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Offline andrergsanchez  
#1 Posted : Monday, August 25, 2008 12:19:59 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/24/2008(UTC)
Posts: 29
Location: São Paulo, Brazil

Let me start by saying that I am not an atheist, not by a long shot. I -know- God exists and I talk to him regularly, asking for guidance, strenght and mercy, but most importantly, giving thanks to this wonderful gift that he has given me, called existance. This is extremely important to me. Religion being the field of philosophy dealing with the salvation of the soul, it is something that occupies a great deal of my thoughts. As your Bible would say, "What profits a man that gains the world, but loses his soul?"

That being said, I have trouble accepting the Judeo-Christian understanding of God, and the Bible as inspired scripture (meaning, having an entirely accurate depiction of God, since in principle you could say all texts are inspired by God and reflect his nature to some extent). I looked at religions in general, and I have to say that if any one of the established religions (including the humanistic ones) is true, it has to be christianity. It is clearly the most sensible and rational of them all.

However, there are some things that hold me back from accepting the judeo-christian "version" of God as true. I trust God and can accept that some things are beyond our understanding, and for which trust is necessary, but it seems arbitrary for me to say that these things that don't make much sense to me should fall into that category. For all I know, God has inspired no one scripture, and is asking us to trust his everyday word, that which he tells everyone, every day of their lives through the nature of the universe.

I want to know God better. Will you help me?
Offline Yada  
#2 Posted : Monday, August 25, 2008 12:32:16 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
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Welcome to the forum.

The following is from the introduction to Yada Yahweh:

A Conversation With God... Yada’ means: “to know in a relational sense.” Yahweh is God’s personal name. It conveys “I Am” and “I Exist.” Therefore, Yada Yahweh is an invitation “to know Yahweh” and “to understand our existence.” A thorough investigation of the evidence pertaining to man’s existence and to the knowledge of God leads to an inescapable conclusion: the Scripture Yahuweh inspired remains the world’s only rational candidate for divine writ.

Read on
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Offline Matthew  
#3 Posted : Monday, August 25, 2008 12:48:22 PM(UTC)
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Welcome to the forum Andre!

Yahuweh (which means I Exist) is central to understanding our existence. The book Yada Yahweh by Yada goes into great depth to explain who we are, why are we here and all about God's existence and how His Word proves His existence. Yada (Yada) also uses science to prove God's existence. The book The Owners Manual will reveal to you the relationship with the Old Covenant and Renewed Covenant, what you call the Judeo-Christian understanding of God.

Read the thread http://www.yadanews.com/...egorising-the-Torah.aspx especially where I have quote what kp (Ken Power, author of The Owners Manual) said to me regarding how to understand the Torah from the perspective of a believer this side of the crucifixion.

Both the authors delve into the original Hebrew and Greek Scriptures to bypass translation errors in current English version. Their online books are also provided free, something very rare in today's Christian world.

I hope my brothers and sisters in Messiah Yahushua will add extra to this thread because we have all come from a similar experience, knowing that God exists but a wanting to know more, a deep to desire to know the Truth, to know Yahuweh!
Offline Robskiwarrior  
#4 Posted : Monday, August 25, 2008 2:09:35 PM(UTC)
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Welcome Andre :)

Im sure we will all help you as much as we can :)
Signature Updated! Woo that was old...
Offline andrergsanchez  
#5 Posted : Monday, August 25, 2008 2:52:33 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/24/2008(UTC)
Posts: 29
Location: São Paulo, Brazil

Yada wrote:
Welcome to the forum.

The following is from the introduction to Yada Yahweh:

I've read much of Yada Yahweh, as well as some other linked texts ("Future History" and "The Owner's Manual"). I've also read all of Prophet of Doom, it doesn't go into a huge deal of detail relating to this (other than providing reasons to not trust Allah), but it does cointain some interesting insights. My problem is that much of it takes for granted that the Bible, properly understood, cointains -the- truth about God. Other than its internal coherence, little attention seems to be given to the question of "Why should we trust this book to reveal God's nature to us?".

The main argument seems to be that the prophecies were fulfilled, which could only happen if the Bible was written by God. When I look at it though, I'm not particularly convinced. They often seem vague prophecies, that could be manipulated a million ways to fit a million different outcomes. If we look at more contemporary collections of prophesies, we can see just how easy it can be to "predict" history. Especially the prophecies concerning Jesus (sorry, I'm not good at remembering the proper name, but I think Jesus is a reasonable latinization of it) seem to ignore that a man with access to the old testament and a messiah complex would be driven to match his behaviour and his words to such a text, particularly its prophecies. When we look at cults all over the world, many of which are transparently false (Islam included, but far from the only), we see that people are far too willing to give their lives in testament to false Gods. Perhaps the "My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me?" should be taken literaly, as the last words of a man that realized too late that he was deluding himself. So the main argument in favour of the truth of the life and resurection of Jesus (that his followers were so certain of God's salvation that they were willing to be crucified for providing testimony of it) isn't quite as strong as it would seem at first glance.

I'm reminded that, according to the Bible, Jesus had to appear in flesh and blood before his closest followers before they could believe, accept, truly trust that he had been brought back to life. It seems the Bible acknowledges that true faith can't be blind. Yet I'm asked to have a deeper faith in Jesus than those that actually lived by his side while he was a human being. "Blessed are those that don't see, yet believe". I don't think it says "Cursed are those that have not seen, and so don't believe." If God hasn't seen fit to show me that this is the truth, why should I believe it?

I trust God, but why should I trust the Bible to tell me about him? Surely God has not abandoned all the millions that lived without ever having the chance to look at one, or hear the name of Jesus.
Offline Matthew  
#6 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2008 4:07:10 AM(UTC)
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andrergsanchez wrote:
... My problem is that much of it takes for granted that the Bible, properly understood, cointains -the- truth about God. Other than its internal coherence, little attention seems to be given to the question of "Why should we trust this book [YY or the Scriptures?] to reveal God's nature to us?".

andrergsanchez wrote:
... ...I trust God, but why should I trust the Bible to tell me about him? Surely God has not abandoned all the millions that lived without ever having the chance to look at one, or hear the name of Jesus.

The Scriptures is His Word, and His Word was made flesh in Yahushua. By linking the age of the Scriptures, to science, archaeological findings, history, prophetic fulfillment, and how it perfectly explains who man is, we can deduce that the Word is telling the truth, therefore it can be trusted, meaning Yahuweh can be trusted.

We cannot fit God into a neat little box, He is who He says He is. Man wants God to be this all-accepting-politically-correct God, one who will accept people regardless of what they believe and do. This is not right, God has a standard of righteousness, and unfortunately it goes against our human (carnal) nature. Naturally we stand opposed to God.

YY is a commentary on Scripture, opening up Scripture. YY serves to help understand Scripture, to expose all the lies been told to us, to help us understand God's plan of redemption. It is similar to Prophet of Doom, in that it consists mainly of the relevant scriptures, with just some commentray helping to link passages together.

andrergsanchez wrote:
Perhaps the "My God, My God, Why have You forsaken Me?" should be taken literaly, as the last words of a man that realized too late that he was deluding himself.

He was saying it literally, Yahuweh had removed His Spirit from Yahushua and was replaced with our sin. Yahushua was on His own, carrying our sin on His shoulders. He obviously felt the change, hence His statement. He then waited for His body to die and for His soul to descend into Sheol/Hades. When He was raised to life His soul, body and Spirit were reunited.

This reasoning that He was maybe deluding Himself is illogical and senseless. Why would Yahuweh let His Spirit be with Yahushua His whole life, only to remove it at the very end?

Let's think about the opposite situation, what if He had an evil spirit? To say this statement of "My God My God" in this case would also be senseless, why would Satan take an evil spirit from Him? Satan wants men to be possessed with his spirit by the time they die, to suffer the same fate as him, that of eternal anguish in a place of eternal nothingness. It is very merciful of God to have Door 2 in this case, those who do not believe, who never knew Yahuweh (in this case inclduing those who never even had the chance of knowing), would simply cease to exist.
Offline bitnet  
#7 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:18:39 AM(UTC)
Joined: 7/3/2007(UTC)
Posts: 1,120


Welcome andregsanchez! It is reasonable to have doubts... in fact, it is almost required of you to enquire and keep on enquiring. That is the only way we can get to the message of our Creator, Elohim Yahweh, behaving like a child who keeps asking the father about everything and trusting the answers received. For too long people have been guilty of deceiving themselves and their children. Think of it... how can all religions lead to Him if each religion takes their believers away from Him by virtue of their teachings? No, there can only be one path, one road, one way.

