far more careful than you are. It is an irrefutable statement of fact that Prophet of Doom is the best documented, most comprehensive, most contextual and chronological presentation of the five oldest, most credible, and unassailable Islamic sources ever compiled. There are no more reliable sources in the world than the five I used. If they "can all be disproved," then there are no valid or reliable sources regarding Muhammad and the creation of Islam. But these are truths your lack of information and judgment keeps you from accepting.

Further, I present the Hadith in concert with the Qur'an and then judge them morally and rationally. I do not "interpret them."

There is nothing in Islam which is favorably influenced by "logic." In fact reason is Islam's deadliest foe.

Also I think you should have mentioned that some hadiths were written years after the life of Mohammed- up to 100 years after which leaves room for them to lack truth or have been manipulated for personal reasons.

I think you should have read Prophet of Doom before you embarrassed yourself with this email.

The most contemporaneous sources, those which provide virtually everything we know about Muhammad, Allah, and the creation of Islam were first "written" between 100 and 250 "years after the life of Muhammad." Nothing was written within the first 100 years, including the Qur'an. You obviously don't know very much about Islam.

I state and prove these facts often and conspicuously throughout Prophet of Doom. Therefore, using your assessment, that "leaves room for them to lack truth or (to) have been manipulated for personal reasons." This is true of every verse in the Qur'an and every Hadith. And thus it is true of Islam.

This alone should be sufficient to have you question and then reject this religion.

But ask any scholar or Muslim or even so-called "jihadist" and they will not agree with you on what you say about Islam or the Prophet Mohammed.

Actually, every credible Islamic scholar in the world knows that what I've just told you about the Qur'an, Ishaq's Sira, Tabari's Tarikh, and Bukhari's and Muslim's Hadith is completely accurate. There are scores of books which confirm it, all composed by the experts. Further, the Jihadists I have met with quoted from these sources to prove that as terrorists, they were being good Muslims.

It doesn't matter what anyone says about Muhammad. What matters is what Muhammad said and did. And for that information there are only 5 potentially reliable sources. The problem is, you don't like the fact that all of the oldest, most credible Islamic sources present Muhammad as a terrorist, pedophile, rapist, slave trader, thief, and kidnapper.

You should know that there are sects in Islam where it is misinterpreted, and you are along the lines of one huge misinterpretation!

There are sects in every religion, but that is irrelevant to Prophet of Doom because it only covers Muhammad's life. There were no sects then. So you are wrong, once again.

I'm sorry, but even for a non-muslim, i was shocked by your page,

You were "shocked" because you lack sufficient credible information to form a rational conclusion. And Prophet of Doom is a 1000 page book devoted entirely to what the oldest Islamic sources reveal about Muhammad. It is hardly "my page."

and you are not helping people to want to understand each other better.

That was not my purpose. I wanted Muslims and non-Muslims to understand Muhammad better. Other than to introduce them to Yahweh, I can't think of anything which would be more helpful.

No wonder there is so much growing hate, when people write timeline Islam, your personal opinions pop up.

Hate is mostly the product of religions,all of them but especially Islam. And there is nothing more loving than to lead people away from those things which are deceitful, destructive, deadly, and damning by exposing them to the truth.

Since Prophet of Doom presents Muhammad's "personal opinions," and those of his god Allah, it does not reflect my opinions. You are wrong, once again.

That said, I'm glad the search engines work. Now if only we could get you and others to think.

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Offline Yada  
#152 Posted : Saturday, September 25, 2010 4:05:56 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

On Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 9:27 PM, "TZ" wrote:

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen
sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam

I testify that there is no Ilah but Allah, and Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is His Messenger.

I, therefore, invite you to accept Islam. If you accept it, it will be good for you. If you not accept it, you will be liable for your loss in the hereafter.


Yada's response:

Your testimony is false. Allah is not God, but is instead Satan. Muhammad was the most repulsive man whoever lived, and thus the least qualified man in human history to be God's messenger. So, as an informed and rational person, I reject your invitation. It would not be good for me, just as it is not good for you.

If Islam was good, Bangladesh wouldn't be such a horrible place to live.


"TZ" responds:

On Fri, Sep 24, 2010 at 9:28 PM, "TZ" wrote:

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

Bear witness that we are Muslims.

[ Say : "O people of the Scripture : Come to a word that is just between us and you, that we worship none but Allah, and that we associate no partners with Him, and that none of us shall take others as lords besides Allah. Then, if they turn away, say: "Bear witness that we are Muslims." (Surah Ale-Imran:64) ]

On the Ninth Day of Dhul Hijjah 10 A.H. in the 'Uranah valley of Mount Arafat, Rasulullah Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said, "I leave behind me two things, the QURAN and my SUNNAH and if you follow these you will never go astray."

Bangladeshi people are not following Al-Quran and Sunnah properly and going astray thereby.


Yada's response:


The "Scripture" referenced in this passage is the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms. In them, Yahuwah's name is written 7,000 times. Allah's name is not mentioned. And therefore the statement that "we worship none but Allah" is ignorant, as it is in direct conflict with the Scriptures Allah inaccurately claims to have inspired. Such is absolute proof that Islam is not true.

In the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, "Lord" is Satan's title. It is from "Ba'al." It describes Satan's desire to be served, to be worshiped, and to lord over and control men and women. Yahuwah has no such ambitions. So by referring to himself as a "lord" Allah affirmed that he is Satan.

The reference to "no partners" is Muhammad's/Allah's attack on the Ma'aseyah Yahushua. He is however, not Yahuwah's "partner," but instead a diminished manifestation of God in human form, set apart from Yah to serve us. If Muhammad/Allah had actually read the "Ingeel" (a corruption of the Greek euangelion), as opposed to inaccurately taking credit for it, they would have realized their foolishness in making such an inaccurate claim.

"Muslim" means "one who submits," just as "Islam" means "submission." That is precisely what Satan wants, hence the title "Lord." Yahuwah on the other hand is a proponent of freewill. He knows that love requires the freedom to choose.

The Qur'an is the worst book ever written by any rational or informed standard. It is poorly plagiarized from the Talmud, repetitive to a fault, argumentative, devoid of context and chronology, inaccurate scientifically and historically, errant in all of its primary claims, not pure Arabic, but instead mostly Hebrew, violent, immoral, and hopelessly contradictory. The Sunnah, while not a book, is far worse. Muhammad's words and deeds reveal that Allah's lone messenger was a pedophile, a rapist, a sexual pervert and predator, a kidnapper, a slave trader, a liar, a thief, an assassin, a mass murderer, an egomaniac, and a ruthless terrorist. It is amazing that anyone is foolish enough to believe such a repulsive man spoke for God.

Osama bin Laden is following the Qur'an and Sunnah properly, and thus like all good Muslims, he has gone astray.

Exposing these undeniable realities is the purpose of Prophet of Doom. Too bad you didn't read it.


"TZ" responds simply with:

On Sun, Sep 26, 2010 at 9:51 AM, "TZ" wrote:

Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.

Bear witness that we are Muslims.

Yada answers:


Like all Islamic apologists, you are unable to refute anything any informed and rational person tells you. I demonstrated beyond any doubt that your god, prophet, scriptures, and religion are false, and yet the best you can do is say that you are a Muslim--one who submits to their nonsense.

I pity you. You have squandered your soul and surrendered your mind.


Edited by user Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:28:21 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Offline Yada  
#153 Posted : Sunday, September 26, 2010 9:25:52 AM(UTC)
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On Sat, Sep 25, 2010 at 5:41 PM, "GH" wrote:

I know the Koran or the Quran has a lot of verses about Holy War and Violence but what about the Wars and Violence in the Bible ? What is the context in both the Koran or the Quran and the Bible.

Yada's response:


This question is used to excuse the river of blood and oppression which has flowed from Muhammad's violent and perverted life, and his creation of Islam--which is a declaration of war on all humankind. It prevails because the vast majority of people are ignorant of the qur'an, the bible, and the histories of Muslims and Jews.

Simply stated, Islam is the most violent and oppressive dogma ever perpetrated on humankind. The first Muslims terrorized everyone from India to Africa and Spain, raping and robbing everything in their path. Today, Muslims commit 98% of the world's terrorist acts. And the reason is that Muhammad himself was a terrorist (he inspired and led 75 terrorist raids in the first 10 years of the Islamic Era) and his qur'an orders Muslims to follow his example.

More than 90% of quaranic passages are violent, immoral, inaccurate, irrelevant, foolishly plagiarized, or inappropriately harsh in tone. Of the remaining 10%, it would be a stretch to say that 5% of those are nurturing and beneficial. Moreover, the violent passages are all contained in the Medina surahs, and thus according to Q2:106, the jihad passages abrogate the few peaceful ones, rendering them moot. And that leaves Muslims with nothing but a call to arms, to fight everyone on earth until the only religion is Islam.

Less than 1% of biblical passages are violent, and none are immoral or inappropriately harsh. Over 90% of biblical passages (exempting Paul who was a false prophet) are nurturing and beneficial, especially in context, and especially when you consider the symbolism. And even those which are violent, are moral when considered from Yahuwah's perspective on having given us our mortal lives, freewill, and the means to life eternal. Further, the few violent passages are limited to one very tiny place and sliver of time--Yisra'el 3,500 years ago. They are not open ended in place or time, unlike those in the qur'an.

And so that you know, there is no context of any kind in the qur'an, neither chronological or topical, and there is no symbolism. So there is no rational comparison between these books on this topic.


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Offline Yada  
#154 Posted : Friday, October 1, 2010 11:00:31 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

The following is a rather lengthy exchange between "OS" and Yada about Islam and the Quran. Yada is quite detailed and exacting in his response, so I posted it as an attached Word document.

It's very good as it effectively rebuts the standard claims most Muslims make about Islam. I would encourage everyone to read it:
File Attachment(s):
Muslim Letter on Qur'an Proofs.doc (224kb) downloaded 40 time(s).
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Offline Richard  
#155 Posted : Sunday, October 3, 2010 9:11:08 PM(UTC)
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Yada wrote:


"This question is used to excuse the river of blood and oppression which has flowed from Muhammad's violent and perverted life, and his creation of Islam--which is a declaration of war on all humankind. It prevails because the vast majority of people are ignorant of the qur'an, the bible, and the histories of Muslims and Jews.

"Simply stated, Islam is the most violent and oppressive dogma ever perpetrated on humankind. The first Muslims terrorized everyone from India to Africa and Spain, raping and robbing everything in their path. Today, Muslims commit 98% of the world's terrorist acts. And the reason is that Muhammad himself was a terrorist (he inspired and led 75 terrorist raids in the first 10 years of the Islamic Era) and his qur'an orders Muslims to follow his example.

"More than 90% of quaranic passages are violent, immoral, inaccurate, irrelevant, foolishly plagiarized, or inappropriately harsh in tone. Of the remaining 10%, it would be a stretch to say that 5% of those are nurturing and beneficial. Moreover, the violent passages are all contained in the Medina surahs, and thus according to Q2:106, the jihad passages abrogate the few peaceful ones, rendering them moot. And that leaves Muslims with nothing but a call to arms, to fight everyone on earth until the only religion is Islam.

"Less than 1% of biblical passages are violent, and none are immoral or inappropriately harsh. Over 90% of biblical passages (exempting Paul who was a false prophet) are nurturing and beneficial, especially in context, and especially when you consider the symbolism. And even those which are violent, are moral when considered from Yahuwah's perspective on having given us our mortal lives, freewill, and the means to life eternal. Further, the few violent passages are limited to one very tiny place and sliver of time--Yisra'el 3,500 years ago. They are not open ended in place or time, unlike those in the qur'an.

"And so that you know, there is no context of any kind in the qur'an, neither chronological or topical, and there is no symbolism. So there is no rational comparison between these books on this topic.


Wow. Thank you, Yada. That is clear and easily understandable.
Offline Yada  
#156 Posted : Wednesday, October 6, 2010 3:10:11 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

On Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 11:16 AM, wrote:

Dear Evil man:

It's hard taking someone serious who says that they were hired by God and then
given a promotion or take serious someone who is guided by such evilness.
There's no need to be so disrespectful towards the Prophet SAW or the Holy
Quran. Im sure you cant help your lack of understanding of this religion

but you can help the unnecessary manor in which you write about it.
Maybe it bothers you that for so many people, the prophet SAW is so beloved and
held as an example or that to Muslims the Holy Quran is regarded as such a
sacred and eloquent text.
I'm sure you dedicated many years in your study of Islam but yet you're as ignorant
as most. Maybe your evilness makes it impossible for you to comprehend it.
Reprinting hadiths doesn't take much nor does it point to some insight on your
part. And when you use your own words that's
when your ignorance and mean-spirit becomes too apparent.

Everyday someone is converting to Islam. Everyday the Quran is being studied,recited and learned.
Everyday someone is implementing the ways of the Prophet SAW into their
everyday life. And everyday someone such as yourself is trying to discredit
this religion. But it's impossible to discredit the truth. That is why from
the time of the prophet SAW up until today Islam keeps getting stronger and is
always spreading, because it's the truth.

from a muslim!

Yada's response:

On Oct 4, 2010, at 4:52 PM, Prophet of Doom <email@prophetofdoom.net> wrote:

Dear Muslim,

God did not have to hire me, just ask. We have a very close and personal relationship. After all, He is my Father.

Since I (and He) find rape, incest, pedophilia, adultery, thievery, slavery, kidnapping, deception, mass murder, war mongering, and terrorism as evil, it's hard not to be disrespectful towards Islam's lone prophet, as he did all of these evil things. The question is, why do you trust a terrorist, mass murderer, deceiver, kidnapper, slave trader, thief, pedophile and rapist with your soul? Are you so ignorant of what is known about Muhammad from the earliest Islamic sources that you don't know that he was among the most repulsive and vicious men whoever lived, or are you aware that he was a bloodthirsty pervert and believe God condones such behavior? Those are, after all, the only informed choices.

And how is that that the single best documented, most comprehensive, chronological and contextual presentation of the Hadith and Qur'an is "ignorant?" If one cannot know Muhammad through these sources, then he cannot be known. You speak of learning the ways of Islam's prophet, and following them, and yet there are no better, more reliable, or older sources of sunnah.

You obviously don't like the fact that I did the informed and rational thing, and not only printed the most reliable and oldest Hadith, but that I also used them to put the Qur'an in chronological order, and into the context of Muhammad's life. Because by doing this, I prove that Muhammad was repulsive and that the Qur'an is rubbish. And that's pretty hard on your religion's credibility as it is destroyed by the truth.

All those who "implement the ways of Islam's prophet into their everyday lives" become sexual perverts and terrorists. How is that a good thing?


On Wed, Oct 6, 2010 at 4:07 AM, wrote:

I apologize for calling you evil. You are stupid. That's a more befitting description. There's nothing comprehensive in your writings. Just by you trying to add context and chronology to the Qur'an shows how stupid of a man you are. You use vulgar language when talking about Islam in replace of intelligent commentary, again showing your stupidity. You say you have a close relationship with God, I think not. Humility is a characteristic of one with knowledge and understanding of God, not stupidity and arrogance.

You simply serve as proof that fools are easily fooled.

Yada's response:

Outstanding response, Muslim. Your arguments are brilliant, topical, cogent, informed, and rational. I am humbled by your superior knowledge and intellect and must beg for mercy. I'm sure your god is proud of you.


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Offline Yada  
#157 Posted : Wednesday, October 6, 2010 4:21:09 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

On Tue, Oct 5, 2010 at 10:15 PM, "ZI" wrote:

Muslim Demographics:
A brilliant breakdown of the devastating influence of Islam on human liberty.

What is your opinion of it?

Can Islam be reformed, or must this religion of war be dismantled?
As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a major threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:
United States — Muslim 1.0%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1%-2%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:
Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population. They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply.
France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — Muslim 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad & Tobago — Muslim 5.8%
At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they will increase lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions (Paris — car burnings, etc.). Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats (Amsterdam — Mohammed cartoons).
Guyana — Muslim 10%
India — Muslim 13.4%
Israel — Muslim 16%
Kenya — Muslim 10%
Russia — Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:
Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%
At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:
Bosnia — Muslim 40%
Chad — Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:
Albania — Muslim 70%
Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
Qatar — Muslim 77.5%
Sudan — Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:
Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
Egypt — Muslim 90%
Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
Iran — Muslim 98%
Iraq — Muslim 97%
Jordan — Muslim 92%
Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan — Muslim 97%
Syria — Muslim 90%
Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of "Dar-es-Salaam" — the Islamic House of Peace — there’s supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:
Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%
Somalia — Muslim 100%
Yemen — Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that’s not the case. To satisfy their blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.

Yada's response:

This is outstanding work.

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Offline Yada  
#158 Posted : Wednesday, October 6, 2010 4:24:24 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 6:58 PM, "A" wrote:

May god guide you to the right path , the prophet miracle was al quran in its native arabic, and because you are not arabic native speaker and you probably read translation of the holy book you are missing the beauty and the power of it words. Only native arabs , can enjoy how beautiful is to hear the recitation of the holy book. I have no doubt in my mind that i am on the right path not because of what i learned or was born with or how my parents raised ,but because when i hear the recitation of the holy book in its arabic form , with my all of my heart i say yes i believe. We were born to worship. I think the 10,000 hours you spent studying went to waste just because you end it up with this impression. i suggest you spend some time reading from islamweb.net or from youtube lecture of ahmed deedat. I have nothing else to add, i just delivered my message.

