Dear Sir Please send a copy of An itroduction to God as I will need to read it to understand where you are coming from.
Yada wrote:I have attached a copy of An Introduction to God, but based upon your letters I don't think it will do you any good. You see, it matters not where I am coming from, but instead what Yahowah has revealed. The Introduction to God presents Yahowah's perspective on the seven things which are most important to Him, and thus to us: His Word, His Name, His Towrah, His Covenant, His Instructions, His Invitations, and His Way. Your religion conceals, corrupts, counterfeits, or condemns all of these things. And to understand any of them, you will first have to walk away from Roman Catholicism, indeed from Christianity - which is something you are not prepared to do.
Am I correct in understanding you come from a Presbyterian background , yet speak as if you believe in a God of your own making as you are unwilling to follow a core of beliefs within instutional religion ( church ).
Yada wrote:What I was isn't relevant. I am no longer a Christian. But, according to your reasoning, religious gods should be considered real. That of course would make Zeus real.
Yahowah introduced Himself in one place - His Towrah. If you want to know the God I know and understand how I know Him, you'll have to come to know and understand His Towrah. If you do, the first thing you will learn is that God hates religion and views all "beliefs" as counterproductive.
You say you dont fear Islam ! : then why do you go to so much trouble bringing attention to the horrible practices perpetuate on muslems and 'infidels' alike. Personally, I FEAR ISLAM. For the above reason, for our future ,for what apparently is a badly distorted vision of God and for what I have read on your
That is why I am engaging with you. However , I must first ascertain if you are honest in your beliefs even if you appear to have wacky ideas of my religion.
Yada wrote:Yahowah asked me to expose and condemn Islam because it is false and He wants all religious people to be without excuse. Islam is therefore condemned out of evidence and reason in Prophet of Doom rather than fear. The very fact that I don't fear Islam or Muslims that I was willing to engage and risk my life.
I understand Roman Catholicism better than you do. It too is based upon a "badly distorted vision of God." That is why I condemn it as false and why you believe its "wacky ideas" and pagan traditions such as Christmas, Easter, Sunday Worship, the Trinity, etc.
I try to avoid beliefs. Yahowah can be known. His instruction can be understood. So there is no reason to "beliefe."
Genuine Catholics do not hate anyone ,Christ teaches us to HATE sin but LOVE the sinner. While I recoil from the teachings of Islam , Hate is a word I would rather not use ( for any religion ). If you can see the sense in dropping this word from your vocabulary , you will be a better person for it.
Yada wrote:Wrong, wrong, and wrong. Considering the history, the edicts, and attitude of the RCC, your first statement is inconsistent with reality. Yahowsha' taught no such thing. His condemnations of religion were directed at the religious, attacking them personally. Moreover, the sin He hated most was religion.
Yahowah uses "hate" regularly when addressing religion. His hatred of religion permeates the Towrah, Prophets, and Psalms. And, consistent with Yahowsha', Yahowah hates both religion and the individuals who promote religion (as you are doing). So, by stating your position on hate, all you are doing is affirming that you and God hold very different views. And that is because your institutionalized religious god isn't God.
I'm a better person when my attitudes match Yahowah's attitude. The same advice would hold true for you.
But how is it at you say that "Christ teaches us" and yet you don't know or use His actual name or title? How is it that you ignore His most important teaching: the Sermon on the Mount? How is it that you ignore the whole of Mattanyah 23?
While I have an interest in religious history , I am not a historian . The church did not end with Constantine , this is a slant on history propagated by protestants to reinforce their beliefs and because of your protestant background you cannot accept this fact ( this is a personal opinion ).Christ clearly states "The gates of hell shall not prevail against it"
Yada wrote:The RCC began with Constantine. That is a historical fact. Seeing the cross superimposed upon the sun, and hearing "under this sign conquer," he laid the foundation for what became the RCC.
Yahowsha' did not use the word "church," or anything remotely related to it, and He never spoke directly of a "Roman Catholic Church" - especially in a positive way. But, in His open Revelation letters, Yahowsha' condemned what has become known as the Roman Catholic Church, calling it the seat of Satan, married to Ba'al, and dead.
You have been beguiled.
Your sentence starting with "And my understanding" is patently false as the Church holds dear all the written evidence penned by the early fathers of the faith prior to Constantine. None of this material contradicts the teaching of the modern Church, This huge resource is held by the Vatican, is freely available to historians , but is shunned by people like yourself.
Yada wrote:My point exactly. Your "evidence" comes from men, not Yahowah. Moreover, the only men whose teachings you regard are those whose writings are consistent with Catholicism.
Yahowsha' told you to observe the Towrah and Prophets. Nothing more. Nothing less. But you don't much like what He said because it contradicts most everything taught by the modern Chruch.