In your quest -- yes, this is now your personal quest -- you have to ask where in the world has the Creator revealed Himself in person. Almost every religion seem to acknowledge a higher authority but none of their writings claim that He visited in person for the purpose of building a relationship with His creation. None except the Scriptures that He inspired and made happen. You may think that it is too vague but many mathematicians have calculated the near impossibilities of things happening the way prophecies have been written, so much so that theologians have become apologists and invent all sorts of dispensations and theories about who wrote what when instead of acknowledging that things were recorded as history progressed.

You claim that you want to know the Creator better, and now it is incumbent upon yourself to seek continuously till you get the answers that satisfy. The Judeo-Christian writings that you refer to are known as Scripture to us in this forum, and is spiritual food. To those who want to know Him, we can know Him through the Word. In John 1 we read that:

Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim.
Joh 1:2 He was in the beginning with Elohim.
Joh 1:3 All came to be through Him,1 and without Him not even one came to be that came to be.
Joh 1:4 In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.
Joh 1:5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Joh 1:6 There was a man sent from Elohim, whose name was Yoḥanan.
Joh 1:7 This one came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all might believe through him.
Joh 1:8 He was not that Light, but that he might bear witness of that Light.
Joh 1:9 He was the true Light, which enlightens every man, coming into the world.
Joh 1:10 He was in the world, and the world came to be through Him, and the world did not know Him.
Joh 1:11 He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him.
Joh 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the authority to become children of Elohim, to those believing in His Name,
Joh 1:13 who were born, not of blood nor of the desire of flesh nor of the desire of man, but of Elohim.
Joh 1:14 And the Word became flesh and pitched His tent among us, and we saw His esteem, esteem as of an only brought-forth of a father, complete in favour and truth.

Through Scripture we can learn about our Creator and His purpose for us. We can learn His principles for living, and His laws on governance. We can see His love for us through His creation and daily provision and through His Sacrifice, and His intention to one day reveal Himself to us as our rightful King. We can learn that we are like caterpillars waiting to bloom into butterflies and move in additional dimensions. We can also disbelieve everything and He will also make that part come true.

Through His faithful scribes here, He has given clarity to all that He has conveyed through His Scripture. Our task here is to understand, accept and run with the Message to reveal Him as best as we can to those whom He has called. Again, many are called but few are chosen so we need not bang our heads too hard to convince everyone to accept the Message. But spread the Message we must, as we need to find each other to come together to form the Set-Apart tabernacle of the Ekklesia in which our personal bodies become as building blocks built upon the cornerstone that is Messiyah Yahushua.

The structure that we have here is unlike that practiced in most religions... our head is Messiyah Yahushua and we do not report to a priest, bishop or pope. Our brethren here each have gifts that are being used to the best of our abilities to draw others unto the Creator Elohim Yahweh, even as we try to sort ourselves out to live according to His Word. As we go along, we grow and we form relationships with each other. We rely on Father Yahweh to sustain us just as we strive to love each other and support each other. Not all of those whom He has called are here, and there are many outside of this forum whom we shall seek and unite with eventually. There will be differences in the levels of understanding of certain teachings but the basics are the same. It shall be His love that binds us together despite our human foibles.

And it is precisely His Love that shall be revealed to all in a couple of decades despite humanity's best attempts to deny Him access to His creation. Instead of letting humans destroy each other and the earth, He shall intervene to save us from ourselves. But woe to those who try to thwart His plan. This is what we reveal: His Salvation and His Kingdom which is to come. You can believe this or choose to believe that He created us and left us to fend for ourselves without proper guidance... which would not be the mark of a good Creator. The time has now come for everything to be revealed but only those with a yen for Truth shall see it. Unlearn everything and relearn all anew from here on. We hope that in your quest you shall come to the same conclusion, and starting point.
The reverence of Yahweh is the beginning of Wisdom.
Offline Robskiwarrior  
#8 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:59:10 AM(UTC)
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Matthew wrote:

He was saying it literally, Yahuweh had removed His Spirit from Yahushua and was replaced with our sin. Yahushua was on His own, carrying our sin on His shoulders. He obviously felt the change, hence His statement. He then waited for His body to die and for His soul to descend into Sheol/Hades. When He was raised to life His soul, body and Spirit were reunited.

This reasoning that He was maybe deluding Himself is illogical and senseless. Why would Yahuweh let His Spirit be with Yahushua His whole life, only to remove it at the very end?

Let's think about the opposite situation, what if He had an evil spirit? To say this statement of "My God My God" in this case would also be senseless, why would Satan take an evil spirit from Him? Satan wants men to be possessed with his spirit by the time they die, to suffer the same fate as him, that of eternal anguish in a place of eternal nothingness. It is very merciful of God to have Door 2 in this case, those who do not believe, who never knew Yahuweh (in this case inclduing those who never even had the chance of knowing), would simply cease to exist.

You also have to remember He wasnt just saying it - He was quoting scripture.

Psalm 22 starts

NIV wrote:
1 My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Why are you so far from saving me,
so far from the words of my groaning?

Which leads us to have to look at everthing else too - a lot of the Psalms were prophetic as well, another prophesy forfiled? Well read the rest of it, I would say so...

From what I can see, not only is it an awesome way to yet again while enduring your final breaths, but to quote a scriptre that describes what you have been/going through... For someone hearing that, and who knew their scripture, im sure it would have been a poinient moment.

It just proves more to me that He is increadable lol
Signature Updated! Woo that was old...
Offline andrergsanchez  
#9 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2008 3:10:31 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/24/2008(UTC)
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Location: São Paulo, Brazil

Matthew wrote:
The Scriptures is His Word, and His Word was made flesh in Yahushua. By linking the age of the Scriptures, to science, archaeological findings, history, prophetic fulfillment, and how it perfectly explains who man is, we can deduce that the Word is telling the truth, therefore it can be trusted, meaning Yahuweh can be trusted.

Can you be more specific? I'm sure a lot of the Bible is accurate, including much of its teological elements, but especially the historical elements. Then again, if I open up an encyclopedia, much of it is also accurate. It does not make it inspired scripture. What of the Bible tells you that it is the truth, whose writing was inspired by God?

We cannot fit God into a neat little box, He is who He says He is. Man wants God to be this all-accepting-politically-correct God, one who will accept people regardless of what they believe and do. This is not right, God has a standard of righteousness, and unfortunately it goes against our human (carnal) nature. Naturally we stand opposed to God.

Can you explain to me what this carnal nature is, and how it is opposed to God? Ultimately, there is no such thing as the flesh in some special way, as the flesh is the word of God, because everything is the word of God. Jesus was (if we assume scripture to be accurate at least with regards to this) born in the flesh, he lived in the flesh without sin, and he was reborn in the flesh, and that is the promise that is made to man, that he also can be reborn, not as disemboyed spirit, a ghost, but in flesh and bone, that man will inherit the earth and live in it, forever, as those who refuse the salvation of God are removed from it and taken to a place of separation from us and from God, to hell.

YY is a commentary on Scripture, opening up Scripture.

Yes, it's a good one too.

He was saying it literally, Yahuweh had removed His Spirit from Yahushua and was replaced with our sin. Yahushua was on His own, carrying our sin on His shoulders. He obviously felt the change, hence His statement. He then waited for His body to die and for His soul to descend into Sheol/Hades. When He was raised to life His soul, body and Spirit were reunited.

That is one of those things that hold me back. How can the spirit of God be removed -from- God?

This reasoning that He was maybe deluding Himself is illogical and senseless. Why would Yahuweh let His Spirit be with Yahushua His whole life, only to remove it at the very end?

That assumes Yahushua was the "son of God", and not simply another man. It may very well be a correct assumption, but my question is, why do you think this is so? It seems perfectly reasonable to assume he was merely one of the many men that have existed on this earth with a Messiah complex, which is how many of his contemporaries regarded him, and the reason why he was killed, in accordance with jewish law, which if we are to believe him, is what Yahushua came to fulfill. He was crucified because many were not convinced of his divinity. Why are you convinced? And why are you convinced that the Bible accurately depicts this divinity?

Offline andrergsanchez  
#10 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2008 3:37:13 PM(UTC)
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bitnet wrote:

Welcome andregsanchez!