Yada's response:

Congratulations. You, like all Muslims, completely ignored the criticism I leveled at each of the statements you made in your letter to me. Allah has obviously guided you to a place which has made you incapable of thinking. It is what religion does best.

Recognizing that you don't have a valid defense on any of the topics you, yourself, raised, you simply changed the subject. And like all Muslims, each new argument you have brought forward is invalid.

Considering this sorry state, nothing any informed and rational person tells you will prevail. You have chosen to believe a lie, even when that lie is exposed before your very eyes--on the very topics you were most confident in raising.

The only miracle associated with the Qur'an is that anyone on earth believes that this rubbish was inspired by God. Simply stated, by any rational criterion, the Qur'an is the worst book ever written. It is repetitive, contradictory, argumentative, plagiarized, jumbled, immoral, inaccurate, warmongering, and uncivilized.

Most every important word in the Qur'an is Hebrew, not Arabic. Qur'an itself is from the Hebrew qara', meaning to read and recite. So the basis of your point is invalid. Moreover, rhythm is not a substitute for truth.

The God who inspired the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms encouraged people to translate it into every language, because Yahuwah knows that its truth and beauty can be made known in any dialect. Allah, however, wrote so poorly, Muslims know that when the Qur'an is translated out of the deficient language of paleo-Arabic, into the languages of enlightened people, Allah is made to look like a fool. Moreover, no one can read or recite the Qur'an in paleo Arabic because the script lacks vowels. The Qur'an you, yourself, recite is a translation.

You are a Muslim because your parents were Muslims, and because you haven't bothered to evaluate the validity of the lie to which you were subjected. And that is why Yahuwah wrote that parents condemn their own children.

You believe out of emotion. You do not know. Religion is believing. It is the inverse of knowing.

When the Qur'an is reordered chronologically, when it is set into the context of Muhammad's life, when it is compared to the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, the only informed and rational impression/conclusion which can be drawn is that it is a lie from beginning to end. But you, rather that considering the oldest and most reliable evidence, the hadith from Muhammad and his companions, would prefer to listen to the lecture of an Islamic apologist. While that's a dumb choice, at least it is a choice.


I suggest that you read Prophet of Doom, and come to know who Muhammad actually was and what he actually did. If you can remain a Muslim after learning the truth, then at least for the first time in your life, you will have made an informed decision.

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Offline Royce  
#159 Posted : Thursday, October 7, 2010 9:38:37 AM(UTC)
Joined: 9/2/2010(UTC)
Posts: 225
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Some of these just crack me up. I love it!
Offline James  
#160 Posted : Thursday, October 7, 2010 10:07:06 AM(UTC)
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Royce wrote:
Some of these just crack me up. I love it!

I've always said Islam would be hilarious if they weren't trying to kill us. I've yet to hear a Muslim come close to making a logical, coherent or reasoned argument for their religion.
Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Yada  
#161 Posted : Thursday, October 7, 2010 3:33:31 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 5:37 PM, "BH" wrote:

deaf, dumb, and blind mother fucker.

Yada's response:

From: Prophet of Doom <email@prophetofdoom.net>
To: "BZ"
Sent: Sat, August 7, 2010 2:18:43 PM
Subject: Re: You are definately on dope dude

Deaf, Dumb, and Blind is the lot of those influenced by the myth of religion. And as for your last comment, it serves only to expose what your religion has done to your mind and character.


"BZ" responds:

On Fri, Aug 20, 2010 at 11:10 AM, "BH" wrote:

deaf dumb and blind statue worshipping mother fucker. thank god almighty that I never ever worshipped any fucken skinny statue. You skinny statue worshippers and those fat statue worshippers in china are fucken ridiculous. how the fuck can you with half a fucken brain believe in that shit. my only explanation is that you fucken morons are brainwashed since childhood. god had a son and a ghost and they became one entity? how fucken absurd and ridiculous is that?

Yada answers:

From: Prophet of Doom <email@prophetofdoom.net>
To: Beal Zevuvovich <bealzevuvovich@yahoo.com>
Sent: Fri, August 20, 2010 3:23:54 PM

Subject: Re: You are definately on dope dude


Your universal ignorance, repulsive vocabulary, and depraved character continue to shine through your every word. Muhammad, Allah, and Islam have made you a perfect Muslim--brainwashed as you have been since childhood.

I don't worship anything, and that would include statues. I don't even worship God, because Yahuweh doesn't want to be worshiped, instead known, respected, loved, and trusted.

Since you posed the question, Yahuweh is capable of manifesting His presence and nature however He wants. If He wants to diminish an aspect of Himself to human form to reveal Himself to us, and to save us, He can do that. If He wants to communicate to us Spiritually, He is more than capable of doing that as well. Both have merit.

But understanding the idea of a set-apart manifestation of God for the purpose of service and communication is well beyond your mental capability. Muhammad, Allah, and Islam have rendered you too foolish to examine evidence rationally or think logically. You can't even communicate civilly.


On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 3:44 PM, "BZ" wrote:

sure dude,

you want me to believe that some coloured jew boy is god? that's absurd. there aint no white jews dude and yes jesus was a descendant of judah son of jacob, son of isaac, son of abraham.

so Adam and eve are your god as "god manifested himself and created them."

I can't believe a thinking being can believe in that christian crap unless he was brainwashed since childhood.
that's why even with all the anti muslim propaganda, your people are still convering in big numbers. when you get rid of all of that hate you got going on and when you start using your brains, you'll throw away your stupid and ridiculous statues and start believing in god. maybe even become muslims.

Yada's response:


As I suspected, you are incapable of engaging in an informed, rational discussion. You wrote me using foul language, while making a bunch stupid statements. Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I addressed all of them. And yet the best you could do was to continue to rant. Islam has clearly ruined your character and mind.

Addressing your current issues, I want you to stop believing, not start. It is Muhammad and Allah who have beguiled you into believing rather than thinking.

Your anti-Semitic religion is not unlike Hitler's Mein Kampf. You hate "Jew boys." If you had not been so corrupted by Islam, you'd be ashamed. But as it is, you seem preocupied with the color of someone's skin, and can't get beyond racism. It is little wonder Muslims have so much in common with Nazis.

There is only one God. His name is Yahuwah. He created Adam (the Hebrew word for man) and Chawah (which in Hebrew means Life Giver). And while it seems rather simple, the creation is not the Creator.

I don't believe "the Christian crap" either. But to be honest, it's a million times more credible than Muhammad's Islamic "crap." Only those brainwashed from childhood would be foolish enough to be fooled by something so obviously false. Simply stated, Muhammad was an idiot and his god wasn't any smarter than he was. Their Qur'an is a complete mess.

A minuscule percentage of Muslims are Muslims as a result of conversion. And those who convert are almost always outcasts and criminals, abusive perverts like Muhammad. After all, it's hard to find a religion where pedophilia, rape, incest, lying, slavery, kidnapping, stealing, killing, and terrorizing are not only condoned, but are the hallmarks of the lone prophet's character. It is little wonder Islam is so popular in prison.

As for hate, it appears as if Muslims like yourself already have a monopoly. But when it comes to using one's brain, that may be the rarest commodity in Islam. I have yet to encounter a rational Muslim.

But I have encountered more than enough rude idiots.

Thanks for writing,


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#162 Posted : Saturday, October 9, 2010 3:27:59 AM(UTC)
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Please be so kind to and help me with this question: Why did Yahshua tell his disciples to carry swords?

Luke 22:35 Then he said to them: "When I sent you away without a purse or bag or shoes, did you lack anything?" No, nothing, "they replied. 36 "But now," he said, "it must have a purse, take it. The same must have a bag, and whoever has no sword, will sell his garment and buy one. 37 For I tell you that it must be fulfilled in me, that word that is written: He was numbered with the transgressors. For it is certain about me, should now be completed. "38 They said," Lord, behold here are two swords. "Enough of this!" He replied.

"The teachings of Christianity and the Bible are dissimilar things. The religion of Christianity as it is taught and observed has surprisingly little in common with Yahweh's Scripture. In fact, Yahweh is anti-religious. He hates false teachings, especially when they are spoken in His name."

Is the bible mistranslated? (From Hebrew)

Best Regards -P

Yada's response:


Unlike Allah, Yahushua didn't tell those listening to Him to buy a sword so that they could go out and kill anyone, and in fact, specifically denounced the use of all forms of violence. In this regard, His testimony is the antithesis of Muhammad and his pal Allah. Further, the "sword" in Luke 22.36 isn't actually found in the oldest manuscript of that verse, and in those in which it appears, it is a machaira, which is from mache, meaning to bring division by way of disputes so as to point out the variance between religious and political agendas. It was symbolic of Yahushua saying that He came to bring division, pointing out the differences between Yahuwah's testimony and conflicting political and religious dogmas.

The context of the discussion is sufficient to demonstrate the symbolic use of the word. Yahushua is not speaking of fighting or killing or conquering, but instead about using their past experiences with Him to predict the future when engaging as His witnesses. The message is perfectly clear, and it has nothing to do with weaponry.

That said, the oldest Greek manuscripts prove that much has been added and changed, so it is perilous to site a passage spoken in Aramaic, translated to Greek, routinely altered for political purposes, translated into Latin, and then translated into English, and think that it is remotely accurate.


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#163 Posted : Saturday, October 9, 2010 10:27:55 AM(UTC)
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On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 4:17 AM, "YD" wrote:

Dear good people of the Prophet of Doom website,

I have recently completed a 17-pg comic book called “MOHAMMED LIVES!”

It’s a classic horror parody, in which Mohammed is accidentally brought back to life by two Jewish kids, and then he goes on a killing spree. I don’t want to say any more about the plot, except that it is as offensive as possible toward Islam.

The reason I am writing to you is twofold:

*I want to email you the comic, for your own reading enjoyment.

*I want you to upload the comic to your own website. (however, I will understand if you are afraid to post it online)

I believe “MOHAMMED LIVES!” is a story that must be shared. It serves as a no-holds barred critique against Islam, and it breaks all the taboos once and for all. As for you sharing it with the greater public, you of course understand the danger, and you may choose not to...in fact, I prefer to remain anonymous for these same obvious reasons.

Please let me know if I may email you the entire comic (the cover, and 17 pages). Absolutely read it, you’ll love it. As for posting it on your website, or sharing it with others, that is your choice...

I am attaching the cover to this email, check it out. Please let me know if I should send you the rest of it...

Thank you,


A proud infidel

Yada's response:

So long as your fictional Muhammad accurately reflects what is known of the actual Muhammad from the Hadith and Qur'an, then we would be interested in seeing it. If not, or if you don't yet know, then please read Prophet of Doom and let us know if you are accurate in offending Islam.

We see no problem with exposing and condemning Muhammad, Allah, the Qur'an, Hadith, and Islam, so long as the criticisms are valid and can be substantiated. But when something is invalid and yet offensive, it does more harm than good.


Yada follows-up with:

It's pretty funny--and very cutting. There are some errors in it. You mix up the raids on the Qurayza and Khaybar, and I'm not fond of the mention of purgatory, or the religious hats, but all in all it's a good read. I'll ask our webmaster to collect the files from you and post it on our site. Nicely done. You could write for South Park.

Let me know if you don't hear from our webmaster in the next few weeks.


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#164 Posted : Saturday, October 9, 2010 10:38:57 AM(UTC)
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On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 8:49 PM, "AF"> wrote:

Mr. Winn,

I have just read your book "Prophet of Doom". I appreciate the effort it took to do the chronology and translations. My only criticism is relative to the sarcasm. I think It would be a much stronger book without the snarkey comments. Anyone with the intelligence and discipline to read anything about Islam has enough sense to make the comparisons without the sarcasm or at least to have the wit to add their own. Otherwise it is a fascinating chronology. I would never have been able to do it on my own.


You may be right (and I've considered removing some of my judgmental comments and harshness), but far more people have written me to say that without the sarcasm, without humor, it would have been impossible to endure 1000 pages dedicated to Allah's and Muhammad's rubbish. While popularity is never a gauge of right and wrong, for every letter I've received critical of my attempts at humor, I've received a hundred in support of it.

In that light, God Himself has a sense of humor, and He uses sarcasm on occasion--not to mention, He is very judgmental. And it was for Him that I compiled Prophet of Doom. But that is not to say that I wouldn't accept or promote an edited version of Prophet of Doom, one without the "snarkey comments." If you edit them out, I'll see that the sanitized version is posted. In fact, with every translation of the book, I tell the translators that they are free to remove anything and everything from the book that they find offensive, especially my humor. And yet all of them have told me that without the humor, they wouldn't endure the process.

You may be surprised by this, but religious people aren't able to process evidence rationally. Very, very few religious people are capable of thinking logically. No amount of irrefutable evidence or unassailable reason is sufficient to cause them to abandon their faith. And scholars, as a result of political correctness, are seldom judgmental, so knowing the real Muhammad isn't of any value to them. So, that is why the judgmental tone and humor remain. Although they diminish the book's effectiveness in some circles, these things serve others.


I don't know if you are aware of the Preacher in Florida that is planning to burn the Qur'an on 9/11. I feel it is un-American to do such a thing, but also that he is within his legal right to do what he likes with his property. That doesn't make it right. I feel the same way about the Ground Zero Mosque that is what brought me to your books.

I'd rather people read the Qur'an than burn it. But I like the contrast between ignorant Christians and ignorant Muslims. One is dumb and the other is deadly. So, a thinking person should ask themselves, what is it about Islam, and especially the Qur'an, that causes Muslims to want to kill people who burn an object?

Muslims want to build a mosque near the site their religion destroyed for the same reason they built a shrine and mosque on Yahuwah's Temple Mount, and for the same reason they turned Constantine's Great Cathedral into a mosque. It should not be allowed.

I knew little of Islam and wasn't particularly interested until the GZ mosque came up. Imam Rauf''s determination to place the mosque there seemed unreasonable and inexplicable for a man from a religion of peace. I started searching and it wasn't long before two things happened, the first was that a friend sent me a copy of the Qur'an translated by Abdul Hye PhD. I began to read it and it seemed disjointed and as though parts were missing.

By any rational criterion, the Qur'an is the worst book ever written. While it is disjointed, and incomplete, this is way too kind an evaluation of Allah's rant. Its failings are all listed in the Source Material Appendix of Prophet of Doom, so I won't represent them here.

Second, I began doing a bit of online research and came across several references to your book. I read several reviews and though they did a bit of name calling they didn't dispute your quotations or conclusions. That is why I read it. I am glad I did.

There is no way for a Muslim to refute any of the quotations in Prophet of Doom, because by trying they would be discrediting and contradicting their prophet and god. My sources are the oldest and most reputable Islamic sources.

They don't however like my conclusions, yet no Muslim has been able to refute any of them. And that is not to say that I am beyond criticism or inerrant. It simply means that based upon the evidence available to us, no other informed or rational conclusion can be drawn: Muhammad was not a prophet, Allah is not God, the Qur'an is not true, and Islam, like all religions, is false.

So much of what is comprised in the writings of Islam is disgraceful and at times so sickening as to make it difficult to continue reading. The repetitions and the graphic violent depictions make it a real matter of discipline to get through it.

We agree completely (which is why I attempted to add some humor into the mix to make it possible to endure). I recognize that I lost credibility with scholars, and those educated in politically correct universities, when I did so, even though Prophet of Doom is probably the best documented, most comprehensive, chronological, contextual, and indeed insightful, book ever written on this "disgraceful" religion. I therefore wrote for people who simply wanted to know the truth, who could handle the truth, who would be so repulsed by what they learned, that they would find it difficult to continue reading.

I would like to see the Florida pastor use the publicity he has attracted to make the Qur'an known with all of it's violence and inhumanity exposed. Whether he has his congregants read from your book or even the Hadith in all its gore or gives out the URL for "Prophet of Doom". He needs to change his direction , let the American people know what a horrific sham Islam is.

Once again, we agree completely. I thought this very thing myself. But I am unwilling to use a stunt to promote the book. My mission was to make the evidence available, and to get people to think judgmentally and morally about it. And while I conducted nearly 2,000 hours of talk radio interviews on Prophet of Doom, I found that most Americans, Europeans, and Australians, are too apathetic to care. As a result, Muslims will destroy their prosperity and freedom.

Today, far too few people are properly or adequately informed, and fewer still think. Their faith in politics and religion has led to this debilitating place. And I do not see any solution to this problem, especially considering the popularity of political correctness.

I wish you could get involved. This is an instance in which someone with your knowledge of Islam might be of great value. The right person at the right place at the right time.

I have completed my mission. I invested 10,000 hours exposing and condemning Islam. It made very little difference. The only benefits were: hundreds of Muslims have been saved from Islam, all Muslims with access to the internet have been left without excuse, and thousands of people have been led to www.YadaYahweh.com as a result of this effort.

So, now it is your turn.

