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Offline ShamarTowrah  
#1 Posted : Thursday, January 27, 2022 1:56:53 AM(UTC)
Joined: 12/25/2021(UTC)
Posts: 7
United States

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"Since Yahowah is resolutely against human sacrifice, why was the Passover Lamb human on this day? Why not an actual lamb? The answer is that Yahowah told ‘Abraham not to harm Yitschaq because He was going to provide the sacrifice, becoming the Pesach ‘Ayl. " QP - Testing Faith - Incredible (A New Testament)

"It has recently been discovered that the Greeks practiced human sacrifice as did the Romans through the 2nd century BCE. The Mongols, Druids, Chinese, Japanese, Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Polynesians, and Africans prolifically, barbarically, and religiously sacrificed innocent lives on behalf of make-believe gods. So, the only reason that Yitschaq would have asked his father about a “lamb” is because he was aware of Yahowah’s instructions regarding Passover." YY - Beyth - Here I Am

"Most translators will tell you that ‘Abraham “bound” his son, thereby constraining him against his will and curtailing his ability to flee. But the primary definition of ‘aqad tells another story. It actually says that “he connected these things together,” thereby associating his son with the wooden pillars upon which the ultimate sacrifice would be affixed on our behalf.

As we watch ‘Abraham wield the knife, he is simply acting out his role based upon what he has experienced – pressing the issue. Yahowah did not ask him to grasp it in the manner he did. Moreover, it would be the hand of God, not ‘Abraham’s, that would accomplish all of this for us. So…
Next (wa), ‘Abraham (‘Abraham – father who raises and lifts up those who stand up and reach up, father of the abundantly enriched, merciful father, or father of multitudes who are confused and troublesome) stretched out (shalach – reached out (qal imperfect)) his hand (‘eth yad huw’) and grasped hold of (laqach ‘eth – receiving, obtaining, and accepting (qal imperfect)) the knife (ha ma’akeleth – the implement for cutting and separating, and thus symbolic of circumcision; from ma and ‘akal – to contemplate preparing something to eat and then being nourished by it) to move in the direction of (la – to approach the idea of) pressing the issue (shachat – humbling himself by making a sacrifice; from shachach – to bow down, diminishing oneself as an act of humility) with his son (‘eth ben huw’).” (Bare’syth / Genesis / In the Beginning 22:10)

The last thing God wanted was for ‘Abraham to end the life of the boy whose birth He had miraculously facilitated. He had already promised that His eternal Covenant would be established through Yitschaq. Therefore, ‘Abraham recognized that God was going to intervene, just as He had on previous occasions. This was a test, nothing more, nothing less. Although with ‘Abraham, based upon the plethora of poor decisions he had made in the past, the examination would require serious proof that his head was in the right place."
thanks 1 user thanked ShamarTowrah for this useful post.
matt on 2/2/2022(UTC)
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