Thank you bitnet, I'm pleased to be here. :)

You can believe this or choose to believe that He created us and left us to fend for ourselves without proper guidance... which would not be the mark of a good Creator.

That is an interesting statement. I take the nature of the universe around us as the word of God, as his living holy scripture. If you take what is known as the Bible as being -the- scripture, the guidance given by God, you have to wonder, what of those left without it? If the mark of a good Creator is to give guidance and support to his creation, and if this guidance is the Bible, does not the fact that billions have been kept from it one way or the other and through no fault of their own, tell you that either you are wrong, or that God isn't that good a Creator? Some have been kept from the Bible by the actions of other men, but many have been kept from it by nature itself, by the work of God. That is one of the big problems I have with elevating the Bible to such a status.


The time has now come for everything to be revealed but only those with a yen for Truth shall see it. Unlearn everything and relearn all anew from here on. We hope that in your quest you shall come to the same conclusion, and starting point.

I ask for guidance from God, that he may illuminate my path and give me the strenght to walk it. I trust that he will do so.
Offline bitnet  
#11 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2008 6:51:38 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/3/2007(UTC)
Posts: 1,120


When we humans separated ourselves from Him, we separated ourselves from Truth. We did it to ourselves and to our generations. That is why we are in the sorry state we are in today. Despite breaking the yoke of slavery and bringing them out of Mitsrayim (Egypt) even ancient Yisra'el pushed Him away and sought an earthly king of their own, and He complied with that also. The world today is the result of this separation. We wanted Him to stay out, and He did. And yet we blame Him when things don't go our way. And still He came to redeem us despite this separation. He made a way for those who would seek Him to find Him. That is what the Scripture is about in a nutshell. He is not about to force Himself upon this world -- yet. Until we are about to annihilate everything around us will He then step in to save us from ourselves. Meanwhile Scripture also shows us how to live according to His Way. And it is not burdensome. In fact, it is a lot lighter than the yokes put on men by men. Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be answered. But turn away and there shall be no answers. For many are called and few are chosen.
The reverence of Yahweh is the beginning of Wisdom.
Offline shalom82  
#12 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2008 8:27:31 PM(UTC)
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Just for the sake of perspective, the infinitesimal chance that one man could self fulfill prophecy through design or coincidence is 1 in 10^17. That is to merely fulfill 8 prophecies. One of the prophecies, the Beit Lechem (Bethlehem) birth cannot be verified for characters and pretenders from diverse ages such as Bar Kosiba and Shabbatai Tsvi. Infact, Tsvi was born in Smyna...forget Israel. We go a step further a man fulfilling 48 prophecies would be 1 in 10^157. Alfred Edersheim's list included 456 parameters for the Messiah. I have not reviewed the entire list and cannot say that it is redundant or incomplete. But I can vouch for a number over 300. Many may seem vague but so many of them are pinpoint specific (such as method of murder, tribal and clan assignment, influence on the nations, physical affliction, betrayal price, powers of healing, execution with true criminals, a coming before Yahudah lost certain identity, advent before the destruction of the second temple, not a bone of His being broken, entry date into Jerusalem, burial site, birth place, the specific name of Messiah predicted...and on and on and on). You look at things beyond a simple man's control. Perhaps a man has messianic designs or megalomaniacal tendencies...but does that mean that His family, and the civil and religious authorities will help him out on his quest? Look at the list of prophecies fulfilled as it pertains to the birth and early childhood of Messiah...events and actions beyond His control that were "seemingly" divinely steered. If it is not YHWH's revelation to mankind about the unfolding redemptive process, then the Hebrew Tanakh has defied all the laws of probability. I know we are looking at this with the angle that how can we even trust the Scriptures as YHWH's revelation....forget that Yahushua is Messiah. But if the prophecies are fulfilled by Yahushua then is not the Tanakh trustworthy? You might argue that the story was filled in because the prophecies were known. That could be true with many of the prophecies, I will admit that...why then did none of the other mad men would be Messiahs do that very same thing? Why isn't there a Bar Kosiba or a Yahudah of Galilee who was born in Bethlehem to a virgin of the lineage of David who came before the destruction of the Temple and came into Jerusalem the very time that he was predicted to come...on a donkey no less, healing the sick, and speaking about the scriptures with unquestionable authority, in who the religious and civil establishment could find no fault in eventhough they despised his challenge to their authority? Why were they not falsely accused and charged and consigned a death with the wicked eventhough they were innocent and why were they not buried in a rich man's grave and resurrected. These forgeries could have been written, in all reason...their followers could have done the very same thing that Yahushua's followers did...why then did their movements die with them? Read the scriptures not as a storybook with inconsequential and random asides about a future messiah, but see it as a book about Messiah (His purpose, His methods, and His essence) from start to finish...understand that He nearly jumps out at you on every page.

I don't claim to have all the answers... for that matter I don't claim to have 1 complete answer. I can't say I know everything, because truly I really know nothing when it comes down to it. But I know enough to know that what I don't know shouldn't bother me. The fact that I do not know what the square root of 24594 is does not negate the fact that I know 1+1 is 2.

YHWH's ordinances are true, and righteous altogether.
Offline andrergsanchez  
#13 Posted : Tuesday, August 26, 2008 10:31:58 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/24/2008(UTC)
Posts: 29
Location: São Paulo, Brazil

shalom82 wrote:
We go a step further a man fulfilling 48 prophecies would be 1 in 10^157.

I would be interested to know where this statistic could possibly come from.


Perhaps a man has messianic designs or megalomaniacal tendencies...but does that mean that His family, and the civil and religious authorities will help him out on his quest?

It's certainly possible. From what I remember of the story of his birth, it seems pretty clear that his parents filled his head with the idea that he was the Messiah, and while not everyone was interested in accepting him as such (clearly), I am sure there was a deep longing among people for it. People cooperate with madmen all the time. You can find about a billion cults alive today, from those of people claiming to speak with aliens, to those of people who claim to be the Messiah. It happens. People take their own lives for these blatantly false religions.


But if the prophecies are fulfilled by Yahushua then is not the Tanakh trustworthy?

Not necessarily. If Satan tells a truth, is he to be trusted?


why then did none of the other mad men would be Messiahs do that very same thing?

Why isn't there a Bar Kosiba or a Yahudah of Galilee who was born in Bethlehem to a virgin of the lineage of David who came before the destruction of the Temple and came into Jerusalem the very time that he was predicted to come...on a donkey no less, healing the sick, and speaking about the scriptures with unquestionable authority, in who the religious and civil establishment could find no fault in eventhough they despised his challenge to their authority?

Absolutely all of that could be the result of having lived his whole life studying scripture, and of his (non-virgin, non-deity) parents having inculcated in him the belief that he was the Messiah. If scripture is to be believed, assuming I remember it correctly, his parents were convinced he was the Messiah before he was even born. Perhaps they were the origin of his Messiah complex. It seems much more plausible than to think that he was God.


Why were they not falsely accused and charged and consigned a death with the wicked eventhough they were innocent and why were they not buried in a rich man's grave and resurrected. These forgeries could have been written, in all reason...their followers could have done the very same thing that Yahushua's followers did...why then did their movements die with them?

There are plenty of false religions who survive the test of time. Why some last and others don't, I don't know. Perhaps the charisma of Jesus was much more powerful than that of any other.


I don't claim to have all the answers... for that matter I don't claim to have 1 complete answer. I can't say I know everything, because truly I really know nothing when it comes down to it. But I know enough to know that what I don't know shouldn't bother me. The fact that I do not know what the square root of 24594 is does not negate the fact that I know 1+1 is 2.

That is exactly how I feel. I do not claim to have intimate knowledge of God's nature, complete with the answers to all of our problems, but I know he exists. My fear is of puting the Bible, or any other book considered as holy, between myself and God. Of making lies my refuge, and falsehood my hiding place.