How can your understanding of the Catholic religion be more comprehensive than mine . Please understand , I live it. Well , I do my best to live it.
Yada wrote:You live it. You believe it. But I know it and understand it. That is why I do not live it. That is why I do not believe it.
The same would be true of every Muslim who writes me. They are Muslims. They live their religion. They believe their religion. And yet I know and understand their religion vastly better than they do - better even than their imams do.
I am not disputing your view of Islam , my intention is to change your outlook of the Catholic Church. From my perspective , you are a friend with whom I can share a viewpoint. I am not aware of putting forward an irrational viewpoint or argument
Yada wrote:You have irrationally written that my view of Catholicism diminishes my credibility regarding the presentation of Islam in Prophet of Doom. And you have no hope of changing my outlook on the Catholic Church. I hate it almost as much as God does. And I hate it because it demeans, corrupts, counterfeits, changes, and conceals Yahowah's Testimony. That is the only possible informed and rational response.
I agree it is unwise (and foolish ) to respect something that one believes is SINFUL ( why use such mild words as "harmful" ). I find ir remarkable that you cant respect a church that rejects sin and upholds a high moral standard in accordance with Christs teaching and practice...
Yada wrote:The RCC doesn't uphold Yahowsha's teachings. They don't follow Yahowsha's practice. If they did, the RCC would be Towrah observant. Worse, the Church is among the least moral institutions known to man. There are hundreds of thousands of children who have been sexually abused by the RCC.
Why would you oppose a religion that upholds the revelations contained in the old and new testament.
Yada wrote:There is no "Old or New Testament." There is only one Covenant. The Covenant has not yet been renewed. And when it is reaffirmed, it will embrace the Towrah so completely, Yahowah will write His Towrah inside of those of us who have accepted the Terms and Conditions of the Covenant. So, yes, I would oppose a religion which upholds the revelations contained in the Christian new testament. The fact is, Paul was a false prophet. And what you are missing is that more than half of your Christian new testament contradicts Yahowah's Towrah. So, to accept both is to be ignorant and irrational, or in a word: religious.
You have found a scapegoat to vent your venom by twisting the meaning of benign words and customs into vile images to fit your distorted line of reasoning in order to attack them.
Yada wrote:Actually, it is the opposite. It is Christianity, and especially the Roman Catholic Church which has become venom by twisting words and images to fit its distorted reasoning.
The first two sections of the ITG provide you with the tools you will need to reverse the damage your church has done by corrupting and counterfeiting Yahowah's Word.
This smacks of HITLERS demonizing of the jews. Your attitude has the same potential to create the same hell on earth for christians.
Yada wrote:Hypocrite. The RCC sided with Hitler and has a history of demonizing Jews.
Revealing the truth about Christianity is the only hope Christians have of not being deceived and thereby damned. Moreover, it is religions like Christianity, especially Roman Catholicism, which have created hell on earth.
I'll be here all day if I comment on every word so will keep it brief. Bablon , satanic. Lord , Christ is Lord. Church , " You are Peter and on this rock I will build My CHURCH.
Yada wrote:He did not say "CHURCH." He didn't even say ekklesia. You don't know Him very well.
Christian , followers of Christ.
Yada wrote:Wrong. Christos is based upon the Greek word for "drugged and whitewashed." Yahowsha' was Hebrew. He had a Hebrew title. His Title was "Ma'aseyah." It means "The Work of Yahowah."
Cross , Execution.
Yada wrote:Wrong. Cross does not equal execution. It is a pagan symbol. And the word "cross" does not appear in the Christian NT. You don't know Greek either. The Greek word is stauros, which means "upright pole." And while the day is relevant, the device is irrelevant.
Halos & sunburst , reverence/holy.
yada wrote:Wrong. They show reverence for the sun - Constantine's god.
Gospel , Good news.
yada wrote:Wrong. It means "Gott's spell." You don't know the history of English very well either. And there is no Greek word related to "Gospel" in the Christian NT. Euangelion means "beneficial message."
Trinity , revealed nature of God.
yada wrote:Wrong. No where does God say that He is three. In fact just the opposite. Yahowah says that He is one. The Trinity is purely Babylonian.
Saints , Christian community.
yada wrote:There is no such thing as a "saint" according to Yahowah or Yahowsha'. Honoring the dead is an abomination. And the word changed to "saint" means "set apart." That word, especially in Hebrew, qodesh, explains that the Son and Spirit are set-apart from Yah, which means that they are diminished manifestations of the same thing, not separate personas.
Pope , Father . Fathers , We all have one.
yada wrote:Once again, you have ignored the history of Pope in pagan Rome and Babylon and have ignore Yahowsha's teaching on "Father" as a religious title.