I have a large email list of friends and am sending a short essay about this issue and adding the URL for "Prophet of Doom". I hope that helps a bit.

I have never felt so helpless about an issue of such importance.

Thank you

Thank you for promoting Prophet of Doom. Let's hope your friends read it and act upon what they learn.

Islam is very good at being bad. It corrupts everything it touches. And most people are afraid of the religion because Muslims all too often kill Muhammad's critics. But that does not make us "helpless." Saving bad Muslims from Islam is a worthy endeavor. Leaving people, Muslims and non-Muslims without excuse, is also worth doing, especially when a dogma is as deceitful, destructive, and deadly as Islam. But yet we are working against most everyone engaged in academics, politics, religion, and the media when we expose and condemn a religion--no matter how evil it may be.

Yahuwah, the God of the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, hates religion, but yet He adores freewill. So while He will work with us when we expose and condemn religious deceptions, He will not intervene so as to negate choice. Therefore, all we can do is make the truth available, and then let people react to it as they may.

Thank you for reading the book, and for your thoughtful evaluation of it and our times.

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#165 Posted : Monday, October 11, 2010 2:19:05 PM(UTC)
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On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 4:01 PM, "SD" wrote:

How dare you disrespect our prophet pbuh.

I disrespect all pedophiles, rapists, slave traders, thieves, mass murderers, and terrorists, even if they pretend to be prophets.

If you say islam is not the religion of god. Why has a child been born with allah in his ear.

You are kidding, right?

Why has a child been born in russia with verses of the quran that change every day.

You are kidding, right?

What more proof do you need.

Some actual evidence the Qur'an was inspired by an informed and rational individual as opposed to a nincompoop.

The quran has not beem plagarized how can it be the prophet pbuh could not read or write.

Actually, the proof is overwhelming that it has "beem plagarized." And I answer that question, as does the Qur'an. Muhammad bought Talmud and other Oral Law stories from rabbis who recited them to him. He then twisted them to suit his pathetic agenda, and included them in his recital. Literacy was not required.

Secondly it is well documented in history that the prophet pbuh was known as the truthful and trustworthy.

Actually, the oldest documentation, including the Qur'an itself, affirms that Muhammad was a liar whom most people did not trust. And frankly, the Qur'an is so errant, it is not trustworthy.

Thirdly, if you think is plagarized write something similiar to the quran forget that one chapter like the quran.

That has got to be the most lame argument ever made for this horrible rhythmic cesspool of a book. If you are looking for truth, try the Torah. If you are looking for rhyme with reason, try Dr. Seuss. If you are looking for similar, consider the Yemeni Hanifs whose style and substance Muhammad initially copied.

If you think islam is all about killing non-muslims you should read the constitution of madina it will show a blind person like you some light.

If you don't think the Qur'an is about killing, you should read the Medina surahs.

finally gives you the right to comment on our prophet pbuh.

I care that Muslims have been deceived by the most repulsive liar whoever lived, and I care that non-Muslims are terrorized by those who believe Muhammad.

If all muslim believed in violence believe the world would not be a nice place.

The world is not a very nice place, and especially the Islamic nations. Moreover, 95% of all terrorist acts today are committed by fundamentalist Muslims.

The fact is: Muhammad led 75 terrorist raids and Muslims are ordered to follow his violent example. That is why Islamic Jihadists scream "Allahu Akbar," Allah is the Greatest, before they commit murder.

If you didnt no one in six people is a muslim.

That helps explain why the world isn't a very nice place.

i can be rude to you as well and abuse you,

Islam is especially good at encouraging Muslims to be rude and to abuse Muslims and non-Muslims alike, so I belive you.

but that would bring be down to your level which i would never want.

Since I am seldom rude, and never abusive, and the majority of Muslims who have written me are both, it would just make you a common Muslim.

This is what islam teaches me, if you have any shame you will remove this website

kind regards

peaceful muslim preaching the message of peaceful islam

Your view of Islam is completely inconsistent with the Qur'an and Hadith, and thus with Muhammad. Moreover, if you are peaceful, according to the Qur'an's 9th surah, your god Allah hates you. He has ordered good Muslim jihadists to kill you, so be careful with what you say.

The Prophet of Doom website has been up for 8 years, and millions upon millions of people have visited and read some or all of the book. And thus far, not one Muslim has found a single material error in any of its 1000 pages. So, there is no reason to remove this website. It is telling the world the truth about Muhammad, Allah, and Islam.


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#166 Posted : Tuesday, October 12, 2010 6:34:36 AM(UTC)
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On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 11:43 PM, "BH" wrote:

informed discussion with a stupid fucken statue worshipper. what in the fuck makes you think that your dumb statue worshipper ass needs to engage in informed and rational discussions. you are a fucken lower caste hindu that for some odd reason or reasons has somehow convinced himself that he's an upper caste hindu and your narcissistic tendencies are amazing to me. I can't believe that someone with a brain believes in that shit. fucken hindu get rid of those fucken statues you dumb statue worshipping asshole.


Yada's response:


I'm pretty sure I understand the word "stupid." After all, you define it.

As for "fucken," you may want to consider using spell check and then a moral compass.

While there are some Catholics who venerate "statues," they don't actually worship them. Some Hindus, perhaps, but even they would claim to be honoring the spirit behind the visual representation. The most overt "statue worshippers" today would be Communists. They elevate their leaders to the status of gods. I, however, am not a Catholic, Hindu, or Communist. I don't worship anything.

But since you brought it up, why do Muslims prostrate themselves to a Black Stone in a stone shrine which was once the home of 360 pagan idols? Just because Muslims are unable to carve stones into statues, does not make the Black Stone or Ka'aba any less of an object of "statue worship." Something to think about when you are building a straw man argument.

As for "ass," Yahuwah, speaking prophetically of Muslims, the spiritual descendants of Ishmael, revealed: "The messenger of Yahuwah said to her (Hagar) further, 'Behold, you are with child, and you shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishma'el, because Yahuwah has heard of your affliction. And he will be a wild ass of a man. His hand will be against everyone, and everyone's hand will be against him. And he will live in hostility with his brothers." I'd encourage you to have someone read that to you while you stare in the mirror. Or simply compare God's prophecy to any recent newspaper account regarding Islamic jihadists.

I have yet "to engage in informed and rational discussions" with Muslims because, like you, they are incapable of it.

Next time you attempt to criticize someone, you may want to learn something about them first. I'm not a "fuken lower caste hindu." You are 0 for 4 on your list. But, it gets worse, I haven't "somehow convinced myself that I'm an upper caste hindu," either. I'm not Indian, nor Hindu. And I'm opposed to all religions and all forms of human oppression--which is why I'm opposed to Islam/Submission.

Considering your spelling of "fuken," I'm surprised that you could spell "narcissistic." But alas, you have used it incorrectly.

Your hatred of Hindus, which I suspect is really animosity toward Indians, is repulsive. Indians have bent over backwards to tolerate and accommodate Muslims--who have done nothing but kill and abuse them for the past 1300 years.

You may want to consider getting rid of your hatred, your racism, and your statue-worshiping religion.

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#167 Posted : Friday, October 15, 2010 3:15:24 PM(UTC)
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Prophet of Doom <email@prophetofdoom.net>
Date: Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: Seek the truth not what you would like the truth to be the truth is the truth nothing more and nothing less it is pure and to tamper with it to form an opinion is an untruthful way to live
To: "FO"


Seek the truth not what you would like the truth to be the truth is the truth nothing more and nothing less it is pure and to tamper with it to form an opinion is an untruthful way to live.

As a new Muslim woman I have to say I wish you would quote in context your quotes from the holy quran are compleatly out of context. Unlike others who have already directed you to your mistakes and like myself are angry and pained but the miss use of our holy scripture I will not swearer or threaten. I just hope you learn to read in context and advise you to seek advice from scholars. Belive me Allah knows best and using things out of context is as bad if not worse than a lie and I pray you open your eyes to what you are saying. When a man is described to wash after touching a woman it is describing sexual intercourse this is just one mistake you have made and this I belive is maybe as you havent read the Islamic script when reading a translation that is all it is a translation the holy quran has not been changed sins the time it was written and is pure and can only truly be read in Arabic or if you have to read a translation I suggest you read one with full commentary describing were the verses came from and why they came into existence and why Allah deemed it nesasery. By turning away people from Islam through your ignorance you are committing a huge sin wether you are religious or not you are damming the truth or people to seek there own truth by giving bias information. I dont know your back ground or your motives for writing what you do but personally I belive an intelligent human being would not be led by there emotions and base there arguments simply on facts. Your facts are taken out of context and so are bias. I would dearly love you to post this on your wall of response to show that a Muslim woman who you have dearly insulted can rise above what you have written and cannot be provoked by lies about her holy scripture. I hope you go out now to seek truth for your own well being so you refrain from putting your self in this position of sounding so unfounded and untruthful.

Dear Muslim Woman,

Why must you lie to defend your religion? The inverse of what you claim is actually true.

Prophet of Doom is the most contextual and chronological presentation of the Qur'an and Hadith ever written. As such, it presents a perfectly accurate portrayal of Islam's perverted prophet and his wannabe god. Prophet of Doom is also the best documented and most comprehensive presentation of Islam's five oldest and most credible sources, making it impossible for any informed or rational person to disagree with its conclusions.

It is amazing that Muslim women, among the most abused and repressed people on earth, would rally on behalf of Muhammad, who according to the Qur'an and Hadith, was a pedophile, a rapist, an adulterer, incestuous, and general sexual pervert who routinely abused women.

Wake up, woman, and learn the truth. Stop promoting the repulsive deception which is oppressing you and all other Muslim women.


On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 9:50 AM, "FO" wrote:

salams brother Yada

i cannot advise you any further as you are determind not to listen


I responded to your errant criticism of Prophet of Doom (a book which you didn’t even bother to read before you criticized it) by asking you a question: Why must you lie to defend your religion? Why didn’t you answer it?

Moving on to your next false statement, you cannot advise me because you know much less than I do about your sexually perverted and vicious terrorist false prophet Muhammad, about the twisted and demented spirit you call Allah, about the repulsive and idiotic recital known by the Hebrew name Qur'an, about the hideous oral reports called Hadith, and about the conception of the religion of Submission known as Islam. This difference in knowledge and understanding is why I am not a Muslim and why you are one.

I prove, and document, using only the most reputable translations of the oldest and most credible Islamic sources (Qur’an, Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, Muslim) that Muhammad was incestuous, adulterous, a pedophile, a rapist, a liar, a thief, a kidnapper, an extortionist, a slave trader, a pirate, an assassin, a mass murderer, and a terrorist. But when I told you these things, you simply ignored the truth as if your mind was so full of religious myths and misconceptions that there was no longer any room for factual evidence.

If what I’ve reported to you and documented in the 1000 pages which comprise Prophet of Doom is true, Islam cannot be true. Therefore, under this circumstance, I’ve given you one of the greatest of all gifts: your freedom, real peace, understanding.

But if what I’ve written and told you is not true, why can’t you disprove it? Why must you ignore it? Why hasn’t a single Muslim among the millions who have witnessed the Prophet of Doom site been able to refute anything I’ve presented therein? Not one, ever, and countless Muslims have tried.

The answer is: they can’t refute anything I’ve written because it is not only accurate, but because it is based entirely on the oldest and most reputable Islamic sources. Think of it this way, Aisha: if the five oldest Islamic sources (Qur’an, Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, Muslim) are not true, Islam cannot be true. And if the five oldest sources are accurate, then Islam is the most vicious, immoral, oppressive, and foolish religion ever conceived by man. Either way, your religion is false. It is really as simple as that—at least it is for someone whose mind is open, who seeks to learn the truth, and who has the ability to process evidence rationally.

I have listened, perhaps as closely as anyone has in a very long time, to Muhammad speak to us through his Qur'an recital and his Hadith oral reports. And what I heard was appalling, repulsive, perverted, violent, deceptive, destructive, deadly, damning, grossly immoral, and completely untrue. I have even listened to thousands of Muslims as they promote and defend their demonic god and his pathetic prophet.

It is telling that you have been given the name Aisha, the six year old child Muhammad sexually abused when he was 50 years old in a wanton act of pedophilia. And yet, you believe this pervert of a man and trust him with your soul.

you have put yourself in a position you feel you can no longer get out of this way of life in its self has become your religion.

Once again you are demonstrating your relative ignorance, Aisha. I know the way to get out of this life, how to live forever in God's company, and it is the antithesis of what is taught in your religion, or in any religion for that matter. I compiled a 2,500 page book on precisely how Yahuwah described and prepared the Way should you be interested at: www.YadaYahweh.com. I am therefore against all religions. Instead, I have formed a personal and familial relationship with Yahuwah.

But may I ask you, why do you believe Allah and Muhammad when he/they say that the only guaranteed way into paradise, which is filled with virgins to be abused and rivers which flow with wine, is to die killing others on their behalf? Why would any rational person believe such utter nonsense?

i wish you truly understood the gravety of your acusations

There is no reason for you to "wish" for this outcome, Aisha, because I came to fully understand the gravity of my accusations against Muhammad, Allah, Islam, the Qur'an, and Hadith during the time I was using the Ishaq's Biography of Muhammad (Islam's oldest written witness) and Tabari's History (the most comprehensive and earliest presentation of Islam's formation) to reorder the Qur'an chronologically (as it is currently jumbled) and to set it into the context of Muhammad's life (so that it could be properly understood). It immediately became obvious, as it does to any informed and rational person, that Muhammad was among the dumbest, most disreputable, most sexually perverted, and most ruthlessly violent and immoral men whoever lived. And it became clear that he recited the rubbish known as the Qur'an solely to satiate his personal cravings for sex, power, and money.

The wisest and most compassionate response to these undeniable realizations was to expose and condemn Muhammad, Allah, the Qur'an, the Hadith, and Islam. I did so to save Muslims like you from this lie, and to save non-Muslims from the violence and terrorism Islam continues to inspire.

and truly understood what you have writen in your oppinon this prophet of doom is "the most contextual and chronological presentation of the Qur'an and Hadith ever written". this is purly your oppinon

It’s not opinion. It is a statement of fact. The difference between these labels is information—something you lack because you haven’t actually bothered to read the book.

It is telling however, that you ignored what I told you next. I affirmed my evaluation of Prophet of Doom by saying: “As such, it presents a perfectly accurate portrayal of Islam's perverted prophet and his wannabe god. Prophet of Doom is also the best documented and most comprehensive presentation of Islam's five oldest and most credible sources, making it impossible for any informed or rational person to disagree with its conclusions.”

You didn’t address this, Aisha, because you cannot refute it.

and you have twisted the arabic to suite your aim.

Again I ask: why must you lie to defend your religion? The translations in Prophet of Doom are not my own, so it would not have been possible for me to “have twisted the Arabic.” For credibility sake, I relied upon the five most popular and revered Islamic translations of the Qur’an, as well as internationally renowned translators of Ishaq, Tabari, Bukhari, and Muslim.

Beyond this, most all of the Qur’an’s most important words, like Qur’an itself (from qara’), are tortured transliterations of Hebrew, not Arabic. Many more are even more convoluted transliterations of Greek, like Injeel, from euangelion. And countless other words are simply made up, and do not have meaning in any language.

Furthermore, the oldest copies of the Qur’an are in paleo Arabic and thus have no vowels or punctuation, so what is read today in religious or modern Arabic Qur’ans is already a translation—one “twisted to suit” a religious agenda. Written Arabic wasn’t even developed until the 7th century CE. And even then it was developed by Syrian Christians to share Yahuwah’s message with illiterate Arabs.

Sorry, Aisha, I didn’t twist the Arabic to suit my aims. Instead Muhammad used Arabic to twist Muslims.

i do pitty you that you canot have an oppen minde belive me i alsways question my faith to better understand it and i am always rewarded from the quran and hadith with answers that satisfie my questions and yet i am still a muslim.

Those who question come to know and then understand. Those who believe accept what they do not know by faith. That is the difference between a rational person and a religious one.

The 5th surah of the Qur’an warns Muslims that those who question the Qur’an will lose their faith. So, if what you have written it true, your god lied to you. Or, Allah told you the truth, that questioning the Qur’an will lead to you rejecting him, and it is you who have deceived yourself. Which is it Aisha?

Here is a question for you Aisha: Since Allah claims repetitively to have inspired and confirmed the “Tawart (an errant transliteration of towrah), the Zabur (a reference to the Davidic Psalms from a perversion of the Hebrew zamir), and Injeel (a corruption of the Greek euangelion), why is his name Allah, and not Yahuwah, and why is the Qur’anic message the antithesis of that found in the Torah, Psalms, and Euangelion?

Here is another question for you: why did Allah call the Ma’aseyah Yahushua “Issa,” when Issa is a transliteration of Esau? Does Allah not know Esau from Yahushua?

Or if you want a simple question: why does Allah say that the sun goes to bed in a muddy spring and prostrates itself and talks to Allah?