Offline bitnet  
#14 Posted : Wednesday, August 27, 2008 6:28:09 AM(UTC)
Joined: 7/3/2007(UTC)
Posts: 1,120


Andre, just a quick question: what would happen if all mankind approached God the way you do? Just think about it for a while. Mohamed thought he was in commune with god. The Islamic writings (Quran, Sura and Hadith) as you know it did not exist during his time. It was him and his god. Hundreds of others have also started religions this way. They all reveal their thoughts and it was eventually captured in writing. Sometimes they approached their gods with strange rituals... that even demanded human sacrifice. There must be a reference point. Otherwise everything becomes relative... to how we each see ourselves. So there must be a reference point. A manual of sorts. Thankfully it is the Scriptures. KP expounds it very well in The Owner's Manual and Yada clarifies it in Yada Yahweh. If you do not trust their writings go ahead and dissect the Scriptures yourself. If you think that it is in the same league as the Quran and Bhagadvita and not worth your time, then you have a problem. Unless you have a direct revelation from the Creator Himself you shall not know Him. And even then you would not even know it is Him because you have no idea who He really is! So consider this very carefully. Then decide whether your life is worth reading all there is on YY and in the Scriptures. That's all I can say for now. May you find what you seek.
The reverence of Yahweh is the beginning of Wisdom.
Offline shalom82  
#15 Posted : Wednesday, August 27, 2008 7:12:01 AM(UTC)
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The figure comes from Professor Emeritus of Science, Westmont College, Peter Stoner, verified by 12 classes (over 600 students) and the American Scientific Affiliation. I will admit that Westmont is a Christian college and that the ASA is a christian organization, but having looked at the numbers I do not think that their numbers are affected by agenda. For one thing Westmont is ranked #106 in the US News & World Report "America's Best Colleges 2008" list of liberal arts colleges. That number may not seem all that impressive, but when you realize just how many colleges and universities there are in this country...the credibilty factor starts to go up. (there are 2618 4 year public and private universities according to a figure from 2005). I would add that Stoner himself put very conservative constraints on the probability factors. I still think however that we are missing the point. What we have been talking about is the chances of one man fulfilling a mere 48 prophecies through coincidence, design, help from family, friends, and the civil and religious authorities, and having the good fortune to be born in the proper time frame is

1 in 10^157, or 1 in

000,000,000,000, 000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

The estimated number of electrons in the universe is around 10^79.

I don't know, maybe the numbers are off, but who am I to say that a number that has been verified by more than 600 people with a lot more understanding of scientific probability are wrong or lying. Even if they are wrong...by how much? Maybe take off 20, 30 or for that matter 100 zeros...at a certain point when does the number of zeros not really matter...

You said:
If Satan tells a truth, is he to be trusted?

Where do we even get the concept of an adversary? That would be in the scriptures. I myself don't particularly get from nature or my surroundings that there are principalities and spiritual forces at work.

In all honesty, I am not all that big on the statistics. I don't particularly need them. They are a comfort I suppose, but when you look at other world religions, in ancient or modern form, you do truly see that the Tanakh is the only credible choice as revelation. It becomes clear that Tanakh is God's book about man and not man's book about God. I know there's really no true substance in what I have said, as far as proof. It is just one man's word. I have however studied ancient Greek and Roman pantheonism extensively...in a former life....jk, and I trust Yada's and other's scholarship when it comes to Islam...which in all reality is not even what it is as advertised. It is a monotheistic paganism that has more in common with Hellenic water nymphs and Iupiter than it does the God of Israel. I am talking about the arbitrary, unreasonable, selfish, and unconstrained nature that Allah shares with paganish gods. I have spent time in China and seen folk religion, taoism, and buddhism up close an personal...though I don't claim to be an expert on these religions, I do know that I don't believe that a cancer has the moral equivalancy of the doctor who cut it out or that a greedy glutton was smacked up on a wall by a desperate housewife and therefore became the god of the kitchen and cookery. When I read the scriptures I read a cogent, reasoned, synergistic work that has been more deftly woven together than a spider's web. Humanity has not been able to match it in inumerable attempts. That is my humble opinion...nothing more...but in all honesty, all the evidence taken together is more than sufficient for me.

YHWH's ordinances are true, and righteous altogether.
Offline kp  
#16 Posted : Wednesday, August 27, 2008 8:29:00 AM(UTC)
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Let me add my welcome, andrergsanchez. I'm afraid that we in our enthusiasm for Yahweh may have glossed over an important and fundamental fact: although He offers us evidence in abundance, He does not confront us with proof. We would be hard pressed to cite a single factoid concerning Yahshua's life and ministry that someone who was not inclined to trust Him with his soul could not brush off as coincidence, conspiracy, or corruption of the historical record. There is a comeback, a plausible hypothesis, possible for any single facet of this diamond you might care to look at. We believers, of course, tend to lose sight of that fact because of the sheer preponderance of evidence that Yahshua is indeed the Messiah, and is Yahweh's human manifestation to boot. But, by God's design, inquirers are left with wiggle room---a way to talk themselves out of a trusting relationship with Yahshua, if they really want to.

Why would God do that? It's because of the nature of love. We (if you accept the scriptural scenario) were created for only one purpose: to share a loving relationship with our Creator, Yahweh. Love, by its intrinsic nature, must be voluntary. It can't be coerced. It can't be bought. It can't be forced, cajoled, tricked, bribed, threatened, or stolen. It can't be demanded, only encouraged. It can't be required, only invited. In short, God can't make us love Him, for to do so would turn the love He seeks into something else: obedience, gratitude, subservience, even respect, but not the elusive prize: genuine love. Anyway, He already has all of that with his angels. But love requires choice. It implies the capability not to love.

So if Yahweh were to provide incontrovertible, uncontestable, undeniable proof that Yahshua is the divine Messiah, He would be leaving us without choice: He would be, in reality, forcing us to love Him (or more properly, reciprocate His love)---and in the process, He'd be destroying the one thing He set out to achieve. But He has invited us to love Him, and that invitation is written between the lines on every page of His scripture. It's not a question of "belief," that is, intellectual ascent to the facts of the case. Rather, it's a question of trust---a willingness to rely upon God according to the light He has given us, whether great or little. That's why one is able to come to faith based on a single converstion with a believer (such was the case with Alexander Solzhenitsyn, for example) or by being exposed to a fragment from the Gospel of John, but such a relationship is not automatic, even though one has studied the scriptures for a lifetime (as is the case with any number of rabbis and priests). We have to choose to reciprocate Yahweh's love; He won't talk us into it.

Offline andrergsanchez  
#17 Posted : Wednesday, August 27, 2008 7:20:49 PM(UTC)
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bitnet wrote:

Andre, just a quick question: what would happen if all mankind approached God the way you do?

I don't know. Islam would not exist, for one.

Just think about it for a while. Mohamed thought he was in commune with god.

Actually, he thought he was possessed by a demon. Judging by his life (and death), I bet his first impression never left him, despite his rethoric.

The Islamic writings (Quran, Sura and Hadith) as you know it did not exist during his time. It was him and his god.

Yes, and anyone who put Muhammad between them and the one, true God, did precisely the opposite of what my approach is. Without followers Muhammad was just the town lunatic, harmless.

Hundreds of others have also started religions this way. They all reveal their thoughts and it was eventually captured in writing.

Yes. Nearly the whole of the Bible is composed in precisely this manner. As far as I know, the only part of the Bible that jews and/or christians believe has been written by God as opposed to man is about 10 lines long, and written in stone. Of course, you believe these particular writings were inspired by the spirit of God, and in many cases the testimony of God's own words, but then again, muslims believe the Quran was written by God in spirit form before the world was created and Muhammad was just the one who recited it for them.


Sometimes they approached their gods with strange rituals... that even demanded human sacrifice.

They still do, don't they? But they also claimed to have their scriptures, or some other form of revelation from God, that they placed between the people and God. They claimed to be the bridge between God and the people. it is how all false Gods are created. Some are more credible than others, but then again, some movies are better made than others.


There must be a reference point. Otherwise everything becomes relative... to how we each see ourselves.

The universe around us is absolute, something that we all share. God gave us reason, the ability to judge. Exercising judgement is not an arbitrary activity.

For example, Islam is transparently false because it is based on the idea that human beings were created to be the slaves of God. For God to create slaves would be insane, because the slaves need him, but he does not need the slaves. God would be enslaving himself to humanity for the purpose of having slaves... yea, not likely.

The only reason I can think of for God to have created man, is love. It is one of the reasons why I have not dismissed the Bible as a way to get closer to God, because much of it makes sense. Some of it however, doesn't, at least not to me. For example, I cannot understand how God could separate his spirit from himself. For that matter, I have trouble understanding how God could separate his spirit from -anything- that exists. I have trouble making sense of the concept of the trinity. When I read such things, they strike me as nothing more than word play, poetry.


So there must be a reference point. A manual of sorts. Thankfully it is the Scriptures.

That is fine for us now, but what of the ancient chinese? Does God care more for modern day americans than for the people of ancient China?