Nuns , Women who dedicate their life to God. Cardinals , dont know. Hierarchal order , set on Peter/ if the church was a democracy it would split into a 'thousand" sects re.: Protestants.
yada wrote:There has never been a Nun who has known Yahowah, much less served Him. And as for the hierarchal order, Yahowsha' spoke against it, as did Yahowah. And there is now rational link between Shim'own and the RCC. None.
At this time you wont understand Queen & Mother , Eucharist , Jesus physically present. You appear not to believe in the Divinity of Our LORD. Mass , "Do this in memory of Me" commemorating Christs Life,Death & Resurrection.
yada wrote:You have accepted the Babylonian myths upon which your religion is based. That is clear. And you have rejected Passover, which was what Yahowsha' was asking His disciples to observe in memory of Him.
We could play this game forever, but it is a complete waste of my time and yours. You are religious and I am rational. Our world views will never intersect. You believe the opposite of what is true - that you commemorate Christ's life - when in fact you ignore the reality that His words and deeds reflected Yahowah's Towrah. You even believe that your god died. Some god. And you have no concept of what Yahowsha' did on Passover, on Unleavened Bread, or on FirstFruits. You don't understand why He was not recognized.
All of your responses thus far are disproven in the ITG, so if you continue to ramble on as you have, you will find answers to other platitudes in the attached book. If you read it, you will find more evidence than a rational person will need to reject your religion.
Bowing , incense, candles , reverence. In ancient times,this was how ( custom ) Kings were Honoured (look at heads of state today ) and it is only natural that we give the highest honour to God. Christmas / Easter, Celebrating Christs birth and resurrection. All Hallows , remembering those who have died.( Im sure you do that ).Sunday , the Lords Day. New Test. , your kidding. Purgatory , remission of sin. Holy Spirit , Helper. Myth , story to explain/rationalise religious truth/Our LORD used parables. The Church upholds the Covenant : God reveals himself and His expectations IN TIME. Christ IS the new covenant e.g. He condensed the Ten Commandments to " LOVE God etc & LOVE your neighbour " and broke the Sabbath often as LOVE overides all the O.T. covenants. Are you living in the past and refuse to change. We do honour WHWA name but be mindful that the Jews would not speak it out of reverence.
You will have to explain your " teachings of the Catholic Church " paragraph as your comments are a complete mystery to me , cant make sense of them at all.
Hold on ! My mind isnt open ! Evidence & reason mean nothing to me ! You are making claims based on a simple email sent to you which you have no evidence of.
Strange, Ive never read in the O.T. that souls will cease to exist. Will you kindly point out where it says this as I do have an open mind.
As for terms such as Easter ; sure , the name may originate from paganism , So what .The same practice happens in Mexico where you would realise some old traditions are held firmly, so the Church does its best to steer the faithful in the right direction . In time, words often lose their original meaning and no christian today believes they are celebrating a pagan festival.e.g. The word " gay " has lost its original meaning and is only used and understood in terms of same sex relationships. Yet you KNOW the "festival " occurs at the actual time of the Jewish passover and the reason why. Again Christmas ( Christ-mass ) celebrates the coming of the Lord into history, We do this by going to Mass ( see above brief definition ). We dont know Jesus actual birth date so the Church chose a Roman Holiday to redirect the faithfuls attention to a higher cause. Pagan customs such as easter eggs take on a new meaning : a new life in Christ. Old customs die hard, If you are a thinker as you claim for yourself , you KNOW this is TRUE and you practice many traditions celebrated by your parents eg. birthdays. We take this for granted.
Your next paragraph indicates you hold some crazy beliefs as you seem to be rejecting the O.T. & N.T. Ok, send your evidence. You have not given one shred of evidence for your case and have resorted to a vicious attack which is completely uncalled for and ungodly. Your statement "You are allergic to anything that proves your religion unreliable " is PROOF of your closed mind as you know absolutely nothing about me apart from my brief email.
To say " We are not on the same side " is ridiculous in your reference to belief in God. You are confrontational rather than conciliatory. Your attitude contradicts Christs commmand to LOVE. Its your choice.
As a prerequisite ,you are asking me to walk away from a GOD OF LOVE ? Hold on , I am on YHWH side , thereby by your own judgment you condemn yourself with your own words " You are not ". Your demonstrating an incredible arrogance apparently based on strongly held convictions ( closed mind ) of a completely new wacky religion. However , I look forward to reading your leaflets as nothing you have said makes sense. To understand where you are coming from please send " An introduction to God "
Finally , MY GOD does not HATE ( animosity ) anyone or church doing the will of God. I suspect your God mirrors YOU and the God of Islam. The christian God hates SIN, regardles , HE loves the SINNER. After all , none of us are perfect , we all struggle on a daily basis to do the right thing.
My hope is that you will see the Catholic Church in a better light than your current perspective.