And here is a hard one: why do the overwhelming majority of the Hadith/Oral Reports found in the oldest Islamic sources depict Muhammad killing, robbing, raping, abusing children sexually, engaging in the slave trade, kidnapping, warmongering, and acting as a ruthless terrorist if none of this was actually true?

i wonder how you feel about other faiths and wether this feling is an overall feling for all religion or just mine

Your ignorance is showing once again. You may want to hitch up your burka. If you had read the book you were trying to criticize, you would have known the answer. I have concluded after a lifetime of study that your religion, Islam, is just the worst of many.

i faile to see what your aim is apart from to ridicule a religion you clearly feel you know a great deal about but clearly from the ignorant way in wich you talk have very little idea about.

Your religious experience is all about “feeling” Aisha. But don’t project your religious limitations on others. There are those of us you are not stunted by beliefs, nor bewildered by faith.

I have proven, by way of presenting you with 1000 pages of documented evidence from the five oldest and most respected Islamic sources, that I know a great deal about Muhammad, Allah, the Qur’an, the Hadith, and Islam’s formation. And when we compare your letters to that research it becomes readily obvious that I know vastly more than you do, Aisha. And yet, without even reading the book and considering the evidence, you call me “ignorant.” May I suggest a mirror?

If you believe that providing conclusions based upon 5,000 Islamic citations from the oldest and most reputable Islamic sources is an “ignorant way to talk,” then you are truly beyond the reach of evidence and reason.

i pray allah oppens your eyes as you do have potential to a very prolifik muslim due to your enthusiasm to alsk questions if only you could only be truly oppen to there answeres you may be a happyer more content less agresive person with a good meaning to your life rather than to acuse a religion and a profit of things you were not there to witness.

Allah was modeled after Satan—so he cannot open anyone’s eyes. Why do you think he spends his days in hell, torturing people in a sadistic way? Why do you think his paradise is perverted? Why do you think he wants Muslims to fight and kill for him? Why do you think his Qur’an is the opposite of the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms? Why do you think his name is Allah, not Yahuwah? Why do you think that Islam means submission? Why do you think Islamic nations remain the least free, least prosperous, least moral, least educated, least inventive places, most oppressive, most violent, and sexist places on earth? Why do you think Muslims commit 95% of the world’s acts of terrorism? And speaking of terrorism, why is the Islamic Prayer of Fear, the cry every good Muslim jihadist screams before they commit murder, ‘Allahu Akbar’ – Allah is the Greatest? Whom do you suppose Allah wants you to believe he is greater than? Yahuwah perhaps?

Muslims become prolific by making ignorant and immoral accusations, not by questioning. It is impossible to be an informed and rational Muslim.

There is nothing happier than knowing Yahuwah. There is no better source of answers than Yahuwah’s Torah, Prophets, and Psalms. He alone provides meaning to life. But to know Him, you will first have to leave your religion, change your attitude, alter your perspective, and then adjust your thinking. And then you will have to consider His witness with an open mind.

He wrote: “Yahuwah’s (YaHuWaH’s) Towrah (towrah – law, instruction, and prescription for living) is complete and entirely perfect (tamym – without defect, lacking nothing, correct, sound, genuine, right, helpful, healing, beneficial, and true), returning, restoring, and transforming (suwb – turning around and bringing back) the soul (nepesh – our consciousness). Yahuwah’s (YaHuWaH’s) testimony (‘eduwth – and witness) is trustworthy and reliable (‘aman – verifiable, confirming, supportive, and establishing), making understanding and obtaining wisdom (hakam – educating and enlightening to the point of comprehension) simple for the open-minded (pethy).” (Psalm 19:7)

If you heed this advice, Aisha, you will aggressively accuse all religions of being false, especially Islam.

I would be remiss if I didn’t take you to task for your “rather than to acuse a religion and a profit of things you were not there to witness.” There were plenty of eyewitnesses to Muhammad and his creation of Islam. One of the most repetitive themes in the Qur’an is Muhammad’s fellow tribesmen saying that he was lying, that he was demon possessed, that he was not speaking for god. They knew him better than any Muslim living today. Further, the value of Ishaq’s biography of Muhammad, and of Tabari’s History of Islam’s formation, is that they have compiled every known Hadith/Oral Report from Muhammad and the first Muslims. If you want to know what Muhammad was actually like, if you want to emulate him as the Qur’an asks you to do, then everything which can be known about Islam’s lone prophet, and Allah’s lone messenger, is found in these five sources. But fair warning: the oldest Islamic sources all affirm that Muhammad was a sexual pervert and ruthless terrorist.

As for profiting, Prophet of Doom, like Yada Yahweh, is free.

you never met the profit peace be apon him so your only judjment is on here say i know mine is also but how would you like it if i was told by a few ppl that a relation or someone you hold dear is like this that and the other and then i spred it all over the web with never meating the person only going on here say.

I will be at his trial. And I will testify against him. Like the Meccans, and the Jews of Yathrib, I have come to know that Muhammad was among the most evil, vicious, and perverted men who ever lived. And Muhammad will be judged guilty by Yahuwah and sent to the Abyss along with all other Muslim apologists. Of these things I am certain.

My hope is that you and other Muslims disavow him as he disavowed his oaths, so that you don’t also earn his fate.

If you are trying to make me feel guilty for telling you the truth, for accurately reporting what the eyewitnesses said, that won’t work, Aisha. I know that the most honorable and compassionate thing I can do is to tell you that Muhammad and his god are not trustworthy. In hopes of saving ever more Muslims, I will continue to expose and condemn them the world over.

If I were defaming someone other than the founder of a religion, someone who was unknown and unknowable, someone other than the source of thousands of Hadith and Qur’an passages, someone other than a man who was proud of his crimes and boasted about them, someone who had not brought wholesale destruction and death to our world with his religion, your concern that I have taken “someone you hold dear is like this” and then “spred it all over the web with never meating the person,” would have been valid. But I only reported what he said and did, and did so in his words.

and yet there was an explination for what others saw as bad but was infact good, but because the couldent see the intentions of the person and mearly whent on what they saw and herd in they made there own conclusion and infected others with thos views. to do this in islam is a major sin one of the most desgusting things you can do.

This is textbook Islam. Good is bad and bad is good. We should therefore not be surprised that Muhammad personally violated all ten of Yahuwah’s commandments.

And yes I know, telling the truth about Muhammad, Allah, and Islam is considered a major sin in Islam, one of the worst things you can do. That is why fundamentalist Islamic nations never allow freedom of speech or even freedom of religion. The one thing certain to destroy the Islamic religion is the truth.

i think you need to oppen your heart and minde to evry posability even the fact you may be wrong and explore it talk to scholers and test you ideas on them see how they answere you.

Since Muslims are almost universally ignorant of what the oldest Islamic sources reveal Muhammad was really like, their only defense is: “talk to scholers.” But let me ask you this, Aisha: since everything which can be known about Muhammad and his creation of the Qur’an and Islam is recorded in Ishaq’s Sira, Tabari’s Tarikh, and in the topical Hadith collected by Bukhari and Muslim (collectively the only extant witnesses written within 200 years of Muhammad’s death), how is it possible that the opinions of modern scholars would be superior to the oldest evidential sources? Or, what better way is there to understand the Qur’an than to use the Sira and Tarikh to arrange it chronologically and set it into the context of Muhammad’s life—as Prophet of Doom does for you?

Said another way, do you want to hear excuses for Muhammad being a pedophile, a rapist, a mass murderer, and a terrorist, or do you want to deal with the fact that he was all of these things?

it is said in the quran if you "muslims" talk to non muslims about islam and explaine misconceptions then some will except straight away others will just hear the azan and becom muslims but some you can answere all there questions and they cannot hear you at all maybe unfortunatly you are just someone who will not hear at all beacus you dont want to or are scared to pleas inform me of any questions you have and i will try to answere or pass the questions on to scholers who may have a better understanding about what you are alsking and give you therefore better answeres.

The Qur’an actually contradicts the passage you are paraphrasing, and tells Muslims never to talk to non-Muslims. So was Allah lying when he told you to, or when he told you not to? And if Allah is god, why is the Qur’an so contradictory that it has a verse telling you how to deal with its contradictions?

Since Muslims know that they cannot refute anything I’ve written, they revert to the silly notion that I’m somehow “scared” of their religion. But if I were scared of your religion, and its tendency to murder those who expose it, then would I have written Prophet of Doom?

Aisha, you cannot be so desperate, or indeed misguided, as to actually think that you or some scholar can answer questions about Muhammad which I do not already have answers to. I know him, and indeed understand him, far better than you or your scholars. And if you read Prophet of Doom, you too will understand Muhammad better than any Islamic scholar.

i hope you have a good day or good night were ever you are in the world and take care of your slef and try not to hert or ofend others for this is a key thing in islam but is also a basik human right that we can live in peace together without fear. belive me every muslim i know belives in this even if there are those like you who misinterprate the quran non muslim and muslim. those who wish to do harm to others with in our own faith or those out side of it. islam the true islam dose not tolerate ppl like that and they will feel the wrath of allah on the day of judjment.


If telling people the truth is offensive, then those who are offended are deceived.

Muslims will never know peace. They have never known peace. Their religion is the most overtly hostile, violent, intolerant, oppressive, destructive, and deadly man has ever conceived. If it were not for terrorism and conquest, Islam would not exist. A river of blood flows from Muhammad’s feet. Those are the historical facts and they cannot be denied.

Yahuwah gave humankind two basic rights: life and freewill—both of which Islam curtails.

Your view, Aisha, of what constitutes a good Muslim is the antithesis of Allah’s as presented in the 9th surah. Your god said that he hates peaceful Muslims. Allah calls those who do not fight and kill for him “hypocrites.” He orders good Muslim jihadists to kill peaceful moderate Muslims so that he can roast them in the hottest parts of hell. So if you are peace loving, Aisha, your god and your prophet hate you.

I think you deserve better. God knows you deserve better.

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Offline Yada  
#168 Posted : Thursday, October 21, 2010 1:59:22 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

> Date: Wed, 20 Oct 2010 12:05:50 -0700
> Subject: Re: IQ's response to my email paraphrasing your comments about
> IQ --"JM"
> From: email@prophetofdoom.net
> JM,
> The point I was trying to make is: Muhammad=the Hadith=the
> Quran=Allah=Islam=Sharia=Wahabism=Islamic Terrorism. People are willing
> to expose and condemn Sharia and Wahabism because most audiences are
> unaware that they are nothing more than an extension of Muhammad's
> words and deeds. Muhammad was the personification of Allah, Allah's
> creator, his only voice and messenger. The Qur'an is from Muhammad in
> the voice of his wannabe god persona. Muhammad and Allah are the same
> person, sharing the same attitudes and ambitions. Allah is inseparable
> from Muhammad.
> Audiences are uncomfortable criticizing a religion, or even listening
> to someone who does. So by criticizing Sharia and Wahabism, audiences
> come to believe that these things are a corruption of the true
> religion, and thus appropriate to condemn. But in fact, they are the
> truest expression of the religion as it was lived and taught by Islam's
> lone messenger. Therefore, it is good that IQ speaks of Sharia and
> Wahabism, as that will enlarge his audience, especially if he makes the
> connection to fundamentalist Islam, to Muhammad himself, after he has
> done so.
> One of the reasons that I have survived when people doing far less have
> been killed, is that by drawing attention to me Muslims draw attention
> to a foe they cannot refute--the oldest Islamic sources: the Qur'an and
> Hadith. So by basing everything I wrote on documented evidence from the
> Hadith and Qur'an, Prophet of Doom's credibility and validity had
> nothing to do with me and everything to do with Muhammad, someone
> Muslims cannot refute, and it also made it counterproductive for
> Muslims to bring attention to this evidence by killing me. If IQ does
> the same thing, he too will survive it.
> Yada
> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:28 AM, Yada
> > wrote:
> JM,
> IQ's references to Sharia will help him in PC environments, where
> criticizing a religion is not allowed. So, my only thought here was to
> tie Sharia to the Hadith, the Hadith to Muhammad, and then Muhammad to
> fundamentalist Islam. They are all one in the same.
> With Wahabism, the historical connection between cleric and now king,
> Wahab and Saud, is as important as tying Wahab to the salaf Hadith.
> That way people will come to understand how Arabia became Saudi Arabia
> and why Wahabism is nothing more than fundamentalist Islam--which is
> based upon the Hadith. Too many people think that Saudi Arabia is a
> country allied with the West in fighting Islamic terrorism, when
> instead it is a private estate committed to promoting Islamic terrorism
> by promoting salaf/fundamentalist Islam.
> You and I did 1500 one hour long radio shows Jerry, and yet IQ is
> right. For the most part, I was not listened to. And even today, there
> are very few people willing to talk about Muhammad's willingness to
> rape, murder, rob, enslave and terrorize, or that Islam cannot be
> separated from Muhammad. He was a terrorist so Muslims are terrorists.
> Understand Muhammad, and you will understand Islam, the Qur'an, and
> Allah.
> I am not surprised that IQ is threatened by Muslims. As an Arab/Persian
> Iraqi, and as one who was raised in an Islamic nation, and as someone
> living in London, he is at greater risk than I am. I'm glad that he is
> using a pen name. I am appreciative and respectful of his courage.
> IQ writes brilliantly. He is very well informed. He is relentlessly
> rational. So I did not mean to infer that he could or should learn
> anything from me or from Prophet of Doom. I was just encouraging him to
> use it as a resource to expose Muhammad, the Hadith, the Qur'an,
> Sharia, Wahabism, and fundamentalist Islam. POD's only value to IQ is
> that it uses the four best and oldest Hadith sources to reorder the
> Qur'an chronologically and to set it into the context of Muhammad's
> life. Apart from investing the thousands of hours to do this for
> themselves, this is the best way for IQ's audience to understand
> Muhammad, Allah, the Qur'an, and the religion of Islam. So as he is
> stating his conclusions, IQ may want to reference the free book as
> evidence, as proof from Islam's best and oldest sources that his
> comments are valid.
> Based upon the article you sent me, I'm convinced that IQ already knows
> everything he needs to know to deliver this message effectively. And
> that is a rare commodity. Most people start preaching before they
> properly prepare.
> IQ is the right man for this mission.
> Yada
> PS: If you share this email with IQ, which you have my permission to
> do, please ask him to refrain from demeaning Deuteronomy until such
> time as he comes to understand the Torah better. I realize that like
> Ibn Warriq, by doing so he is seen as more scholarly and even-handed in
> pc circles, but the comparison between the Torah and Islam is not even
> remotely valid. If IQ would like to know the Torah better, if this is
> of interest to him, please encourage him to consider
> www.YadaYahweh.com.
> Yada
> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 10:58 AM, "JM"
> > wrote:
> From: "IQ"
> Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 1:49 PM
> To: "JM"
> Subject: Re: Yada's feedback
> -J
> What a dissertation. WOW! and all of it is true!
> I shall do my best at reformulating the manner of my analysis of Sharia.
> I have read every word you wrote carefully and shall act upon almost
> all Yada's suggestions.
> Yada's voice was the first that BLUNTLY addressed the issues of
> Muhammad's DEPRAVITIES after 9/11 BUT was NOT listened to!
> In his 'letter to the reader' he predicted exactly the SAME attacks
> that were levelled against him and myself.
> I thank you for TRUSTING me with his message and please convey to him
> my gratitude for his valour and knowledge.
> I shall most certainly LEARN again from his book that I have had with
> me since 2003.
> God bless you all
> IQ
> On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 6:02 PM, "JM"
> > wrote:
> IQ,
> I hesitated to email you this but later decided it might be beneficial
> to you and the work you are doing.
> Yada informed me that he appreciates your bluntness and logic
> that he finds similar to his own style.
> He hopes you can focus more on the fact that Sharia is based upon the
> Hadith, and the Hadith affirm that Muhammad was a sexual pervert and
> terrorist.
> Yada also would encourage you to use the Qur'an to explain why there
> are no moderate Muslim voices, much less influential leaders. He did
> like who you understand and teach why Islam cannot be moderated, which
> is correct, although he wished you had explained why an Islamic
> reformation would be counterproductive. These are genuinely central
> issues that he is delighted to see someone else addressing. Yada
> particularly liked how you correctly teach that a "moderate" Muslim is
> a person who IGNORES much of what their religion teaches and demands.
> Yada is resolute in his believe that Sharia (which is based entirely
> on Hadith, and mostly Muhammad's example) is proof that when Muslims
> protest that they only consider the Qur'an, they are blatantly lying.
> Prophet of Doom focuses on Muhammad because Muhammad is the focus of
> Sharia, and Sharia is the foundation of Islam.
> So, if you could focus more on Sharia, Prophet of Doom should be a very
> good resource for you to use as it uses the Hadith to reorder the
> Qur'an chronologically and set it into the context of Muhammad's
> life--and as such, it serves as the best window into the basis of
> Sharia.
> Yada’s view is that Wahabism is simply fundamentalist Islam. It is
> inseparable from the Sauds, because the Saud Wahab alliance is how they
> came to own/control Arabia. It is salaf/ancestor Islam, which means
> that Wahabists, like those who promote Sharia, believe that they are
> called to follow Muhammad's example as it is presented in the Hadith.
> That being the case, reading Ishaq's Shira/Biography and Tabari's
> Tarikh/History, or Prophet of Doom which combines them around the
> Qur'an, is essential to understanding the perverted and violent nature
> of Islam. These sources prove that Islamic terrorists have not
> corrupted their religion, but instead, Islam has corrupted them. Simply
> stated: All good Muslims are terrorists because Muhammad was a
> terrorist.
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Offline Yada  
#169 Posted : Friday, November 12, 2010 2:46:28 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 1:08 PM, "R" wrote:

I thank you for your informative website. Interesting these so called warriors had to turn to terrorism when they kept getting their asses whipped in real battle and they got their OPEC up and running. What would they be without their oil $$$$. The same losers they have always been only less able to hurt innocent people.