KP expounds it very well in The Owner's Manual and Yada clarifies it in Yada Yahweh. If you do not trust their writings go ahead and dissect the Scriptures yourself. If you think that it is in the same league as the Quran and Bhagadvita and not worth your time,

I'm here, am I not? The judeo-christian scripture is clearly much superior to all the others I know. I have trouble with certain things however, which make me inclined to take the Bible as merely reflecting one part of the truth that is God. I do believe God inspired the Bible, as well as the Quran, not to mention the evening news. But they are inspired to reflect different things, to show us the one truth in a different way.

Homosexuality for example is one of the things in the Bible I have trouble with. I am not a fan of it, and regard it as a psychological disease most often the result of childhood sexual abuse (I've heard too many homosexuals admit to it to think otherwise). I cannot see however, why it would be deserving of death. It has death attached to it by the fact that reproduction is impossible through it, but then again, so does celibacy.


Unless you have a direct revelation from the Creator Himself you shall not know Him.

Everytime I open my eyes I have a direct revelation from the Creator Himself. There is no other source of light, all that I see is revealed to me by him. This I know for a fact.


And even then you would not even know it is Him because you have no idea who He really is! So consider this very carefully.

In what way do you manage to have a different degree of certainty of scripture?

Offline andrergsanchez  
#18 Posted : Wednesday, August 27, 2008 7:42:20 PM(UTC)
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shalom82 wrote:
The figure comes from Professor Emeritus of Science, Westmont College, Peter Stoner, verified by 12 classes (over 600 students) and the American Scientific Affiliation. I will admit that Westmont is a Christian college and that the ASA is a christian organization, but having looked at the numbers I do not think that their numbers are affected by agenda. For one thing Westmont is ranked #106 in the US News & World Report "America's Best Colleges 2008" list of liberal arts colleges. That number may not seem all that impressive, but when you realize just how many colleges and universities there are in this country...the credibilty factor starts to go up. (there are 2618 4 year public and private universities according to a figure from 2005). I would add that Stoner himself put very conservative constraints on the probability factors. I still think however that we are missing the point. What we have been talking about is the chances of one man fulfilling a mere 48 prophecies through coincidence, design, help from family, friends, and the civil and religious authorities, and having the good fortune to be born in the proper time frame is

1 in 10^157, or 1 in

000,000,000,000, 000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.

The estimated number of electrons in the universe is around 10^79.

I don't know, maybe the numbers are off, but who am I to say that a number that has been verified by more than 600 people with a lot more understanding of scientific probability are wrong or lying. Even if they are wrong...by how much? Maybe take off 20, 30 or for that matter 100 zeros...at a certain point when does the number of zeros not really matter...

It seems unlikely to me that anyone could arrive at such a number. I say that regardless of what the number is, because I don't see how you could properly quantity the factors in order to arrive at -any- probability number. If you told me the odds were 1 in 2, or 1 in 500, I would be equally skeptical of them.

Where do we even get the concept of an adversary? That would be in the scriptures.

That's not really the point. I could just as well have said, "If a con-artist tells you a truth, should you buy the Brooklin Bridge from him?"

I myself don't particularly get from nature or my surroundings that there are principalities and spiritual forces at work.

How can you not? It seems to me like God is shouting it at us every minute of every day.


It becomes clear that Tanakh is God's book about man and not man's book about God.

In what way?


I know there's really no true substance in what I have said, as far as proof.

I don't believe in proof. There is truth, experience (revelation) and judgement. Proofs do not exist.


It is just one man's word. I have however studied ancient Greek and Roman pantheonism extensively...in a former life....jk, and I trust Yada's and other's scholarship when it comes to Islam...which in all reality is not even what it is as advertised. It is a monotheistic paganism that has more in common with Hellenic water nymphs and Iupiter than it does the God of Israel. I am talking about the arbitrary, unreasonable, selfish, and unconstrained nature that Allah shares with paganish gods. I have spent time in China and seen folk religion, taoism, and buddhism up close an personal...though I don't claim to be an expert on these religions, I do know that I don't believe that a cancer has the moral equivalancy of the doctor who cut it out or that a greedy glutton was smacked up on a wall by a desperate housewife and therefore became the god of the kitchen and cookery.

lol :D

Offline kp  
#19 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 6:39:51 AM(UTC)
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andrergsanchez writes,
I do believe God inspired the Bible, as well as the Quran,

How could that possibly be true? They contradict each other at every turn. The "God" portrayed in the Quran is nothing like the God revealed in the Bible. Their stated agendas are polar opposites. Even a cursory comparison of the Islamic and Judeo/Christian scriptures demonstrates this to be true, and the closer one looks, the more obvious it gets.

Homosexuality for example is one of the things in the Bible I have trouble with. I am not a fan of it, and regard it as a psychological disease most often the result of childhood sexual abuse (I've heard too many homosexuals admit to it to think otherwise). I cannot see however, why it would be deserving of death. It has death attached to it by the fact that reproduction is impossible through it, but then again, so does celibacy.

As I point out in The Owner's Manual, Yahweh assigns death to activities (like murder, adultery, homosexuality, or cursing one's parents) that are symbolic of the destruction of the relationship between God and man, one way or another. Murder is a picture of abridging someone's ability to choose---specifically, to choose to love Yahweh. Adultery is a metaphor for giving the love due to Yahweh to someone else, a false god. Homosexuality is a symbol of a refusal to be fruitful according to Yahweh's pattern of creation. Cursing one's parents is a picture of attacking or trivializing God. A life of celibacy, by the way, is not Yahweh's pattern. that's a pagan myth that was foisted upon the Catholic priesthood. Even Paul, a lifelong bachelor, recognizes it as an abberation, something a Christian should not attempt unless specially gifted for it.

I'm sorry if you don't agree with Yahweh, but that's your problem, not His. He has given you the freedom to choose to reject His word if you want to, and remarkably, He won't even go out of His way to punish you unless you attempt to prevent other people from following Him. But make no mistake: He won't chase you and beg you to love Him; He'll only invite you to the party, pay your admission, and provide you the official tee-shirt that says "Saved by the blood of Yahshua" on it. It's up to you to show up.

Offline andrergsanchez  
#20 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 10:15:57 AM(UTC)
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kp wrote:

How could that possibly be true? They contradict each other at every turn. The "God" portrayed in the Quran is nothing like the God revealed in the Bible. Their stated agendas are polar opposites. Even a cursory comparison of the Islamic and Judeo/Christian scriptures demonstrates this to be true, and the closer one looks, the more obvious it gets.

I am aware. I did not mean it in the sense of "they are all paths that lead to God". So I don't spend too much of my energy on this particular topic, I'll summarize what I meant and leave the issue alone. The Quran is a warning, a flashing red sign that read "Here lies danger. Beware!", that by pointing the way to death, also points the way back to life.


As I point out in The Owner's Manual, Yahweh assigns death to activities (like murder, adultery, homosexuality, or cursing one's parents) that are symbolic of the destruction of the relationship between God and man, one way or another.

Yes, I remember that from TOM. My question is, why? Why criminalize symbolic behaviour, with the death penalty no less?


Murder is a picture of abridging someone's ability to choose---specifically, to choose to love Yahweh. Adultery is a metaphor for giving the love due to Yahweh to someone else, a false god. Homosexuality is a symbol of a refusal to be fruitful according to Yahweh's pattern of creation.

A life of celibacy, by the way, is not Yahweh's pattern. that's a pagan myth that was foisted upon the Catholic priesthood. Even Paul, a lifelong bachelor, recognizes it as an abberation, something a Christian should not attempt unless specially gifted for it.

It may be, but it isn't listed as one of the things worthy of the death penalty, despite being just as much a "symbol of a refusal to be fruitful" as homosexuality. Why single it out?

Cursing one's parents is a picture of attacking or trivializing God.

"If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brothers and sisters, and besides, even his own life, he cannot be My disciple." Luke 14:26

I don't quote that to be a smartass, but because ultimately, we are not supposed to revere our human parents. If God himself told us that we should hate our father and mother, it seems strange for him to tell us to kill those who curse them.


I'm sorry if you don't agree with Yahweh, but that's your problem, not His.

It's not that I don't "agree" with Yahweh. The question I'm asking myself is not, "Do I think God is right?", but "Do I think this is God?". If I can't make sense of these things, to accept him as such I would be risking idolatry. I don't want that.


He has given you the freedom to choose to reject His word if you want to, and remarkably, He won't even go out of His way to punish you unless you attempt to prevent other people from following Him.

