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#1 Posted : Thursday, September 27, 2007 6:44:48 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

From: "AL"
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 7:37 PM
To: email@ProphetOfDoom.net
Subject: Just a little correction

I was reading your prophet of doom website. Christians did do bad things to Jews. We were wrong.

Catholics did persecute Jews and Catholicism is wrong. But, what does that have to do with Prophet of Doom's comprehensive presentation of the Islamic Scriptures? Is your point that because one religion is wrong we shouldn't expose others that are also wrong--even if one religion is terrorism's only common denominator today?

I am a catholic(Really). The church never prohibited reading the Bible. Books, before the printing press, were extremely expensive and lots and lots of people were illiterate. I dare anyone to find any church document or any proof, whatsoever, that the church ever prohibited reading the Bible.

The Roman Catholic Church made owning a bible a capital offense for many hundreds of years. Translating Scriptures into the common language of the people was also a crime punishible by death. John Wicliffe and his associates at the end of the 14th century started the Reformation by ignoring these RCC decrees. Your Church hunted them down and murdered them. You, therefore have your facts wrong. But that's not surprising since you are a Catholic. In fact, it is a prerecquisit.

ON the crusades. The Eastern Orthodox church, patriarch of Constantinople wrote a letter to Pope Urban begging for help fighting the muslims. There were five centers of Christianity: Jerusalem(which unfortunately was sacked by the Romans) Antioch, Constantinople, Alexandria, and Rome. All but Rome were conquered by the Muslim armies.

Here your facts are partially accurate but irrelevent. Having written and posted many articles on the Crusades, my understanding of this response within the context of Islam is far greater than your own. For example, what you are missing here is that with regard to the Crusades, the Pope promoted the bogus jihadist reward concept which promps Muslims to murder today.

The pope asked for the crusade to keep the muslims from destroying the entire Christian world, most of which is dominated by Islam as you can see. In Islam, there is a doctrine called Taqqia, which means you can lie to further the faith. This made it extremely hard to know who was a muslim or not.

The Crusades had no effect on slowing the advance of Islam and were counterproductive, an outcome inconsistent with papal claims of infalibility.

Yes, all good Muslims lie, but so do all popes. Much, if not most of what they profess is contrary to Yahweh's testimony. Either they are right or God is right but they cannot both be right.

My family comes from Southern Italy. Curing the middle ages, Sicily was taken over by the Muslims and they were extracting high taxes from the Lombard King. The Normans went through there on their way to the Holy Lands. The Lombard King told the Normans what was happening. The Normans said: Don't pay the tax, we will take care of it. The Normans kicked the Muslims out of Sicily and all of southern Italy.

There is a 1500-page book on the POD site called the Islamic Terrorism Timeline detailing the 1000-year Islamic crusade against Christendom. You would have been better served had you read it.

The Islamics were taking over Spain. My husband's family traces back to Spain and latter to Southern Italy. The Muslims got kicked out of Spain(unfortunately the Jews were caught in that expulsion, I think due to the Taqqia problem).

The Muslims didn't persecute the Jews in Spain but the Roman Catholic Church did.

The Islamics marched into Romania, when a very cruel Prince, Prince Vlad(aka dracula) scared the hell out of them by impaling people. Prince Vlad is a hero in Romania for keeping the Muslims out. Even though Prince Vlad was crazy.

When your heros are evil, murderous men, you have a problem.

The Muslims were at the gates of Vienna, Several times. If you want a history of the crusades, get the catholic point of view. Your eyes will be open.

You suffer from two infirmities. You rant before you read. I know more about the history of the crusades, and have written more about this subject, than you, but you don't know that because you didn't bother to examine the evidence. And that leads to your other problem. You see the world through the corrupted lense of religion. Had you read Yada Yahweh, your eyes would not only have been opened, you would see clearly for the first time.

Yahweh is calling you and all Catholics to come out of Babylon. Heed is summons and attend His Miqra.

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Offline Yada  
#2 Posted : Friday, September 28, 2007 4:24:01 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

From: "AL"
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 8:25 PM
To: Prophet of Doom
Subject: RE: Just a little correction

You are spouting protestant propaganda.

I'm not a Protestant and I don't support the Protestant agenda. If you had read Yada Yahweh you would have known that. I condemn both Catholicism and Protestantism based upon their conflicts with Yahweh's Word.

I dare you to find proof not from protestants, but from real historical records. It was never a crime in the catholic church to own a Bible. Never ever.

You are living in a make-believe world where all information contrary to your illusions is condemned, not based upon facts or reason, but instead upon your errant assumptions regarding the messenger's motivations. Read the history of John Wycliffe. He is a very famous person and his account is chronicled in most all secular encyclopedias. You will find that the Catholic Church dug up and then burned his bones, called him a heritic, and threw his ashes into a river after torturing his associates for the crime of translating Scripture out of Latin into the common language of the people and then giving those translations to laity. In 1415 the Wycliff translations were hunted down and burned on the order os Pope Martin V. The foremost scholar in this area, Dr. Bruce Metzger, wrote "The Bible in Translation." You will find the proof of this charge beginning on page 56.

The official RCC ban on Scriptures in the hands of laity occured in 1229. But in 600 CE, the RCC banned Scripture readings in all languages other than Latin, insuring that only Roman Catholic clergy would know what Yahweh revealed. This gave them the license to alter God's testimony to suit their own agenda. So they began to sell indulgences, promoted Mary to to co-redeemer, banned the observence of Yahweh's seven Miqra' and Sabbath and substituted satanic rubbish like Christmas, Easter, and Sunday worship. In 788, the Second Commandment ban against idols was annuled by the RCC, and the worship of the cross, relics, and statues to Mary was instituted. By 1545 CE the RCC declared that Chruch tradition was equal to Scripture, even if it conflicted with God's Word. In 1580, the pope was delared to be "Lord God." In 1870 the pope declared that he was infallable.