The utter horror of this religion speaks for itself in their history or conquests, murder, genocide, torture, rape, incest, pedifilia, animal torture, terrorism and so on.

After reading your previous posts it only demonstrates their barbarian and evil view on life. Their true punishment will be when they find out they have been duped for centuries and they feel the endless fire of hell. Satan is their god.

God Bless America,

Jesus is Lord.

I will remain nameless since these barbarians seem to like to kill people.

Yada's response:


Satan is the god of Islam, and OPEC is the fuel upon which Islamic terrorism runs, but there are no fires in hell. Fire is a metaphor for judgment. And the Abyss is a lightless eternal prison for souls and spirits, thus excluding fire.

Muslim souls who have been duped, will simply cease to exist. Muslim souls who have promoted their demonic religion, will be sent to the Abyss. You see, there are three fates for human souls, not just two, heaven or hell. Christians and Muslims both miss this Scriptural reality because it is bad for business. But there are a hundred times more Scriptural passages depicting the death and destruction of souls than there are describing eternal life in either heaven or hell.

God has never and will never bless America. That is a political and religious myth. He has and will bless Yisra'el.

"Jesus" isn't the Ma'aseyah's name. It is Yahowsha'. One is wrong and meaningless, even counterproductive. The other answers most every important question regarding our salvation. It is Yahowah who saves.

Yahowah hates the title "Lord," because it is Ba'al's title, and Ba'al is Satan. It is Satan who wants to lord over and control men and women, not Yahowah. He wants to be our Father.

Unfortunately, Christians have been duped into believing that they should worship and pray to "Jesus Christ," and that their "Jesus Christ" died for them. But that is not what the Ma'aseyah Yahowsha's asked us to do, and God cannot die. In reality, Yahowsha' is a diminished manifestation of Yahowah, set apart from God to serve us by fulfilling and enabling the Torah's promises.

To learn the truth about Yahowah and His implement, Yahowsha', I invite you to read: www.YadaYahweh.com.

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Offline Richard  
#170 Posted : Wednesday, November 24, 2010 9:52:24 AM(UTC)
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Yada wrote:
As for "fucken," you may want to consider using spell check and then a moral compass.

You guys just crack me up. Outstanding response, Yada!
Offline Royce  
#171 Posted : Wednesday, November 24, 2010 5:23:01 PM(UTC)
Joined: 9/2/2010(UTC)
Posts: 225
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Yahowsha' is a diminished manifestation of Yahowah

I noticed the spelling is different from what we have seen before, is this a new discovery?
Offline James  
#172 Posted : Thursday, November 25, 2010 6:10:40 AM(UTC)
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Royce wrote:
I noticed the spelling is different from what we have seen before, is this a new discovery?

Yahuwah/Yahowah, is actually probably slightly more accurate than Yahuweh, as a pronunciation. I started thinking about this one time when explaining to a friend about how we can approximate the pronunciation of YHWH, and realized that a good argument can be made for Yahuwah over Yahuweh, I latter found out that Yada had come to the same conclusion a while ago. The reasoning goes like this,

Yod Hey Waw Hey

We know that the Yod Hey makes a Yah sound, because it is found in so many names and words in the Hebrew language, i.e. YashaYah, EliYah, etc. Names and words we know how to pronounce, and with which there is no debate over.

The Waw we know makes a uw sound, for much the same reason, we can look at all the other words that contain it, and see that it makes this sound.

So thus far we have YahUw and a Hey.

So with the second Hey, we have a couple of possibilities for how it is pronounced. The most common is exactly as it was pronounced earlier in the name, and that is as a ah sound. The Yod Hey gives the Yah sound, because the Yod gives a Y sound, and the Hey a ah. So if we are to pronounce the Hey consistently in the name we get Yahuwah. That said their are instances where the Hey does make a eh sound, so it might be Yahuweh. From what I have noticed the ah sound it more prevalent, and Yada who has done a lot more work in Hebrew than myself, has found this to be true as well.

So I am inclined to believe that Yahuwah is probably closer to the actual pronunciation. All that said as someone pointed out in another thread, all of us English speaking folk, are likely butchering it anyways, I have a Jewish friend, with a very Jewish name, and it took me forever to learn to pronounce it right, and that was with him correcting me every time I messed it up. So I'm willing to bet we are all messing Yah's name up slightly, but at least we are trying. One day when we sit next to Him, I'm sure He will teach us all how to properly pronounce it, but I think I might still be more apt to just call Him Dad.
Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Royce  
#173 Posted : Thursday, November 25, 2010 9:48:40 AM(UTC)
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Posts: 225
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James wrote:
Yahuwah/Yahowah, is actually probably slightly more accurate than Yahuweh, as a pronunciation. I started thinking about this one time when explaining to a friend about how we can approximate the pronunciation of YHWH, and realized that a good argument can be made for Yahuwah over Yahuweh, I latter found out that Yada had come to the same conclusion a while ago. The reasoning goes like this,

Yod Hey Waw Hey

We know that the Yod Hey makes a Yah sound, because it is found in so many names and words in the Hebrew language, i.e. YashaYah, EliYah, etc. Names and words we know how to pronounce, and with which there is no debate over.

The Waw we know makes a uw sound, for much the same reason, we can look at all the other words that contain it, and see that it makes this sound.

So thus far we have YahUw and a Hey.

So with the second Hey, we have a couple of possibilities for how it is pronounced. The most common is exactly as it was pronounced earlier in the name, and that is as a ah sound. The Yod Hey gives the Yah sound, because the Yod gives a Y sound, and the Hey a ah. So if we are to pronounce the Hey consistently in the name we get Yahuwah. That said their are instances where the Hey does make a eh sound, so it might be Yahuweh. From what I have noticed the ah sound it more prevalent, and Yada who has done a lot more work in Hebrew than myself, has found this to be true as well.

So I am inclined to believe that Yahuwah is probably closer to the actual pronunciation. All that said as someone pointed out in another thread, all of us English speaking folk, are likely butchering it anyways, I have a Jewish friend, with a very Jewish name, and it took me forever to learn to pronounce it right, and that was with him correcting me every time I messed it up. So I'm willing to bet we are all messing Yah's name up slightly, but at least we are trying. One day when we sit next to Him, I'm sure He will teach us all how to properly pronounce it, but I think I might still be more apt to just call Him Dad.

cool stuff buddy, very cool
Offline Yada  
#174 Posted : Friday, November 26, 2010 9:05:36 AM(UTC)
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On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 2:10 AM, STM wrote:

I think it extremely pathetic and irresponsible on your part to have put yourself in danger. It’s not what your site contains or tries to prove; the only thing it proved was your hatred and bigotry towards the faith of world’s 1/3 population. Sporadic use of verses taken out of their context, and traditions which are debated over in different Islamic schools of thought was fairly weak at your end. Your website not for once led me to question a belief system but has led me to question your state of mind and your intolerant way of life.

There are good and bad in every society, you seem to exemplify the “bad” of your society. Before cutting and pasting bits and pieces of information from here and there, one would think that common sense would lead one to justify its claims through pure reason and logic. Seems you lack both, intellect and reason.

I wish you all the best in your endowers, good luck in what “truth” you’re searching for and hope your soul finds peace.

The irony of all of this is that somewhere a mother has lost her child, a spouse, their better half and a child, its protector just to have their souls watch people like you turn the meaning to their sacrifice to dust.

I sincerely hope you find peace as the only thing the likes of you has contributed to society is hate. Sleep peacefully as someone died just to have people like you undo their sacrifice.



Yada's response:


Like all Muslims, your criticism of Prophet of Doom is unfounded. Rather than "take sporadic verses out of their context, and traditions which are debated in different Islamic schools," the book is the result of doing the opposite. It is the best documented, most comprehensive, contextual, and chronological presentation of Islam's five oldest and most credible sources ever compiled. So this being the case, why were you compelled to lie on behalf of your religion? Are you incapable of defending Muhammad, Allah, the Qur'an, the Hadith, and Islam, and repudiating the 1000 pages of Islamic citations in Prophet of Doom, using evidence and reason?

I did not criticize Muslims, but instead Muhammad and his religion, Islam, and thus there is no "bigotry" in the book. As for hatred, I hate the fact that over a billion people believe the rubbish of a pedophile, rapist, slave trader, kidnapper, thief, liar, assassin, mass murderer, and ruthless terrorist: Muhammad.

Being "intolerant" of ruthless, deadly, destructive, and deceitful dogmas like Islam which are merciless and beguiling, is among the most loving, compassionate, wise, and courageous things a person can do. And the only reasons Prophet of Doom didn't lead you to question your religion are that your religion does not tolerate being questioned and you didn't actually read the book you have ignorantly criticized. If your mind was open, if you could process evidence rationally, if you read the book, you'd no longer be a Muslim.

Prophet of Doom does not compare the relative "good and bad in every society," but instead uses the oldest Islamic sources to prove that Muhammad was mostly bad. By not recognizing this, the "reason and logic" you seek, you obviously lack.

Lastly, I have found "peace," and I "was not irresponsible putting my life in danger," because I know and serve Yahowah. As God, He is the opposite of Allah. He is the living embodiment of "reason and logic."

As for the irony of your lost child, I hope you discover the actually irony in Islam.


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#175 Posted : Wednesday, December 1, 2010 11:02:09 AM(UTC)
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On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 6:37 AM, H" wrote:

Islam is the fastest spreading religion on earth! What makes you think anyone is going to believe a sick and jealous looney like YOU over almost 2 billion people who live their very normal an peaceful lives as devout Muslims?? Duhhh clearly you are just another piece of scum who can't seem to fathom the TRUTH of this beautiful religion that was revealed to our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him) good luck loser! We have Almighty God on our side! Ps your gay! Hahahhhhhaaa

Yada's response:

I have a question for you. If I could not only prove that each of your arguments on behalf of Islam were errant and irrational, but at the same time prove that your religion was false, and that your "beloved prophet Muhammad" was a vicious sexual pervert, would you do the sane thing and reject Islam? Or has your religion destroyed your ability to rationally consider the evidence and deduce the truth?

If you are sane and rational, and are willing to reject Islam based upon the irrefutable proof that I will provide against your arguments, your wannabe prophet, and your religion, then I'd be pleased to invest the time to respond. But if you are just another childish religious moron, whose scummy mouth and brain are in the toilet, I won't waste my time.

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Offline James  
#176 Posted : Wednesday, December 8, 2010 8:26:35 AM(UTC)
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RS wrote:
December 6, 2010

Dear Mr. Winn,

Your book Prophet of Doom, and the associated website are awesome!! You are a modern day Paul Revere!

As a retired U.S. Army Special Forces Green Beret, a graduate student (with only six classed remaining!) in Terrorism and Counter-terrorism Studies (emphasis on Islam) at Henley-Putnam University, and presently serving as a federal law enforcement officer with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, I want to take a moment to acknowledge the incredible scholarship of work that you have done over the years in exposing the truth behind the totalitarian ideology of Islam. The breadth and depth of your is just incredible as is your attention to detail and easy writing style makes the pathetic 1400 year history of Islam come alive! Your book 'Prophet of Doom' should be required reading (based on critical thought) in all American universities.

Quite frankly, I was initially skeptical about your personal background, intent, sources, methods, and content, but the more I studied and researched your work, I soon came to realize that your work is the "Rosetta Stone' of understanding our Islamic enemies. Your ground breaking book "Prophet of Doom" is nothing short of brilliant and 'should have rocked the Western world' when it was first published in 2004. Unfortunately, to our great detriment, the West was asleep then... and is still asleep now.

Our political elites and the American people continue to be willfully ignorant to the existential threat that Islam poses to our great nation (and all Western nations around the world). And just when I thought things could not get any worse, our liberal American neighbors voted another dhimmi apologist for Islam into the Oval Office who is doing everything he can to undermine our Constitution and our American way of life. Since taking office, Obama's misguided actions in support of Islam have greatly weakened our national security, alienated our friends and allies abroad, and emboldened our Islamic enemies worldwide. For these actions alone, I believe a strong case can be made his impeachment for sedition and treason in wartime. If that isn't enough, the vast majority of the American people are ignorantly complicit and have not even noticed! They still cling to the mainstream propaganda that Islam is a 'religion of peace that has been hijacked, twisted, and distorted by a few radicals within!' Our politically correct and multiculturally sensitive American society and the mainstream media will not even allow anyone to tell the truth about Islam without starting a 'feeding frenzy of character assassination' and accusing them of being "Islamophobic," a "racist," or a "bigot." It is obvious that the truth about Islam is the new hate speech! Our Constitution, in particular our First Amendment, is being threatened from within by many of those who have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States!

Mr. Winn, please accept my heartfelt thanks for everything you have done, and continue to do to expose the truth about Islam, a dangerous ideology of hatred, bigotry, racism, domination, submission, and outright coldblooded murder!

Never give up the fight... at this time in her history America needs great men of your mettle - you are a true American Patriot!

Most respectfully,

USA, SF, Ret.
'De Oppresso Liber'

Yada wrote:


If only there were a thousand people like you, who knew the truth and were not afraid to act upon it, they would inspire ten thousand. And ten thousand would enlighten and motivate one hundred thousand who would change the thinking, attitude and perspective of a million. Our nation, and indeed the world, would be saved from the despicable, destructive, and deadly disease known as Islam - Submission.

I pray that your letter is disseminated far and wide. Perhaps then, the apathy and ignorance, and indeed irrational immorality, which permeates the mindset of so many people poisoned by political correctness today will be replaced by individuals who are not afraid to learn the truth and who are willing to respond morally and rationally to it.

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Yada  
#177 Posted : Wednesday, December 15, 2010 3:54:16 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

On Wed, Dec 15, 2010 at 7:17 AM, "PL" wrote:

Hi Yada, I just wonder when was the oldest Quran given out? And I hear and see that many claims that it is published two Qur'ansand that the first was peaceful and that the other were less serene. (Intended to create hell on earth I'd rather say)

But there is only one Quran? And all the "peaceful" verses were all contradicted and then abrogated by Qur’an 2:106. Or have I misunderstood?

Have Sharia laws always existed (even when Muhammad lived) or is it something that has come in afterwards? Am I wrong if I say that when Muhammad lived, it was he who was the Sharia law, and that the Muslims after he died just continued what he said and did?

I ask because I trust you. And I've learned a lot from you (Islam and the Yada Yahweh). And it has changed me. I understand (better) what is wrong with the world. I have an inner peace that is very good even though I really should be worried, because I can now see (better) what we can expect in the future.

My English is far from perfect .. but I hope you understand some of what I write. (I have dyslexia) Audio version of Prophet of Doom has been of great benefit, but you should also have it in Yada Yahweh.


Yada's response:


These questions are answered in the Source Material Appendix to Prophet of Doom called "Islam's Dark Past." You will find it by clicking on the following link: http://prophetofdoom.net..._Islams_Dark_Past.Islam.

But the short answers are: the Qur'an was first recited by Muhammad between 610 and 630 CE. It was not written down until around 725 CE. The oldest extant copies, found recently in Yemen, differ considerably from that which is published today. But they are equally violent. All peaceful verses, which there are less than a handful, were abrogated by the many hundreds of violent ones which were revealed in the Medina surahs.

Sharia laws are based on Hadith--oral reports from Muhammad and his companions. Many of them, and much of Islam, is based upon pagan Arabian religious traditions, so many existed during Muhammad's life. But for those traditions Muhammad invented, he was and is the Sharia Law. And that's bad, since Muhammad was a pedophile, rapist, incestuous, a thief, mass murderer, kidnapper, liar, and terrorist.

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Offline MadDog  
#178 Posted : Wednesday, December 15, 2010 11:55:40 PM(UTC)
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Violence against women in Sudan courtesy from the religion of peace:

Offline Richard  
#179 Posted : Thursday, December 16, 2010 12:26:12 PM(UTC)
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I cannot begin to adequately describe the feelings within me right now after watching just a small bit of that video. Outrageous!
Offline Yada  
#180 Posted : Sunday, December 19, 2010 12:49:55 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

On Sat, Dec 18, 2010 at 5:08 AM, "JA" wrote:

To Yada,

This is "JA". I wanted to renew my challenge to you to meet in a formal debate about your book.

For months, I tried in vain to have you debate your own book so you can prove to all, through defeating a Muslim author of around 100 books and booklets about Islam and prove Islam's terrorist dogma. You refused. Then came that short radio debate on the Mike Ghalagher show, and most people though you did not do well

I am offering you a new opportunity to prove your book contains truths about Islam. Can you answer this challenge by saying 'yes'?