I regard annihilation as the worst possible punishment. I'm sorry if I don't share your view of it.

Offline shalom82  
#21 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 9:48:54 PM(UTC)
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KP is indeed right, that the sins listed were and are symbolic of greater truths, but I know from what he has said in the past on this forum and from what he writes in ToM, that sins are judged by 2 standards...the temporal and the eternal. With the eternal truth that the sin represents there is also a temporal reality within that sin. I would say this and I believe that the scriptures justify this statement: It is not the act of a sin that damns us. We all have sinned and fallen short of glory of YHWH. Even grievious sin is not automatic disqualification. It is not the sin, but the spirit of the sin. I can murder and not have the spirit of a murderer or commit adultery and not have the spirit of an adulterer. The desire to practice, acquiesence to/acceptance of, and justification of sin is tantamount to telling YHWH to get lost. The love of YHWH is absent in such a person. Repentance of the mouth is mere hypocrisy without repentance of the life. YHWH has given us instruction/teaching/advice/law to live our lives by. We brush it aside and make light of it at our own peril. Such actions over the long haul and such a life is the evidence of willful separation and contempt for the Creator. And indeed, why criminalize bad behavior...with the death penalty...no less. Leaven is a term often discussed in the Tanakh and in the Besorim/Letters. A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough. I think we have plenty of evidence from the scriptures that this is completely true. Tolerance of sin begets more sin. Tolerance of sin corrupts the message. All this leads to is separation. We have ancient Israel as an example and is not western civ's liberality not proving to be it's downfall? It seems that Europe can't even stomach itself enough to warrant their own survival....let alone resist evil...and America is not far behind. The purging of sin/evil from the body is the farthest thing from unmerciful. The seemingly severe chastisement of Israel by YHWH was infact an act of mercy and love...the removal of the wicked and the corrupters from those that were being enticed, led astray, and separated from their Creator. These so called "severe" acts were manifested because of YHWH's loving kindness and desire to bring people back on to the path of relationship/communion/fellowship with Him. I know that I am missing some parts to this message. I know that I have not explained everything, but I really ought to be in bed and I am afraid to turn to rambling.

On the issue of Yahushua talking about hating family and one's own life, let's not forget to take things completely in perspective. First off, Yahushua must be taken in the complete context. Did he not criticize the pharisees for their enullment of Torah for the sake of tradition on the very issue of honoring one's father and mother? Secondly, 1st century Hebraism must be taken into account, Thirdly, can we give Yahushua a little leeway even in our own modern mindsets, that even a great love and devotion for family must seem like hate when compared to love and devotion for Him. What should you love more? The giver or the gift?

Lastly, there is something that needs addressing. In one of your ealier posts you said that trinitarianism doesn't make sense to you. Well that's good. Because that's not what the scriptures teach and that's not what we espouse. You will find a lot of discrepancies and disagreements when it comes to the church and the scriptures that it claims to uphold.

I want to bring up a little ditty that I read. There was a team of scientists that were studying rats and their will to survive in different situations. In one test they put a rat in a container filled with water that it could not escape and put the rat in a pitch black room. The rat swam for 3 minutes before it gave up. They then took a rat and put it in the same inescapable container filled with water but this time put a rat in a room that had a bright light concentrating on the rat. It swam for several hours...the number escapes me...but it was an astonishing amount of time. This brings us to our last issue. I think that andre, only one thing can be said about your position on the anhilation of the soul compared to eternal separation from YHWH. It's an abberation. Your logic is far removed from the scope of reasoning of anyone be they religious, non religious, believing, non believing that I have ever put the question to. I have frequently asked this question in the form of a hypothetical to friends, family, strangers, acquaintances, and even if they don't believe in the scenario as reality...they would all much rather die completely than exist in eternal torment. Since you came to the forum and espoused this position I have asked this question more frequently and I have yet to get an answer that was in agreement with your thinking. All would prefer Paradise over anything else, and death over an eternal existence of darkness, separation, and irrelevence. That is how I posed the question as well. No burning fire or pitchforks or vomit or anything else. Imagine an existence stripped and completely devoid of hope...no proverbial light at the end of the tunnel...true darkness. Imagine an accute, unmellowing eternal realization of that state of existence...that complete darkness...one which was inescapable no matter how you wearied of it....for eternity. I am not here to convince you, it seems like you are beyond convincing on this issue...but at least examine...how if you believe in God's appeal to man through his nature and surroundings (which I do believe in too to a cautious degree)....why it is that your nature (on this specific issue) is so out of sync with the great and broad majority of people. And yes yes...I know all about the way being broad and all that. But this is tied to sensory perception...one of the few things that human nature often gets right. A miserable few people mistake pain/discomfort for pleasure or percieve pain/discomfort as pleasure. At the end of the day...you can believe what you want to believe and think what you want to think in the end. Nobody can stop you from that.
YHWH's ordinances are true, and righteous altogether.
Offline andrergsanchez  
#22 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 10:35:03 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/24/2008(UTC)
Posts: 29
Location: São Paulo, Brazil

shalom82 wrote:
Finally, one last issue. I think that andre, only one thing can be said about your position on the anhilation of the soul compared to eternal separation from YHWH. It's an abberation. Your removed from the scope of reasoning of anyone be they religious, non religious, believing, non believing that I have ever put the question to. I have actually put this question forth as a hypothetical to friends, family, strangers, acquaintances, and even if they don't believe in the scenario as reality...they would all much rather die completely than exist in eternal torment. Since your position I have asked this question more frequently and I have yet to get an answer that was in agreement with your thinking. All would prefer Paradise over anything else, and death over an eternal existance of darkness, separation, and irrelevence. That is how I posed the question as well. No burning fire or pitchforks or vomit or anything else. Imagine an existence stripped and completely devoid of hope...no proverbial light at the end of the tunnel...true darkness. Imagine an accute, unmellowing eternal realization of that state of existence....for eternity. I am not here to convince you, it seems like you are beyond convincing on this issue...but at least examine...how if you believe in God's appeal to man through his nature and surroundings....why it is that your nature (on this specific issue) is so out of sync with the great and broad majority of people. At the end of the day...you can believe what you want to believe and think what you want to think.

That is not surprising to me. Our culture today is awash with the worship of death. It is a culture of death. It seems we are only willing to accept God's gift of life if it meets certain standards. The scripture speaks of this sin in its opening chapter, where man throws his life away out of vanity. It seems vanity to me to say you would rather die than endure hell.

I have a (not so simple) question I would like you to try and answer me. Hell does seem horrible, but how much more separate can we be from God, than to not exist at all?
Offline shalom82  
#23 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:06:06 PM(UTC)
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That is not surprising to me. Our culture today is awash with the worship of death. It is a culture of death. It seems we are only willing to accept God's gift of life if it meets certain standards. The scripture speaks of this sin in its opening chapter, where man throws his life away out of vanity. It seems vanity to me to say you would rather die than endure hell.

I don't honestly think that worship of death has anything to do with people's drothers about their status in eternity. Almost everyone if only in the hypothetical prefer eternal life. I would not even call the anguish of separation life...it may be a state of existence or being...but it is far removed from the term, life. The standards of eternity are not decided by man but rather YHWH gives in the scriptures (that are your burden to either accept or cast aside). He meets his own conditions...He is on his own side. Man throws his life away because of vanity to a degree...yes...also choosing somebody else to trust in (both the adversary and in their own selves)...and YHWH does indeed show in his address to Adam that death is the wage of his sin. "For dust you are, and to dust you return.” It does not say that, "This is the greatest of all punishment" and it does speak to the fact that there is another designation...namely death...other than eternal fellowship or eternal separation. If this is a stumbling block to you...due to your distaste of the "3rd door" Then you will have to come to terms with what you shall do about it. Is it also vanity then to say that I would rather live in complete relationship/fellowship/communion with YHWH for eternity rather than dissipate or go to "hell"? Sorry, but that is utter nonesense...there is nothing vane about that statement. Is it vane to say that I would rather have a bottle in me than a frontal lobotamy?

As to the question you posed...it's unanswerable. Death is nothingness...it's not even separation. You cannot be separated if you do not exist. You are neither close to nor far off. It's apples and oranges.

YHWH is fair...and appropriate in all ways. Trust in Him...trust in the absolute and the eternal...in relation to him...and be born anew from above

trust in the world...in things that rot and fall away...and expect the same to happen to you

get in league with the eternally separated and work for the adversary...and you shall spend time with those who you knew best
YHWH's ordinances are true, and righteous altogether.
Offline andrergsanchez  
#24 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:06:57 PM(UTC)
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Location: São Paulo, Brazil

shalom82 wrote:

I want to bring up a little ditty that I read.

