knowing1 wrote:Time...Just not enough hours in day (just look at when I am posting this, before I start my 2 hour commute here on the East Coast!). Need to get me one of the netbooks or something! Anyway....
....There is a multitude of information sources out there and religious dogma that is just so ingrained in society that it obscures the true "truth" (does that make sense?)! I have been educating myself for some time now and realize that there are some discrepencies that CG and Yowel need to have clarified. For example: It does appear that scripture was referring to the end days Messiah that WOULD ultimately come (In Isaiah), That the Messiah would be from the Tribe of David/Solomon which Yashua was NOT! That when the Messiah comes there would be peace on earth and EVERYONE would realize he would be. These things just never happened 2000 years ago! Only a small group "believed" in Yashua not the whole world!
These are some of the things that need clarification and would lead to extensive productive discussion! It would benefit ALL of us!
Let's get started!
I am just a jew who is in a continual process of discovering the truth and have come back to knowing the One who is Eternal, created the Universe, has given us life, and everything we have, do and are is all due to Yahweh, our God. We must not take ANYONE'S word (even CG, Yowel and KP) when it comes to knowing the truth. Even Yada has said this many times, but despite all the work that has been done by YY, misinterpretations could have been made! (i.e. CG and Galatians!).
This is up to all of us! Continue to educate, spread the word of scripture, question everthing, bring those who there is hope for back into Yahweh's family! With His guidance and help, He is allowing me to journey on this very rough road, but it must be done!
Yahweh is with all of us.
First of all Yada, KP, and Yowel aren't perfect and they are willing to be corrected on issues provided there is solid evidence. they will tell you that themselves. We are all seekers of truth here, and open mindedness is key.
As far as those discrepancies: Yes the Messiah is/was from the tribe of Yehudah. Have you read the genealogy of Yahushua at the beginning of the book of Matthew? It traces it from David all the way to Yahushua. Considering the fact that there is no extant secular documentation of Yahushua's life from the time he was alive, the Messianic Scriptures give us everything we have to go on. Where does it say he was not from the tribe of David?
Secondly, the Tanakh says more than once that the Messiah would be rejected. Just read Daniel 9:25 "And after the sixty-two weeks Messiah will be cut off and have naught." Furthermore, if you go back one more verse to verse 25 it prophecies exactly when the Messiah would come: "know then and understand: from the going forth of the command to restore Jerusalem (445 B.C. under King Artaxerxes) until Messiah the Prince is seven weeks and sixty-two weeks." 483 total. If taken to mean 483 prophetic years of 360 days you will end up in 32 C.E. Ken Power in his book "Future History" brings up an argument that the command to restore Jerusalem was in 444 B.C. and not 445. Either way the deadline to this crucial prophecy is 32 or 33 C.E. If it was not Yahushua then who was it? Isaiah 53 is another important place to read because it is pretty much entirely about the Messiah being rejected and murdered by his own people whom he came to save. Then there is psalm 22 which describes in first person how he was to be crucified.
I think the problem that Jews have with Yahushua being the Messiah is that they see his first coming (the ransom) and his return (the day of Yahweh) as being one in the same. So when he didn't fulfill everything during his first coming he was disregarded as a false Messiah but truly his fulfillment as a whole is still yet to come. His job is only half done. Yahweh has used the metaphor of the former and latter rain to describe the Messiah. Yahushua's disciple Peter also touched upon it during his citation of Joel in the beginning of the book of Acts. So here - Yahweh said it perfectly through the prophet Hosea: "Come, and let us return unto Yahweh: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up. After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth."
I fully expect and await the time when the Messiah will return and.. "And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn." Zechariah 12:10