POD responds:

Date: Sun, 19 Dec 2010 09:43:20 -0800
Subject: Re: From JA
From: email@prophetofdoom.net
To: JA


When you "debated" Yada, you were deliberately deceitful, lying about the existence of the passage he cited. You, therefore, lost the debate, and at the same time disqualified yourself from any future debate. You proved that you cannot be trusted.

But since you remain full of yourself, feel free to refute the 1000 pages of evidence Yada cited from the five oldest and most credible Islamic sources in Prophet of Doom, proving your arguments by accurately citing equally credible and reliable sources, and without contradicting your prophet and god. Thousands have tried, and none have prevailed. You won't be the first.

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Offline Yada  
#181 Posted : Wednesday, December 29, 2010 11:58:59 AM(UTC)
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Posts: 3,537


On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 4:09 AM, "The God Of Abraham" wrote:

I write this letter to you a about my first impressions of the cave
pdf & section
I have not finished reading it yet and I am not Jewish or Muslin I'm
an Orthodox Christian.
My first impressions of the above sections are disturbing as it
appears to be a holstile threatening demonic curse placed into writing
to any person who is not muslim.

My second enquiry is the pdf doc 13 the pedophile pirate, thankyou fo
rthe humor within the first paragraph in referring mohammed as
"chairman" & having a public housing projet I laugh at this moment at
these referrences.

i ask for some further reference to Bukhari:V4B54N455 & the 4th
dimension aspect because I just dont know what the first three are can
you please direct me in the right direction to finding out the the
first 3 dimensions are please. I would be very grateful.
I do not know much about islam and I do not recognize it as an
Abrahamic faith because of the simple scripture like fact that Ishmail
was half Egyptian & half Hebrew not of any Arab bloodline.

Yada's response:


The three dimensions we are most familiar with are width, length, and height. But time is also a dimension--the fourth. As mortal, physical beings, we are stuck in it's relative flow. But based upon Yahowah's Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, I am convinced that there are actually 7 dimensions. For those who observe His seven step plan of salvation, they will be elevated to experience all of these. But fair warning, Orthodox Christians, or any religious person for that matter, will not survive death. I don't say that to be judgmental, but instead to affirm the witness of the Ma'aseyah Yahowsha' in His Sermon on the Mount, where He stated: the path to life is narrow, and few find it. The path begins with Passover and Unleavened Bread and ends with Reconciliations and Shelters.

Islam is not Abrahamic. The presentation of Abraham and his god in Islam have nothing in common with the actual man of history, the actual Covenant, or Yahowah--God's actual name.

Ishma'el was half Egyptian and half Babylonian. What we consider Hebrew begins with Ya'aqob's 12 sons.

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Offline Yada  
#182 Posted : Thursday, December 30, 2010 7:54:10 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

On Wed, Dec 29, 2010 at 4:12 PM, "CB" wrote:

Hey Yada,

I just stumbled onto your site and have started reading.
Here is my question. In your "Letter to America" you state that you are a Christian.
Is that still the case?
I plan on reading your books, but was curious.



Yada's response:

On Dec 30, 2010, at 11:00 AM, Prophet of Doom wrote:


I don't recall stating that I am a Christian. I was a Christian, but I left the religion per Yahowah's instructions around seven years ago. So, if the letter says that "I am a Christian," it is no longer accurate in that regard.

Christianity, and especially Paul, are in irreconcilable conflict with the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms--and that means that they cannot be true. God wants us to walk away from Babylon before we walk to Him. And Babylon is man's caustic brew of religious, political, economic, and military schemes.


The conversation continues. "CB" writes:

On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 8:21 AM, "CB" wrote:

I don't want to bother you, but I have some questions.
Who is Jesus? Do you believe in the four gospels?
What would you recommend I read to fully understand where you are coming from?
Do you go to church? Is Acts truthful?
Did the Messiah die for our sins and raise from the dead. Is salvation found in Him?

Thank you for you reply.


Yada replies:


No one named "Jesus" lived prior to the 17th century. The Ma'aseyah's name is Yahowsha' - meaning Yah Saves. He is the diminished manifestation of Yahowah, set apart from Him.

Gospel is a pagan term. Yahowha's words, accurately remembered, accurately translated from Aramaic to Greek, and accurately retained by scribes (something we know did not occur), and then accurately translated into English from the oldest manuscripts should be considered inspired. But the rest of what Mattinyahu, Yahowchanan, and Shim'own Kephas (Mark is actually a compilation of Peter's reflections) are human observations. Luke has merit, but since he was influenced by Paul, I am especially careful when I read his letter.

Read www.YadaYahweh.com and www.QuestioningPaul.com. With a few exceptions, they accurately reflect what I've come to know about Yahowah. I am currently rewriting the book to remove all positive remarks about Paul's letters (as I was fooled by him until recently), all references to the "Renewed Covenant" (because it has not yet been renewed), while correcting the transliterations of God's names and titles based upon what I've learned.

While I was once an ordained ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church and an Evangelist, I no longer go to church. I am overtly opposed to the Christian religion because it is untrue.

The first six or seven chapters of Acts appear to be reasonably accurate. And while the review of Paul's ministry may be historically accurate, Paul was a false prophet--so the testimony is untrue. Moreover, we don't have any highly reliable pre-Constantine MSS of Acts.

God cannot and did not die. Yahowsha' is the Ma'asyah (One who does the work of Yah). His body (and only His body apart from His Spirit) died as the Passover Lamb, but that only resolved our mortality--the consequence of sin. To resolve the penalty of sin, His soul had to go to She'owl on Unleavened Bread on the Sabbath.

According to Yahowah and Yahowsha': salvation is found in the Torah. Yahowsha' is the living embodiment of the Torah.

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Offline Yada  
#183 Posted : Sunday, January 2, 2011 8:36:20 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 3:16 AM, "786" wrote:

By writing on internet does not make you Prophet. You will burn in hell you f@#king basterd jew.

Yada's response:

Wrong on all accounts:

Prophet of Doom was published and immediately sold out, which is why I give it away free online today.

I compiled Prophet of Doom from Islam's five oldest and most reliable sources, so don't blame me that they say Muhammad was a sexually perverted terrorist.

I never claim to be a prophet. Muhammad did and was not.

There are no fires in hell. It is a lightless place separated from God.

Uncorrupted by Islam, I refreain from using vulgarities as you have done.

I was born to married parents.

I am not a Jew.

Like your wannabe prophet, and your wannabe god, everything you say is false.


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Offline Yada  
#184 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 7:28:06 AM(UTC)
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Posts: 3,537

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 4:13 AM, "H ss" wrote:

To Yada,
I do not wish to threaten you like the others nor do
I want to kill you like the others said in your feedback. The only
thing I can do now is to have pity on you, for having an IQ that
works well to write big books but sadly lacks the knowledge to fill
its pages with authentic content. While you are basking in the
glory of your self-made fake success, I would like to know if you
have ever heard about true Islam? Because all that you have
mentioned in your book as well as your site appears to be a
completely different religion which gives the impression of being
created by a person as bad as Satan himself. If you feel this email
is contradictory to whatever you think, I can assure you that I am
capable to clear all your doubts regarding Islam. Moreover, I pray
to Allah that you understand what EXACTLY Islam teaches and
stop writing about an obnoxious man-made religion (which you
think is Islam) and naming it hence. Once you understand what
Islam teaches, you will convert into Islam. THIS IS A CHALLENGE
TO YOU. No doubt, this is possible only if Allah wills. But even if
you don’t admit it to a soul but you will at least, in the hearts of
hearts, know that this religion is the truest. Reply if you are brave
enough to accept this challenge!
A proud Muslim,

-H ss

Yada's response:

You are such a hypocrite and liar, . You haven't even read Prophet of Doom.

So, here is a challenge: read it from cover to cover and then write me. Explain how a book based entirely on Islam's five oldest and most credible sources, can be anything other than a true reflection of Islam.

If you read it, you will no longer be a Muslim.


Humera Mansoor.
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Offline Richard  
#185 Posted : Tuesday, January 4, 2011 7:41:46 AM(UTC)
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Yada wrote:
You are such a hypocrite and liar

Don't sugar-coat it, brother; tell us how you really feel!
Offline Yada  
#186 Posted : Friday, January 7, 2011 5:44:55 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 3:16 AM, "786" wrote:

By writing on internet does not make you Prophet. You will burn in hell you f@#king basterd jew.

Yada responds:

From: Prophet of Doom <email@prophetofdoom.net>
To: 786
Sent: Sun, Jan 2, 2011 7:11 pm
Subject: Re: so you think..

Wrong on all accounts:

Prophet of Doom was published and immediately sold out, which is why I give it away free online today.

I compiled Prophet of Doom from Islam's five oldest and most reliable sources, so don't blame me that they say Muhammad was a sexually perverted terrorist.

I never claim to be a prophet. Muhammad did and was not.

There are no fires in hell. It is a lightless place separated from God.

Uncorrupted by Islam, I refreain from using vulgarities as you have done.

I was born to married parents.

I am not a Jew.

Like your wannabe prophet, and your wannabe god, everything you say is false.


"786" replies:

On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 2:00 PM, 786 wrote:

You f@#king son of bitch who born you, you will only know when you f@#king burn in hell. You can what you like but don't forget you WILL have to die then real test will strat.

Only dirty Jew like you can write something like this for few dirty pennies. I am not wrong on all account.

Yada's response:

Brilliantly written reply. Your god must be so very proud of you. You are a perfect example of what Islam does to a person's heart, mind, and soul. You have become a racist anti-Semite, just like the demonic spirit you believe is god--just like the perverted wannabe prophet you exemplify.

And as always, you remain wrong on all accounts. My mother was not a bitch. There are no fires in hell. My soul will never know separation from Yahowah. I will live forever. I will not be tested or judged. I am clean. I am not a Jew. I did not "write" the evidence contained in Prophet of Doom, but instead cited it from the oldest Islamic sources. And I give Prophet of Doom away for free.

It's a shame that you are unable to refute anything I have cited in Prophet of Doom intelligently, accurately, rationally, or morally. And it is a pity that you must lie to defend your pathetic religion and demonic god. The best you can do is threaten. But, that is all your god was able to do, so you have something in common with him.


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Offline Yada  
#187 Posted : Saturday, January 8, 2011 5:25:22 AM(UTC)
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On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 12:46 AM, "RS" wrote:

I have been listening to your MP3 presentation while working, I have to say that the information & explanations of this devil's religion have been presented in an absolute magnificent format. I would (and am) recommending your site as essential reading to all & sundry.

Thank you very much, and God bless you all for your efforts.

Brisbane, Australia

Yada's response:

Thank you.

I love the land of Oz. While it has been a long time since I was last there in person, it's amazing how many emails I receive from down under now as a result of Prophet of Doom, Yada Yahweh, and Questioning Paul. Combined with the Kiwis, there must be more thinking people per capita in the South Pacific than there are elsewhere.

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Offline Yada  
#188 Posted : Sunday, January 9, 2011 4:54:21 PM(UTC)
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On Sat, Jan 8, 2011 at 4:29 PM, "786" wrote:

The rise of Islam offers perhaps the most impressive example in world history of the power of words to alter human behavior in sudden, surprising ways.
William H. McNeill

Not my writing you f@#king PIG>

Yada's response:

I noticed that these were not your words. McNeill's quote is moral, intelligent, and rational, and your words are not.

And of course, Muhammad's words altered human behavior negatively, not positively. They turned peaceful productive people into barbarians who became incapable of doing anything desirable.

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Offline Yada  
#189 Posted : Monday, January 10, 2011 5:51:37 AM(UTC)
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On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 6:23 AM, "D" wrote:

Fascinating articles....the qu'ran is a destestable work of deception and should be irradicated from the face of the earth. That will never happen because satan is the god of this world, he is the ultimate antichrist spirit therefore the world will never be rid of the qu'ran until Jesus creates a new heaven and new earth where there is no devil, no sin, and no death.
Keep up the good work and keep the informative articles coming, so very educational to say the least.


Yada's response:


I'd prefer for people to read the Qur'an so that they might understand it and come to despise Islam. While the Qur'an is a work of satanic deception, it is far from the only one. Paul's letters are another example. If you are interested in why I say this, please read www.questioningpaul.com.

Islam will be destroyed during the Magog War, half way through the Tribulation. Yahowha's return will occur three years later on Yowm Kippurym--the day of Reconciliations. The one thousand year celebration of the Sabbath of Sukah will follow five days later, during which time there will be no Islam. And then Yahowah, not "Jesus," will create a new universe. Fact is, no one named "Jesus" lived prior to the 17th century.

The devil will survive all of this. Even God cannot kill a spiritual being. He will be incarcerated in the Abyss along with a lot of religious advocates.

It is also interesting to note that according to Yahowah, only one in a million people will benefit from His mercy, so God's new universe will not be a very popular or crowded place. Fact is, it won't be a religious place. The point I'm trying to make is that all religions are detestable deceptions, not just Islam.


"D" replies:

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 1:25 AM, "D" wrote:

The New Testament is the inspired Word of God as is the Old Testament.
Without the Spirit of God to interpret the scriptures one is left to their own imagination and without true understanding. The New testament is the fulfillment of the Old but I assume you are Jewish and do not believe in the New Testament scriptures, correct? If that is the case then I can not convince you of their authenticity, but the Holy Ghost can since He is the New Testament's Author. Donna
If you do not understand the new testament then ask the Holy Ghost to reveal them to you. God blinded the Jews because of their rejection of Jesus Christ as their Messiah, this may be your problem, but all of man is blind spiritually and cannot come to God unless the Spirit of God leads a man to repentance and new life in Christ.

Yada's response:



According to Yahowah, there is only one Covenant, and it has not yet been renewed, so there is no "New Testament" or "Old Testament." These concepts were conceived by Marcion - an advocate for Paul and a foe of Yahowah.

There is no evidence that the Greek manuscripts were inspired, and all evidence is to the contrary. Apart from Yahowsha' words accurately remembered by Mattinyahu and Yahowchanan, accurately translated out of Hebrew and Aramaic and into Greek by them, consistently maintained and available on second-century manuscripts, and then accurately translated from such non-existent manuscripts into a modern language, nothing cited therein can be considered trustworthy. Moreover, they have been maintained so poorly, no one knows what the original authors actually wrote. There are some 300,000 known discrepancies. Further, even the Ma'aseyah Yahowsha' told us that Yahowah's Word, Scripture, was comprised of the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms. Don't you believe Him?

The "New" isn't the fulfillment, as in past tense, of the "Old." Most of the Covenant Scriptures have not yet been fulfilled. Moreover, Paul's letters contradict Yahowah's Word. They are anti-Scripture. And, more important still, the Covenant Scriptures, the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, explain who Yahowsha' is, what He said, and what He did, not the other way around. Unless you change your perspective, you will never understand Him, much less benefit from Yahowah's promises.

Yahowah's Word is clear. It does not need to be "interpreted," simply observed, which is to examine it closely.

“Yahowah’s (YaHoWaH’s) Towrah (towrah – authorized directions, law, instruction, and prescription for living) is complete and entirely perfect (tamym – without defect, lacking nothing, correct, sound, genuine, right, helpful, healing, beneficial, and true), returning, restoring, and transforming (suwb – turning around and bringing back) the soul (nepesh – our consciousness). Yahowah’s (YaHoWaH’s) testimony (‘eduwth – and witness) is trustworthy and reliable (‘aman – verifiable, confirming, supportive, and establishing), making understanding and obtaining wisdom (hakam – educating and enlightening to the point of comprehension) simple for the open-minded (pethy).” (Psalm 19:7)

You have made a lot of assumptions, all of which are wrong, including assuming that I am Jewish. If you were to open your mind to the evidence, and consider it rationally, you'd recognize that you have been indoctrinated into believing many things which are in opposition to the facts, to reason, and to God's Word. It is this reality that I am trying to share with you.

What you should be considering is Yahowah's Name, Yahowah's Covenant, Yahowah's Commandments, Yahowah's Torah Instructions, and Yahowah's Way, which is comprised of the Seven Called-Out Assemblies. If you turn your attention to Yahowah's Word, you will understand God, His Word, His Way, the Set-Apart Spirit, and the Ma'aseyah Yahowsha'.

There is no "Holy Ghost." The Spirit is "Set-Apart." And the Spirit, the Ruwach Qodesh, is feminine, and thus not a "Him." And since Paul's letters, which comprise half of your "New Testament" are an attack on Yahowah's Torah, if the Set-Apart Spirit authored them, then God would be unreliable.

There is no "Jesus Christ." The name and title are both wrong. They are not Scriptural. You have been deceived for a reason. Your religion does not want you to associate Yahowsha' with Yahowah. In fact, the Christian religion was conceived to disassociate them.

The correct title is Ma'aseyah - Doing the Work of Yah. The correct name is Yahowsha' - Yah Saves. Once you understand this, and what they mean, you will understand who Yahowsha' is and what the Ma'aseyah did. And that is why the Ma'aseyah Yahowsha' told us that the only way to understand Him was to view Him from the perspective of the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms. Apart from Yahowah's Word, everything about Him is meaningless--including His sacrifice.