The forum keeps logging me out before I finished posting a reply. I ended up losing this message, but I will try rewriting it as accurately as I can. Do you know of a way to stop the forum from doing this? I usualy copy and paste messages before posting, but something I forget.


There was a team of scientists that were studying rats and their will to survive in different situations. In one test they put a rat in a container filled with water that it could not escape and put the rat in a pitch black room. The rat swam for 3 minutes before it gave up. They then took a rat and put it in the same inescapable container filled with water but this time put a rat in a room that had a bright light concentrating on the rat. It swam for several hours...the number escapes me...but it was an astonishing amount of time. This brings us to our last issue.

How? One rat saw what his limited capabilities perceived as a way to live, the other did not. One rat then struggled so that it could live, while the other did not. In fact, not swimming in such a circumnstance is likely to be a survival strategy, as it conserves energy and allows him to be taken by a current if one exists, or to survive until a means of escape appears, if any does. More importantly though, I am not a rat, and neither are you. You could say animals exist to die, not to live. That is why we eat them, isn't it? Is that not in fact, part of the scriptures? Man on the other hand, was not created for anyone's benefit. God doesn't need us for nourishment. That he has given us this gift indicates he loves us. If your child did not love you back, would you kill it? Not if you still loved it.


I am not here to convince you, it seems like you are beyond convincing on this issue...but at least examine...how if you believe in God's appeal to man through his nature and surroundings (which I do believe in too to a cautious degree)....why it is that your nature (on this specific issue) is so out of sync with the great and broad majority of people. And yes yes...I know all about the way being broad and all that.



But this is tied to sensory perception...one of the few things that human nature often gets right. A miserable few people mistake pain/discomfort for pleasure or percieve pain/discomfort as pleasure. At the end of the day...you can believe what you want to believe and think what you want to think in the end. Nobody can stop you from that.

How is this tied to perception? Animals of all sorts, but particularly humans, will avoid pain if they can. Most will avoid death even harder. There is a reason we developed medicine, instead of pumping everyone who is sick full of opium and then killing them in their sleep.

Now I can't forget... copy and paste before trying to post...
Offline Robskiwarrior  
#25 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:07:26 PM(UTC)
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andrergsanchez wrote:

Hell does seem horrible, but how much more separate can we be from God, than to not exist at all?

To not exist is not "eternal punishment".

Being in a concious state for eternity, without the presence of Yah (which is something the world does not understand yet) is like taking the air away, or other things required for life. You will know that you are away from the Father, in complete darkness (as He is light). A place where He will never enter, but a place you will be eternaly. Thats not good. On the other side you have non-existance, a state where you simple arnt. You know no pain, suffering or anything because where you once were you arnt.

Choosing one or the other, I still side with not existing. To know that I offened my Father with my rediculously human fleshy sinfullness hurts enough already, but to sit for eternity knowing that I can't put it right again and that I ended up here because of what I had done (namely deciving people into believing lies about Yah) I would be looking for ways to end my eternal existance... unfortunatly suicide is not possible in hell.

To not exist is not seperation, seperation takes 2. To be seperated you have to be removed from each other. For one party to not exist isnt seperation. If my wife did not exist, we would not be seperated - because she was never there in the first place.

andrergsanchez wrote:

The forum keeps logging me out before I finished posting a reply. I ended up losing this message, but I will try rewriting it as accurately as I can. Do you know of a way to stop the forum from doing this? I usualy copy and paste messages before posting, but something I forget.

yea - thats driving us all crazy at the moment lol - they were recently updated, and seem to not like to keep us logged in...

You can write in notepad or word and then paste it back in - thats what some people are doing :)

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Offline shalom82  
#26 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:14:42 PM(UTC)
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well andre, if that is how you feel on this matter then our conversation is over as it relates to this specific topic. We have reached an impasse so it seems.
YHWH's ordinances are true, and righteous altogether.
Offline andrergsanchez  
#27 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:19:33 PM(UTC)
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As to the question you posed...it's unanswerable. Death is nothingness...it's not even separation. You cannot be separated if you do not exist. You are neither close to nor far off. It's apples and oranges.

To not exist is to be set apart from that which does exist. It is in fact, the only means by which you can be set apart from it. All that exists, does so in God, because God is the only source of existance. Nothingness, which is death, is the precise opposite of God. To be placed in hell is still to be placed in the arms of God, because he is the one that creates hell and sustains your existance in it. To be displaced from existance, to be taken out of it and into nothing, that is death and it is the ultimate separation from God.
Offline andrergsanchez  
#28 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:22:55 PM(UTC)
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shalom82 wrote:
well andre, if that is how you feel on this matter then our conversation is over as it relates to this specific topic. We have reached an impasse so it seems.

To clarify, the "Precisely" was meant as a reply to "And yes yes...I know all about the way being broad and all that."
Offline andrergsanchez  
#29 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:27:27 PM(UTC)
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shalom82 wrote:

Lastly, there is something that needs addressing. In one of your ealier posts you said that trinitarianism doesn't make sense to you. Well that's good. Because that's not what the scriptures teach and that's not what we espouse. You will find a lot of discrepancies and disagreements when it comes to the church and the scriptures that it claims to uphold.

The "trinity" may be an incorrect term, but it does describe what it is that I don't understand. It's not so much the specifics of it, but the separateness. Jesus (I'm sorry, all the hebrew names that are similar leave me confused so I'll just use the latin one) being God, yet being separate from God is confusing to me. His sacrifice is even more confusing. The idea of God's spirit being removed from God seems alien, poetic but meaningless. Can you help me understand it?
Offline andrergsanchez  
#30 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:40:20 PM(UTC)
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shalom82 wrote:
On the issue of Yahushua talking about hating family and one's own life, let's not forget to take things completely in perspective. First off, Yahushua must be taken in the complete context. Did he not criticize the pharisees for their enullment of Torah for the sake of tradition on the very issue of honoring one's father and mother?

That is precisely why it makes little sense to me.


Secondly, 1st century Hebraism must be taken into account,

Can you clarify?

Thirdly, can we give Yahushua a little leeway even in our own modern mindsets, that even a great love and devotion for family must seem like hate when compared to love and devotion for Him. What should you love more? The giver or the gift?

Yes. In Yahushua's (human) lifetime he was faced with sinners, and he told us we are all sinners. That to hate your brother is to be a murderer. That if we were not sinners, we would not need him. When people wanted to stone a woman for adultery, he essentialy told them not to, because they were also guilty. More importantly, he that was not guilty did not cast the first stone, and instead showed mercy and love towards her. So the crime symbolized by homosexuality, by adultery, by cursing one's parents, etc, we are all guilty of. Why then are they to be killed, but not us? Why is it that God told us to stone a woman in one century, and not to stone a woman guilty of the same thing in the other?

If we are to follow a stoning religion, at least Islam is consistent in it.

Offline andrergsanchez  
#31 Posted : Thursday, August 28, 2008 11:53:51 PM(UTC)
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Robskiwarrior wrote:

unfortunatly suicide is not possible in hell.

Can you tell me why?

Offline shalom82  
#32 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2008 12:17:01 AM(UTC)
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Andre this boils down to a few issues. YHWH by precedence in chapter 3 of Genesis states by implication that the main/usual wage of sin is death. This is repeated in the "New Testament"... the wages of sin is death. It does not say that the wages of sin is "hell". The predominant destination or fate of mankind is anhilation or dissipation. You obviously have a problem with a loving God letting his creation recieve the logical conclusion of the sum of their choices. Scripture does speak of 3 destinations. Any problems that you have with that is not to be taken up with me but rather to be taken up with YHWH. Can you accept it or can't you? Can you deny that most people trust in the material world....the horizontal world...and pursue that with the vast preponderance of their heart, soul, and strength? We know that most people won't be spending eternity with YHWH, because scripture says it just isn't so. The "remnant" is an oft recurring theme. So given that the majority of souls will face dissipation...we are left with a choice...is YHWH merciful...by letting most pass into oblivion or cruel for robbing them of existence in any form...be it "heaven" or "hell". I believe the scriptures to be true. Therefore I believe that anhilation cannot even be said to be merciful...it just is what happens...it is totally and completely just and appropriate. As I said...you have some thinking to do and some choices to make.

