BTW, I have been a member here since like AbiYah. My computer got hacked and I had to create all new identities. I am going copy what I wrote Yada, in hopes that he will see it and respond. I owe him so much,
Posted: Wednesday, December 27, 2017 5:32:16 PM
Hi Yada!
It has been a very long time since we have corresponded and I know you are really busy, but I need to tell you a few things. My name is Pamela, and I used to own a restaurant and you helped me so much. Your were the first person who told me Yahowah's name (Yahweh back then, lol). You changed my life. First with Prophet of Doom, I finally understood. I woke up. I have 50 spiral notebooks of studies from your work. You are a very special child of Yah and have brought MANY of children to our Father.
I check in every now and then. I have all your books on file on my pc. I study Yah's Word every Shabbat all day from your work. I have come up with an idea and would like to propose it to you for your blessing. I want to put all of your work,ITG, POD, YY, and QP on flash drives with as many resource books possible.
One thing missing would be: A Book of Scriptures comprised of all of your translations. I have started a notebook sectioned between all books, and fill them in as go through them in YY and ITG and QP. Has anyone attempted to do this? I know you have many friends doing things like putting YY on Kindle. I don't have sophisticated enough software that would pull them all out and shorten the workload.
I have wanted to write you for a very long time, but now I do have something to tell you that you might not be aware of. I am active on FaceBook now, and ran into a guy named Larry Hendricks. His name sounded familiar. I even spoke to him on the phone. He told me that a couple of people that are friends/associates of yours were in need of his help and he provided this help. Here it gets a little hazy. He said they bore false witness about him and that is why you two parted ways. He actually does not a good reputation on FB either. He did not know that I knew what happened when I read it from your mouth on the forum. I asked him what he thought of your work, and he said, "Yada may be a big assh*l*, but he is probably the best translator in the world today."
Ok, the problem: I noticed him posting "messages/notes/topical papers on FB and they looked VERY familiar. It was all YOUR work. Not paraphrased, not attibuted, not in "quotes". Plain ol' plagerism. So, I am under the proper assumption, he is garnering a following due to his "articulate" work. Now I know you give your work freely, don't we all? However, this is at another level. He is taking full credit for all of your efforts and I do want to call him out but wanted to check in with you first.
Sorry this went on so long, but I just had to reach out to you because of my respect and gratitude for all your efforts and sacrifice. My email is: My Facebook page is: Pamela Hahn My cell: 408-667-5350 If you can let me know what you think about the flash drive project and the Scriptural "book" and how to proceed about Mr. Hendricks I would be most grateful.
Sincerely and Netsah' your sister in Ma'aseYah,
Pamela Hahn
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