Yahowah blinded Yahuwdym/Jews for infidelity, not for their rejection of the Ma'aseyah, and He did so in 700 BCE. But be aware, Yahowsha', in His revelation to Yahowchanan, also accused the Roman Catholic Church of the same thing--saying that they were Jezebelian--married to Lord/Ba'al, aka Satan, and that they were the Whore of Babylon.

The Covenant begins asking Abram to leave Babylon. Yahowsha' ends his testimony by asking all of us to come out of Babylon. While Babylon is a blend of religion and politics, it is best represented by Christianity, especially Roman Catholicism.

Time is short. The Tribulation and the Day of Reconciliations will be upon us very soon. Spend it by closely examining Yahowah's Word from the perspective He revealed it, and you will find God and salvation.


I wrote to Yada with these follow-up comments:

On Mon, Jan 10, 2011 at 9:06 AM, Yada wrote:

Yada - I love what you wrote here: "Yahowah's Word is clear. It does not need to be "interpreted," simply observed, which is to examine it closely."

Last night, EWTN was airing a series of shows on "What Catholics need to know about the Bible." It's just incredible, they admit for example that the Church burned Bibles, but it was only a reaction to inaccurate that were appearing in them (the KJV). They also pointed out, very tongue 'n cheekily, that the Protestants were doing the same.

In response to the charge that the RCC kept Scripture out of the hands of ordinary people, they said that Latin was the "lingua franca" of the day. If you didn't know Latin, you couldn't/didn't read.

Finally, with regards to understanding and "interpreting" the "Bible," one host advised Catholics, "If you read something that is contrary to Church teaching, you know you've strayed and are headed in the wrong direction."

These guys have no idea the fate they're placing upon themselves by teaching these things. It's unbelievable. Why would men, especially those that profess to love God, do such things? It's just beyond me.

Thankfully the truth is still available. That is if you only care enough to "toil over the particulars."

Edited by user Monday, January 10, 2011 7:57:11 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Offline James  
#190 Posted : Monday, February 7, 2011 9:34:22 AM(UTC)
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P wrote:
Hey Yada,

we constantly hear Muslims claim that they do not want Sharia law... But this is just as foolish as if a Christian is not willing to follow the ten commandments, if you ask me. Or, have I wrong?

How high will put the Muslim Brotherhood on the list of dangerous symptom of the disease Islam?

Are not these so-called "freedom fighters" Hamas an outgrowth of the Muslim Brotherhood?

If Islam is the disease, where will you place the Muslim Brotherhood, Hezbollah, and al-Qaeda, etc. Which came first of all these other dangerous symptoms?


Yada wrote:

Sharia Law is to Muslims as the Ten Commandments are to the Covenant. Sharia Law is based upon the words and deeds of Muhammad, the most repulsive man whoever lived. The Ma'aseyah Yahowsha' is the living embodiment of the Seven Commandments which were written with His own hand. Christians, however, ignore and reject most of the Towrah, including its Covenant, Commandments, and Called-Out Assembly Meetings.

The Muslim Brotherhood is the force behind all Islamic terrorist organizations--not just Hamas. They are fundamentalist Muslims, which makes them dangerous, deceitful, destructive, deadly, and damning.

So, if the disease is Islam, the worst telling and deadly symptom of the disease is the Muslim Brotherhood.

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline James  
#191 Posted : Thursday, February 10, 2011 5:06:06 AM(UTC)
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D wrote:
I am on disability, so money is tight. What I have is time. I took the POD printable sheets and combined them into a Word 2010 document with table of contents. It runs 261, 1/2 inch margin, Times New Roman 11 point type pages, so I doubt if you will lose a book sale by having it available in Word format. What you may get are nuts like me, who not only want to read the book, but want to have it on a smartphone so they can pull it out and search it if they get into something with someone. Anyone can do it, if they take the time.

Anyway, if you want it, let me know (hint - click reply), and I will send you a copy of the original. I give it to you in lieu of me buying a book for $80. Use it as you will, and hopefully make a profit to help the cause. After all, anyone that bought Data Viz's MS Office package for their smartphone can access it and search it and the links to the chapters work.

My copy I use on my smartphone is already getting marked up. You see, I am reading the Qur'an for the first time, and your 5 translation Qur'an is just too much on a small screen. So I plan on reading the chapter from the POD, then read the chapter in the Koran.

So far I am no more than 4 or 5 chapters into Prophet of Doom, so I don't know if you will cover this. Have you noticed the parts that say things like "'We' gave Moses the law"? I thought allah was outstandingly a single God emphatically not a trinity I'm into chapter 5 now). So where does the "We" come from instead of "I"? Is mini-Mo (with abject deep, heart felt abject shame leaving me groveling on the ground type apologizing to the Three Stooges for associating the nickname of one of those honorable men with Mohammad) tacitly admitting that he and Allah are what make "We"? I guess that's the danger of turning a former trial lawyer loose on the Koran. We wonder at the oddest Freudian slips, and have a lot of fun in final argument.


Yada wrote:

I'm told that folks have had POD converted for free by Amazon to work on their Kindles and smart phones as well. I set the PDF files in QuarkXPress to standard hardback dimensions, so that it is as easy as possible to read. But with the HTML files, you can convert it to Word as you have done and set the margins however it suits you best.

If you are going to read the Qur'an, try to do so in chronological order rather than the current numerical order as it is a jumbled mess.

I assume that since Muhammad got most of the Qur'an from the Talmud, where Yahowah's title isn't written, and where He is only known as 'elohym, the plural of 'el and 'elowah, the We came from those references. But the other option is as you have stated. Allah was conceived by Muhammad and modeled after himself.

By the way, Yahowah is One. There is no Trinity. The Ma'aseyah Yahowsha' and the Set-Apart Spirit are both set apart manifestations of God, not separate persons or personas.

As a trial lawyer, you should enjoy POD. I am very judgmental in my approach and try to hold Muhammad accountable.


D wrote:
Thanks for the tips. I had started reading the Koran as it is, not knowing what the correct order is for the chapters. As I recall, the POD follows the order of the established Qur'an, at least the Abdullah Yusuf Ali translation of the Koran has the cow second and the POD has the cow second. I was shocked when I started in on the cow in the POD and found it was the 90th. As I recall something I read, no one knows the order of the original chapters, although I would guess that periods can be assigned. So where do I find the suras in order?

I'm not going to argue about the trinity, although I am orthodox. The more important question is who is Jesus, and what is your relationship, if any, with him? That's the only question that will matter to each of us in the end. I believe and am trying to live out the new Kingdom of Heaven that broke in upon us with Christ's Resurrection from the dead.

Meanwhile I am learning about Islam and am starting to make myself unpopular with my friends by passing on what I find. I'm not PC, and what I am saying is not PC, although it is the truth, but truth has never mattered to PC types in my experience.


Yada wrote:

In POD I follow the chronological order of the surahs as best as it can be established using the Hadith. The Qur'anic order is longest to shortest, and thus mostly in reverse order. And my translations are a blend of the five most respected versions.

If you were to argue the orthodox position regarding the Trinity, you'd be arguing against Yahowah, not me. As for "Jesus," no one by that name lived prior to the 17th century CE. You have been duped.

Among many of Christianity's problems is that believers, rather than getting to know Yahowah, and trusting Him, place their faith in a completely artificial version of the Ma'aseyah Yahowsha', not realizing who He actually is or what He did. So, the moment you rename Yahowsha', and remove Him from the context of the Towrah, you render everything He accomplished and said completely meaningless. This is not my opinion, but instead His stated position.

The right question is: who is Yahowah and what does He want? Once you understand that, then you will know who Yahowsha' is, and you will understand what He said and did.

God cannot be born or die, so if your god died, he was not God. The Christian god was modeled after Tammuz, Osiris, Dionysus, and Bacchus, all of which were conceived, were born, died, and were resurrected as the son of the sun in complete harmony with Christmas and Easter. The same is true for the Christian Mary, Mother of God and Queen of Heaven.

It's rather obvious that you don't know what happened on Passover, or why. It is also clear that you haven't even bothered to consider what occurred on Unleavened Bread or what FirstFruits represents.

According to God, there is no New Kingdom, no New Testament, no New Covenant. There is only one Covenant, and it has not yet been renewed. And when it is renewed, it will be based entirely upon the Towrah. To participate in it, you will have to turn to the Towrah, and observe what it has to say. But since you are a Christian, you believe that Paul was authorized by God to contradict God and annul His Towrah - as irrational as that argument may be.

The best way to understand Islam, is to understand Yahowah. While I can open your eyes to the real Muhammad in Prophet of Doom, to understand his god, you will first need to know the real one. And you will not find Him in Christianity.

According to Yahowah and Yahowsha', Islam isn't the only false religion. So are Judaism and Christianity. But if your faith is impervious to questioning and repellent of evidence and reason, then these revelations will not be of any value to you. You see, the only prerequisite for participating in Yahowah's Covenant is walking away from your religion. For your sake, I hope you embark on that journey. I did a decade ago. I highly recommend it to you.


The following statements are from Dabarym, which means The Words. The book is misnamed Deuteronomy in your "bible," In the first of these two passages Yahowah states that He is One. And in both, He explains the means to participating in the Covenant and being prepared to live with Him.

If you want to know the five requirements for Covenant participation, or the seven steps to salvation, I'll gladly send you what Yahowah revealed.

These are (wa z’eth) the commandments, the terms and the conditions of the binding contract (mitswah), the clearly communicated prescriptions and decrees (choq), and the means used to achieve justice and resolve disputes (mishpat), which, as a result of the relationship (‘asher), Yahowah, your God (Yahowah ‘elohym), instructed and directed (sawah) you to (la) learn and teach (lamad) what should be done (la ‘asah) in the land into which (ba ha ‘erets ‘asher – within the realm) you all (‘atem) are going to pass over into (‘abar sam) as an inheritance (la yaras),...” (Dabarym 6:1)

…for the intent and purpose (ma’an) you really come to revere and respect (yare’) Yahowah, your God (Yahowah ‘elohym) by observing (shamar) all of (kol) His clearly communicated prescriptions and decrees (chuwqah), and (wa) His commandments, terms and conditions (mitswah), which (‘asher) I (‘anky) have instructed and directed (sawah) you individually (‘atah), your children (wa ben), and your children’s children (wa ben ben) all (kol) of the days (yowmym) of your lives (chayym), and for the purpose of (ma’an) elongating (‘arak) your days (yowmym),...” (6:2)

…and so that (wa) you listen and hear (shama’) Yisra’el – those who strive and persist with God (Yisra’el), and so that (wa) you are observant, closely scrutinizing and examining, carefully exploring and considering (shamar), thereby (la) doing and engaging in (‘asah) that which relationally (‘asher) is good and beneficial for you (yatab la), and which (wa ‘asher) will cause you to substantially increase, grow dramatically, and become exceedingly great and powerful (rabah ma’od), consistent with (ka) that which (‘asher) Yahowah, your God (Yahowah ‘elohym) promised and affirmed to (dabar) your fathers (‘ab) on your behalf (la).” (6:3)

Yisra’el – those who persist and endure with God (Yisra’el), listen to and hear (shama’) Yahowah, our God (Yahowah ‘elohym). Yahowah (Yahowah) is one, certain, and unique (‘echad).” (6:4) “And (wa) you should truly and totally love (‘ahab ‘eth) Yahowah, your God (Yahowah ‘elohym), with (ba) all (kol) your heart and emotions (leb), and with all (wa ba kol) your soul (nepesh – consciousness), and with all (wa ba kol) your capacity and capability, to the greatest extent of your ability (ma’od ).” (6:5)

And these (wa ‘eleh) words (dabar) which (‘asher) I am (‘anky) guiding and directing you with (sawah) this day (ha yowm), they shall come to exist, and they should always be (hayah), on (‘al) your heart, guiding your feelings (leb).” (6:6) “And your goal should be (wa la) to teach them by rote by reciting them to prepare and equip (sanan) your children (ben). And you should consistently speak about them (wa dabar ba) during your life (ba yasha), and inside your home and with your family (wa ba beyth), and as you walk (ba halak), and along the Path (ba derek), and when you lie down and rest, pausing to reflect (wa ba sakab), and when you stand up and are restored and established (wa quwm).” (6:7) “And you shall fasten them, closely associating yourself with them by affixing them (wa qasar) as a sign, as proof, and as a reminder (la ‘owth) upon your hand to influence your actions (‘al yad), and they should come to exit (wa hayah) between your eyes to provide perspective and enhance your thinking (bayn ‘ayn).” (6:8) “And (wa) you should write them (katab) upon the doorframes (‘al mazuwzah) of you home (beyth), and upon the gates to your community and property (wa ba sa’ar).” (6:9)

Indeed, truly and surely (ky), you should actually listen to (shama’ ba) the voice and the call (qowl) of Yahowah, your God (Yahowah ‘elohym), for the purpose of closely examining and carefully considering (la shamar) His Commandments, the terms and conditions of His binding contract (mitswah) and His clearly communicated prescriptions (wa chuwqah), which are inscribed (ha katab) in (ba) the written scroll (ha seper) of this (z’eth), the Towrah – Instruction and Teaching, Guidance and Direction (ha Towrah).” (Dabarym 30:10)

That is because (ky) you will really return and actually be restored (suwb) to (‘el) Yahowah, your God (Yahowah ‘elohym), with all (ba kol) your heart (leb), and with all (wa ba kol) your soul (nepesh).” (30:10) “For (ky) these (z’eth) terms and conditions (mitswah) which as a result of the relationship (‘asher), I am (‘anky) instructing and guiding you (sawah) this day (ha yowm), they are not too difficult for you, they are not a hardship (huw’ lo’ pala’) for you (min), nor are they beyond your reach (wa lo’ huw’ rahowq).” (30:11) “For indeed (ky), the exceedingly powerful and great (ma’od) Word (ha dabar) of your God (‘el) facilitates your approach and brings you near, enabling you to engage in a close and personal relationship (qarowb)—as part of your speech (ba peh), and in your heart (wa ba leb)—to engage with, capitalize upon, and celebrate Him (la ‘asah).” (30:14)

Open your eyes, establish this perspective, and become aware (ra’ah), I am offering (natan) on your behalf and in your presence (la paneh) this day (ha yowm) an association with (‘eth) the Life (ha chay) and (wa) an association with (‘eth) that which is Good (ha towb).” (30:15) “But also (wa) that which is associated with (‘eth) death (ha mawet) and (wa) an association with (‘eth) that which is bad (ra’).” (30:15)

Because, that which (‘asher) I am (‘anky) instructing and guiding you (sawah) this day (ha yowm) is for the purpose of (la) you really loving, you actually demonstrating your affection in a close, personal, familial relationship (‘ahab) and being associated with (‘eth) Yahowah, your God (Yahowah ‘elohym), and achieving this result by (la) actually walking (halak) in His Ways (ba derek), and also (wa) for the purpose of (la) really observing, which is closely examining and carefully considering (shamar) His Commandments, which represent the terms and conditions of His binding contract (mitswah), His clearly communicated prescriptions (chuwqah), and (wa) His means used to achieve justice and resolve disputes (mishpat), and also (wa) to restore your life and keep you alive (chayah) and (wa) to make you great (rabah) and so (wa) Yahowah, your God (Yahowah ‘elohym) will kneel down, diminishing Himself, in love to greet, favor, and bless you (barak) in the realm (ba ha ‘erets) where relationally (‘asher) you (‘atah) are going to, and will be included within (bow’ la), this named place of renown (sham / shem), to receive it as an inherited gift (la yaras).” (30:16)

But if (wa ‘im), you turn your heart away from Him (panah / paneh leb), and if you do not listen (wa lo’ shama’), and you are lured away (wa nadah), and you bow down in worship (hawah) to other gods (la ‘aher ‘elohym), and you actively engage with and serve them (wa ‘abad), (30:17) I am reporting the following message, warning, and verdict (nagad la) this day (ha yowm) that indeed (ky) you will be utterly destroyed and completely annihilated (‘abad ‘abad), not elongating your days (lo’ ‘arak yowmym) upon the surface (‘al) of the earth (‘adamah)….” (30:18)

I have testified repeatedly to restore and warn (‘uwd) you in (ba) this day (ha yowm) with regard to (‘eth) the spiritual realm (ha shamaym) and with regard to (‘eth) the material world (ha ‘erets), and about life (wa ha chay) and death (wa ha mawet). I have freely offered (natan) on your behalf and in your presence (la paneh) the blessing which restores the relationship (barakah) and also (wa) the curse of being abated as worthless (qalalah). And so (wa) you should actually choose in favor of (bahar ba) continued life and renewal (chay), so that (ma’am) you (‘atah) and your offspring (zera’) are restored to life and spared (chayah).” (19)

By (la) genuinely loving and associating with (‘ahab ‘eth) Yahowah, your God (Yahowah ‘elohym), by (la) really listening to (shama’) His voice and His call (qowl), and by (wa la) staying close to Him (dabaq). For indeed (ky), He (huw’) is the source of your life (chay), and of lengthening (wa ‘orek) your days (yowm), enabling you to dwell (la yasab) upon the earth (‘al ‘adamah) which (‘asher) Yahowah (Yahowah) promised (saba’) to your fathers (la ‘ab), to Abraham (la ‘Abraham), to Yitschaq (la Yitschaq), and to Ya’aqob (wa la Ya’aqob), to give it as a gift (natan) to them (la).” (30:20)

D wrote:

Sticking with the Qur'an for the moment, I checked the POD with the index for my Koran. It looked like the first 10 POD or so were in the same order as the Koran.