There were Bibles burned that were not correct translations. Sola Scriptura is wrong, because most people couldn't even aford to own a book, let alone a costly book like the Bible.

The Catholic Church considered its Latin Vulgate translation to be the only authorized form of Scripture. All others were automatically destroyed as "incorrect." Not only was it a translation of a translation (Hebrew to Greek to Latin) of the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms, the overwhelming perponderance of common people neither read nor spoke Latin so it was useless.

The issue wasn't that the people couldn't afford copies of Scripture as proven by the 180 copies that still remain of Wycliffe's translations, but that the Roman Catholic Church couldn't afford to have their subjects know what God actually revealed. Every informed and rational person knows that Roman Catholicim is a fraud because many of its most important teachings conflict with, or are a counterfeit of, the Scriptures upon which they claim to be based.

For example, based upon Catholicim's ban by penalty of death (370 CE) of observing Yahweh's Miqra and substitution of God's called-out meetings with Babylonian holidays, no Catholic observes Yowm Kippurym. And yet Yahweh says that those who do not answer His summons and come into His presence on this day will have their sould annihilated.

I never said Prince Vlad was my hero. I said that he was a hero in Romania.

My point remains valid.

I used to be a protestant, but really went and looked at what was going on and I changed my mind. I really read what the history and found out what was going on. The protestants were wrong.

Yes, Protestants are wrong, but not as wrong as the people you now trust. Your problem is that you trust men and not God.

My ancestors saved western Europe. See battle of Le Panto when the Holy League saved Europe and the protestants who were quarreling among themselves(and still are to this day). See Knights of Malta. The crusades were most productive. The steward of Christendom is not under Islamic control, Italy isn't under Islamic control, Spain isn't under Islamic control, Vienna Isn't under islamic control, France isn't under islamic control.

Roman Catholicism enslaved Europe and the Crusades were not productive. The failures of Islam are related to Islam, not Christendom.

You think jews have it good under Islam, ask a jew that lives under Islam.

You have a problem citing evidence accurately. I said that the Jews in Spain were not abused by Muslims, but instead by Catholics. I know more about Islam and its hostile relationship with Jews than you will ever know. But if you'd like to know ten percent of what I know, read the 2500 pages of Prophet of Doom and the Islamic Terrorist Timeline.

Saint Anthony pray for us. Our lady of the Holy Rosary. Pray for us.

Yahweh calls what you have done here an "abomination." The elevation of Mary to intercessor is a Catholic invention based upon the Babylonian Maddona and Child myth, as is Christmas, Easter, Mass, the cross, and Sunday Worship. Mary worship began in 431 CE and is in total conflict with Yahweh's Word. The canonization of dead saints, also an abomination to God, was authorized in 995 CE.

So, you have a choice "AL." You can continue to trust the lie that is Roman Catholicim, and continue to anger Yahweh by praying to dead Catholic saints, or you can read Yada Yahweh and come to trust and rely upon God.

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Offline Yada  
#3 Posted : Friday, September 28, 2007 4:27:28 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

From: "AL"
Sent: Thursday, September 27, 2007 11:15 PM
To: email@ProphetOfDoom.net
Subject: Just one last thought


Just one last thought to leave you with. Taqqia is a doctrine of Islam. Lying is not a doctrine of the catholic faith. If a pope lies, he does so as a man.

Papal Infallibility has limits. The pope is only infallible when he speaks from his chair, in union with his bishops. The pope is only infallible on matters of faith and morals. Incidently, you know where the jews went that got kicked out of Spain? Right next to the pope. Where did they go when they were being persecuted during the crusades. They went to the bishop's house. Hmmm

You hate what you think the catholic faith is, you don't hate what it actually is, because you don't really know what we believe.

I don't want to argue. I want to leave you with a question. Perhaps you should look at the other side of the story. Go look at the catholic encyclopedia online. It's Free!!! What have you to lose? Just think of it as a way to convert people like me.

Love and Blessings
Remember Jesus is the Temple, and Our Lady is the Ark of the Covenant. This is the Key to Everything!!! St. Vincent Ferrer, Pray For Us.

You are again wrong "A." I despise the RCC for what it is, as does Yahweh. Most of its important teachings are lies. I know this because the RCC endorces many things which are contrary to Yahweh's testimony. As such, even if the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms are untrue, Catholicims cannot be true.

I use the Catholic Encyclopedia often as well as Catholicism's four-volume The Building of Christendom as a way to verify the conflicts between Roman Catholic teaching and Yahweh's Word.

Mary isn't the Ark of the Covenant. You are so horribly deceived. The Key to Everything according to Yahushua is "the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms.

St. Vincent Ferrer will spend his eternity in the abyss for deceing you, as will most every pope.
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Offline bitnet  
#4 Posted : Friday, January 4, 2008 5:54:14 AM(UTC)
Joined: 7/3/2007(UTC)
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AL, if you are with us on this site I hope you read the answers given to you in good heart. There is much to learn here, but much unlearning must also be done on your part. This site, POD or YY are not dedicated to political correctness but have a directness so that you may take positive action and ask for Truth, even if it hurts, to come to you. The history of Europe in the Dark to Middle Ages is not what you think it is. Battles and wars to keep a false religion from taking over another false religion is like fighting over spoilt milk. The evil created to fight evil only served to create more evil. I shall not say more on this but can only ask you and other like you browsing this site to keep your minds open just as we have kept ours open to the Set-Apart Spirit.
The reverence of Yahweh is the beginning of Wisdom.
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