Yada wrote:
I think you are confused D. The book presents the Qur'an in chronological order. The only way for you to check it, is to actually read the book from beginning to end. We have provided access to my translations of the Qur'an and commentary in the Qur'anic order, for ease of searching for them. And we have provided a way to review five translations of the Qur'an at the same time, also in the normal Qur'anic order.

Most specifically, what the POD said was the 90th, the cow, was number 2 in the POD, just like the Koran.

Yada wrote:
D, just read the book from the beginning to end and you will appreciate the difference between the Qur'anic numbering system and the chronological sequence of revelation.

I guess I will check the name of the POD and find it in the index online, then turn to my PDA Koran index, which only has numbers.

Yada wrote:
Better yet, read the book.

My thought now is you put the cow second instead of 90th because it was revealed in bits and pieces over a 20 year period. (My Koran is the usual old out of copyright version that is sold by the guys who put it in format for the particular smartphone or program [Mobipocket as it turns out].)

Yada wrote:
The 2nd surah was the first revealed in Medina, which means that chronologically, it follows the 90 or so Meccan surahs. But because some surahs have no context, and since some surahs overlap others and were jumbled together, no exact chronological ordering is possible.

As for Jesus not existing, I was a trial lawyer for a lot of years before I became a priest. As a lawyer, I couldn't get around the evidence, not only that Jesus existed but also rose from the dead. The changes in the Middle East of the time and in the world since were just too large for me to believe anything else. Trust me, at the time I wanted to disbelieve, but I couldn't get around the evidence.

Yada wrote:
Wake up, D. There was no J in any language prior to the 16th century, so no one by the name Jesus lived in the first century. Until you come to understand His actual name, Yahowsha', you have no hope of understanding Him. Your religion has tried to separate Yahowsha' from Yahowah, and Yahowsha' from His Towrah. By doing so, they create an artificial character without any real meaning.

As for religion, I have little use for religion. The definition of religion is man's attempts to understand and reach God. Jesus offers a relationship that is changing me from the inside out, and boy do I need the change. When I think of eternity, self-giving love is the only way I can conceive of that would enable anything to stay sane. As you hope I walk away, and I would say I have, I walked back through my relationship with Jesus, in order to help those who are stuck in religion instead of relationship.

Yada wrote:
You became a priest. There are few things more religious than that. And you called yourself "orthodox," which is a fundamentalist when it comes to religion.

Jesus does not offer anything on His own. It is Yahowah who offers His Covenant relationship. Yahowsha', who is the diminished corporeal manifestation of Yahowah and His Towrah, simply enabled aspects of the Called-Out Assembly Meetings (none of which you observe) so that we could participate in the one and only Covenant Relationship. If you have not followed Yahowah's instructions relative to participation in His Covenant, and if you do not observe His Called-Out Assembly Meetings, you you do not have a relationship with God and you are not saved. Period.

Change has to occur before you engage in the Covenant. You have to walk away from your religious beliefs, change your perspective, your attitude, and your thinking. Then once you have done these things, you are free to walk to God along the path He provided in His Towrah. When you do these things, He is in a position to change you, but not before. And until you come to accept Yahowah's Way, you will not be able to enjoy eternity with Him.

The only priests who mater to Yahowah are Lewy. You are not a Lewy. And the "cross" is a pagan symbol, having nothing to do with God's Word or salvation. You have been mislead.

D, while you advocate on behalf of your religion, God's Word isn't of any value to you. And so, there is no merit in our continuing to discuss this. If and when you are willing to leave your religion, and consider Yahowah's Word, let me know and we can discuss this further.


Edited by user Thursday, February 10, 2011 7:43:42 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Added new response

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline James  
#192 Posted : Friday, February 11, 2011 3:32:31 AM(UTC)
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T wrote:

So your intention is to spread even more hate and fear huh?

Yada wrote:

My intention was achieved. It was to reveal what is known about Muhammad and his formation of Islam. That said, since I hate pedophilia, rape, incest, oppression, liars, thieves, kidnappers, mass murderers, there is plenty to hate when it comes to Muhammad and the first Muslims. They were guilty of all of these things.

You obviously didn't read the book you are criticizing, huh.

Why did you chose to list only the ones that could be interpreted as hate and terrorism?
Merely to make money off ignorant Christians.

Yada wrote:
You are indeed ignorant. I don't say that to be unkind, but instead to state the obvious.

The opposite of what you have stated is true. I provided many more than 5,000 quotations from Islam's five oldest and most highly regarded sources in the 1000 pages of Prophet of Doom. It is the best documented and most comprehensive resource on Muhammad and his creation of Islam.

The fact is: the preponderance of what is known about Muhammad is immoral and violent. If you don't like these things, then you too should be condemning Islam, not me. But, based upon your letter, you are far too unaware and amoral for that.

I'm not a Christian. I don't make money giving away Prophet of Doom for free online. And I have written three books dedicated to exposing and condemning the religion of Christianity. So, once again, the only things which remain consistent with you are your lack of knowledge and your inability to reason.

As I Christian, I am a follower of his teaching WHICH IS LOVE. How dispaointed God must be of so many of us around the world who use him to spread hate instead of peace to stand on some riteous platform. But that makes each of us no better than the other!

Yada wrote:
I am sorry that you are a Christian. Yahowah is a lot more than love, as was Yahowsha'. For example, God hates religion. He is vastly more intolerant of Christianity and Islam than I am. You obviously don't know Him very well.

Yahowah asked me to write Prophet of Doom. He worked with me every step of the way. And since He gave me a promotion after completing this mission, He was most pleased with the effort.

I stand on the only righteous platform according to God: the Towrah. It is the lone source of peace between mankind and God. It alone is capable of making us better.

Of the thousands of emails I receive from around the world regarding Prophet of Doom, very nearly 100% of those who have actually read the book, speak of it in the highest possible terms. And very nearly 100% of those like yourself, who haven't actually read it, criticize it based upon the two things you have mentioned, neither of which are accurate or appropriate.

I have to ask why would you not also included passages form the Quaran the read:
"Surely those who believe, and those who are Jews, and the Christians, and the Sabians -- whoever believes in God and the Last Day and does good, they shall have their reward from their Lord. And there will be no fear for them, nor shall they grieve" (2:62, 5:69, and many other verse

Yada wrote:
Based upon your question, you remain ignorant and irrational. I quote this passage, along with the one before it, which is very, very, very intolerant and repulsive. You will find it in the Anti-Semite chapter.

You obviously haven't heard of the Qur'anic concept of abrogation, but you will find it as well in that same chapter. When you do, you will understand this passage.

"...and nearest among them in love to the believers will you find those who say, 'We are Christians,' because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant" (5:82).

Yada wrote:
This passage is quoted in context in the Jihad chapter of Prophet of Doom. You should read it in context. It follows a very nasty introduction.

The fifth surah of the Qur'an exists to replace Jews with Christian's as Allah's enemy. Muhammad had over hunted Jews, so he needed a new foe to enslave, rape, and rob.

"O you who believe! Be helpers of God -- as Jesus the son of Mary said to the
Disciples, 'Who will be my helpers in (the work of) God?' Said the disciples, 'We
are God's helpers!' Then a portion of the Children of Israel believed, and a
portion disbelieved. But We gave power to those who believed, against their
enemies, and they became the ones that prevailed" (61:14).

Yada wrote:
That's a strike out. At least for you. This passage is quoted in the Mein Kampf and Profitable Prophet Plan chapters. But thanks for proving that you weren't smart or reasonable enough to actually read the book you were criticizing.

But most of all, I am sorry that you don't know Yahowah or understand why He is committed to exposing and condemning religions like Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. And unless you change your perspective, your attitude, and your thinking, you never will.

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline FredSnell  
#193 Posted : Friday, February 11, 2011 4:12:24 AM(UTC)
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Yadas words are like a sword!!! If ever I become this aquainted with Islam, I'm gonna slam those ppl right outside their mosque without fear. I feel so sorry for them. But then I think about my own family and how they are not that different. We've all grown up just like muslims, conditioned to believe the same as our parents, without questioning anything we are told. I thank YY for exposing the real truth and bringing it to light.
Offline FredSnell  
#194 Posted : Saturday, February 12, 2011 3:02:49 AM(UTC)
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I remember reading some of KP's words about Islam being the very puff of wind that brings down this house of cards. Who would have believed that it was going to be democracy that would be the, "puff?" This is going to be democracy in action, regime collapse. I don't know bc I'm not that astute in politics, but like I've read somewhere, there have been 5 different types of governance tried over the arabs. This would make sense, democracy being the sixth before Yah brings the true governance of man. Every nation will in the end have their shot at democracy and just like us, they will make a shambles of it.
With Islam being the dominating religion in this region, I can only suspect what their evil devices have in store for their form of government. Sort of like when voting for Castro in Cuba. You can vote for Castro, or, you can vote for Castro. And I think he had 100% turnout, better than America did when the, 'O' took office.
Offline James  
#195 Posted : Monday, February 14, 2011 9:08:35 AM(UTC)
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P wrote:
Hi Yada,

we have a discussion here at a forum with a Muslim woman. Where's theme is: "Muslims beating to death Muslims for not being Muslim enough."(a video)

Quote from Muslim woman or "domesticated animal" : "That’s what people are doin in THEIR culture, you have to use your brain.Ever heard of being individual?Some say the act like that because Qur’an saysit so, but that’s not entirly truth Just because they say they’re muslims,doesn’t mean that they ACT like one either.No ones 100%.

Let’s say if a muslim man killed a woman, it doesn’t make him a muslim, it makes him a killer, cause Islam prohibit such acts. Ever heard of people called “jahaliya”? look it up,and please look and search the Islamic sources, before you show me vidoes of so called “muslims” killing people with no sences. I have a feeling that you haven’t even looked at the links that’ll show your mistakes, but I guess you didn’t bother…. you’re not actually coming with any proof to me." She claims that your sources (which I use) is false and unreliable. LOL

Can you help me understand the meaning of the word "Jahiliyya"? Are there people called this? I've only read about this word one place in the POD here: http://prophetofdoom.net...ation_Organization.Islam


Yada wrote:
The person who used the Jahaliyah/Jailiyyah term is guilty of it. It speaks of the "time of ignorance" before Muhammad forced all Arabs to be Muslims. It is a corruption of Yahowah's name, in effect saying that Allah is smarter than Yahowah.

There is absolutely no indication from any written historical record that Arabs were more ignorant before Muhammad imposed Islam than they were after it. So, the very basis of the claim is a myth. It exists, however, because the first Muslims were so violent, so immoral, so ruthless, Islam had to create the impression that as bad as they may have been, Arabs were even worse before Islam. But this argument is neither valid nor accurate. And if you look at the quality of education, the level of inventiveness, civility and prosperity in the lands controlled by Islam today, the only informed and rational conclusion is that Islam makes people ignorant.

The Qur'an actually encourages killing. And the best Muslims are all killers. They confess to their crimes by yelling "Allahu Akbar" Allah is Greater. So, since they kill based upon their religion, it's appropriate to blame Islam for murder.

Therefore, like most Islamic apologists, this person is guilty of the very thing she is condemning.

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline James  
#196 Posted : Saturday, April 2, 2011 8:59:35 AM(UTC)
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D wrote:

I am listening to your audio version of Prophet of Doom. One thing I
noticed in chapter 1 is the Muslim emphasis on predestination.

Muhammad's emphasis on predestination reminds me of Calvinists I have
met. His portrayal of God's character is similar to that of Calvin,
although more extreme. According to Calvin, God predestines babies to
Hell, even before they were conceived.

I am quite certain that when the Antichrist shows up he will find
followers among both the Muslims and the Calvinists. The Calvinist
acceptance of amillennialism, and replacement theology, also mirrors
Islam's view of Israel.

While Calvinism passes itself off as Christian, it is no less dangerous
than Islam. But, Satan is the enemy and neither Calvinists nor Muslims.
They both need the gospel of Jesus Christ, His forgiveness and grace.

Trusting in Messiah Jesus alone,

Yada wrote:

Yes, it is true. Muhammad was not the only religious fool. Predestination is absurd, as is replacement theology and antagonism toward Yahowah's land and people.

I have attached my current draft of An Introduction to God, because you have also been misled by your religion. While you are correct in many of your conclusions, there is no "Jesus Christ," only Yahowah and His diminished human manifestation, the Ma'aseyah Yahowsha', and both grace and gospel are pagan names and concepts. You have found some, but not all, of the myths and misconceptions of Christianity.

Know, trust, and rely upon Yahowah alone as He revealed Himself in His Towrah - Instructions. Engage in His Covenant according to the terms and conditions He presented in His Towrah - Guidance. Walk to Yahowah along the Path He has provided in His Towrah - Directions. It is what the Ma'aseyah Yahowsha' said and did.

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline James  
#197 Posted : Saturday, April 2, 2011 9:01:30 AM(UTC)
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A wrote:
Dear Yada,

I was brought up as a muslim but nevr acceptid it..I find
it strange that people can believ in a religion that allows
child marriage, and in sumwun who kild children.

I would like to know if u could confront the academics who try and rehabilitate
jihad..who accuse yourself of outright distortions..

Hav u red M A S Abdel Haleem's paper on Jihad?



Yada wrote:

You are a rare, but wise person. It's hard to reject the religion of one's parents, even when it is absurd, immoral, and violent.

I have confronted many Muslim leaders, academics, and imams. Jihad cannot be rehabilitated. It is religious fighting for Allah. Period. It is wrong.

As for distortions, if what I have written about Muhammad, Allah, and Islam using the oldest and most reliable Islamic sources is a "distortion" then all of Islam is a distortion. Nothing can be known about these things apart from the sources upon which I relied. If they are not true, Islam cannot be true. And if they are accurate, Islam is the most immoral, irrational, violent and foolish religion ever conceived by man. It is that simple.

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline James  
#198 Posted : Saturday, April 2, 2011 9:03:55 AM(UTC)
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B wrote:
Have been on your excellent website and found it very informative. Before I go any further I hasten to add I have nothing against Muslims or Islam. Each to his own, whatever religion....

I am a fiction writer and currently on my second book about a Black September attack set in 1973 on the All England Wimbledon tennis championships.
My plot involves a Black September cell flying helicopers over the centre-court crowd and pouring aviation fuel on them from monsoon buckets, followed by dropping sea rescue flares.
To make my plot as realistic as possible, what I wanted to know is, how do Muslim terrorists come to terms with Islam. How do they explain away their criminal actions in prayer? Do they ask for forgiveness?
Because of the vast amount of blood shed that has taken place in the middle east, with Muslim factions of every description from Syria, Libyia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Egypt trying to kill each other.
If they have been involved in a terrorist attack. How do they ask for forgiveness in their prayers? Is there something in the Qur'an that automatically forgives them?

Would be grateful for your help.


Yada wrote:

The best way I know to understand the Islamic mindset is to understand the mindset of Muhammad. And the best way to do that is to use the Hadith to reorder the Qur'an chronologically and set it into the context of Muhammad's life. That is what I have done for you in Prophet of Doom.

Islam is the antithesis of every thing and every value you know and hold. And that is because Allah was modeled after Satan. So it is upside down morality. Lying, killing, torturing, kidnapping, enslaving, rape, pedophilia, and adultery, are all good in Islam. So they don't ask forgiveness for doing these things.

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Daniel  
#199 Posted : Monday, April 4, 2011 3:26:24 AM(UTC)
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B wrote:
My plot involves a Black September cell flying helicopers over the centre-court crowd and pouring aviation fuel on them from monsoon buckets, followed by dropping sea rescue flares.

Multi-ship formation, external load, navigating in a foreign country, time on target...

Sounds like a bit of a stretch if you are considering the skill level of the average Saudi-from-the-wadi in 1973.
Nehemiah wrote:
"We carried our weapons with us at all times, even when we went for water" Nehemiah 4:23b

We would do well to follow Nehemiah's example! http://OurSafeHome.net
Offline James  
#200 Posted : Monday, April 4, 2011 9:36:53 AM(UTC)
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H wrote:
Mr Yada,
Your views and thoughts about Islam in your website is misleading and illusion and ofcourse you are propogating falsehood about Islam.
Your are confused, deaf, dumb and blind about the understanding of Islam.
You are terrorising non-beleivers with your activities and please stop this childish act.


Yada wrote:
Congratulations H. You have successfully demonstrated that you are as foolish as your religion. Not only did you criticize a book you didn't bother to read, you don't realize that Prophet of Doom is based entirely on the five oldest and most reliable Islamic sources. Therefore, it is impossible for Prophet of Doom to be "false, confused, deaf, dumb or blind" without Islam being all of those things.

You are being childish, moreover you are wrongly promoting a terrorist religion. Please stop.

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
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