"Hear O Israel, YHWH your God YHWH is One" There is no trinity in the scriptures. But there is compex unity. YHWH is YHWH is YHWH, the Father is YHWH, The Son is YHWH, the Set Apart Spirit (holy spirit) is YHWH. Think of YHWH as the sun...Yahushua is a ray that eminates from the sun. Think of YHWH as the ocean. Yahushua is a bucket out of that ocean. The son eminates from the Father. He is part of the Father and existed from eternity in the bosom of the father. At a time before creation the Word (Yahushua) that resided in the Father's bosom was brought forth and given a co-designation as Son. So He is the Word and the Son. "You are my Son. Today, I have brought you forth." Yes, the Son is set-apart for a specific purpose...but that does not mean He is a second generation deity. It is a figurative designation more than anything else. I have said this before. Imagine I pluck my heart out of my chest, and it walks and talks, and acts out my will completely because it is part of me. It is not a separate being...just a part of me...though it is separated. So Yahushua as we know Him had a somewhat finite beginning...but He in substance and in purpose has always existed. He was brought forth for many roles...to be the agent of creation, to be the face of YHWH....His earthly manifestation, to be the Judge of mankind, to be the emancipator of Israel both in the old and new testaments....and ultimately to be the Lamb of God. But in all these things He is doing the will of the Father...How do I say this without minimizing Yahushua...I am thirsty...my hand grasps the glass and my arm brings it to my mouth. These parts do not do this because of their own will but rather my will is inherently their command...He is the agent...the hands that brings about the Architect's plans...the worker and servant that brings into fruition the Master's designs. "The Right Arm of YHWH". But Yahushua is not to be seen as just some tool. The will of the Father is in Him. I hope this explains at least one part of your question. There are other issues to address...but that is enough for tonight.

YHWH's ordinances are true, and righteous altogether.
Offline Robskiwarrior  
#33 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2008 12:28:12 AM(UTC)
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andrergsanchez wrote:
Can you tell me why?

Because you can not take the life of something eternal.

If you are in hell you have to have passed critiria according to the picture that scripture displays, the same way as you have to, to get in to heaven.

The Human soul is not eternal on its own, as Yah has said - it can be destroyed.

Now we all know that to enter heaven, you have to be in relationship with Yah. Heaven isnt the prize, He is. Heaven is actually more of a side effect of the relationship with Yah. If you side with Yah you go where He is. The ability to enter the eternal comes from the gift that is the spirit. Your soul takes on the ability to become eternal when it is completed with the spirit.

Hell is the same, but for the other side.

The only thing that changes is the spirit. If you bind yourself to Yah, the spirit is His Set Apart Spirit. But likewise you can bind yourself to Satan. This is why non-existance waits for so many, because they dont choose.

Now binding yourself to satan makes you eternal, but with that you can not be destroyed, so you share the same fate he has.

Satan can't be destroyed, angels can't be destroyed because they were made in the eternal, they are spirit, they arnt equiped the same way we are. Thats why the only way to deal with Satan is to in-prison him in "hell". Thats why Hell was made.

Suicide is impossible because you can't destory the eternal, the spirit in which you are aligned to. The only chance at being wiped out you have, is the path that most of the world has chosen, and thats to not choose.
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Offline shalom82  
#34 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2008 12:43:25 AM(UTC)
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shalom82 wrote:
On the issue of Yahushua talking about hating family and one's own life, let's not forget to take things completely in perspective. First off, Yahushua must be taken in the complete context. Did he not criticize the pharisees for their enullment of Torah for the sake of tradition on the very issue of honoring one's father and mother?

That is precisely why it makes little sense to me.


Secondly, 1st century Hebraism must be taken into account,

Can you clarify?

Thirdly, can we give Yahushua a little leeway even in our own modern mindsets, that even a great love and devotion for family must seem like hate when compared to love and devotion for Him. What should you love more? The giver or the gift?

Yes. In Yahushua's (human) lifetime he was faced with sinners, and he told us we are all sinners. That to hate your brother is to be a murderer. That if we were not sinners, we would not need him. When people wanted to stone a woman for adultery, he essentialy told them not to, because they were also guilty. More importantly, he that was not guilty did not cast the first stone, and instead showed mercy and love towards her. So the crime symbolized by homosexuality, by adultery, by cursing one's parents, etc, we are all guilty of. Why then are they to be killed, but not us? Why is it that God told us to stone a woman in one century, and not to stone a woman guilty of the same thing in the other?

If we are to follow a stoning religion, at least Islam is consistent in it.
Hebraisms are sayings, terms and ways of thinking that are unique to the people group and time period. If I was in China and I asked somebody to do something for me and they said that it's not convenient in their own language...they are not really saying that it's not convenient...basically implying that they can...but they need more persuading....what they mean is that they can't or won't do what you have asked them to do...end of discussion. It is the same with Hebraisms...they may mean something completely different than what we would think them to mean. Paul talks a lot about works of the Law...and you would be under the impression that he was talking about acting out the written Torah...when infact he is talking about the Oral traditions and practices...what is now commonly referred to as Mishna or oral torah. He in no way is disparaging true Torah. This is Hebraism. We need to understand and apply it when we read scripture.

You take Yahushua's overall message of what He said and you look at things that seem like they don't fit and you look at yourself...your shortcomings and ignorance first....not Him. What does he really mean? I in no way shape or form believe that Yahushua was really advocating people to hate their families or for that matter their own lives. Therefore he is not guilty of hating his brother. He is making a point about perspective and priority.

The Torah is all about mercy. Joseph decided to put Mary away rather than publicly charge her and perhaps make her face stoning. The method of capital punishment and the requirement that a broad base of citizenry carry out the sentence probably forced many people to reckon with their own shortcomings and sins and to realize that mercy was the best course. I think there were many Josephs in Israel...I mean...people who had the spirit of mercy. Another thing you have to realize is that torah teaches the inherent worth of human life. The utmost gravity would have been applied to these decisions. Frankly, I find the comment about Islam to be disingenuous....and it seems like you are showing your hand. In Islam man is made in the image of the slave....in Israel man is made in the image of God. Who is going to be more frivolous about the taking of human life. Another issue is that the religious and civil authorities were using a human being, were putting a human being in jeopardy to get to and test Yahushua. He saw through their intentions. Lastly, temporal death is not the end. As I have said, you can commit murder and not have the spirit of murder, you can commit adultery and not have the spirit of adultery. You may have to pay for temporal crimes...crimes that jeopardize the safety of the group or their relationship with YHWH in the here and now....but that does not mean you are cut off from YHWH.

YHWH's ordinances are true, and righteous altogether.
Offline andrergsanchez  
#35 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2008 12:58:19 AM(UTC)
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Now we all know that to enter heaven, you have to be in relationship with Yah. Heaven isnt the prize, He is. Heaven is actually more of a side effect of the relationship with Yah. If you side with Yah you go where He is. The ability to enter the eternal comes from the gift that is the spirit. Your soul takes on the ability to become eternal when it is completed with the spirit.

Hell is the same, but for the other side.

The only thing that changes is the spirit. If you bind yourself to Yah, the spirit is His Set Apart Spirit. But likewise you can bind yourself to Satan. This is why non-existance waits for so many, because they dont choose.

Now binding yourself to satan makes you eternal, but with that you can not be destroyed, so you share the same fate he has.

Satan can't be destroyed, angels can't be destroyed because they were made in the eternal, they are spirit, they arnt equiped the same way we are. Thats why the only way to deal with Satan is to in-prison him in "hell". Thats why Hell was made.

Suicide is impossible because you can't destory the eternal, the spirit in which you are aligned to. The only chance at being wiped out you have, is the path that most of the world has chosen, and thats to not choose.

What you are telling me, if I understand you correctly, is that you follow a polytheistic religion in which there is a good God (Yahweh), and a bad God (Satan). Yahweh is the father-God, like Zeus, and Satan is the rebellious son-God which seeks to become the father himself. Since they are both Gods, they cannot destroy each other, so each has retreated to his own kingdom and built a wall between them. Man stands in the middle of the two kingdoms, and both Yahweh and Satan are calling out for him to join them. If you do not pick one, neither will sustain your life and you will die. Then you tell me that Yahweh is badmouthing Satan's kingdom, trying to scare us out of it. At the same time, Satan is telling us his kingdom is a garden full of virgins and rivers flowing with wine and milk. Yahweh also tells us Satan was given dominion over the earth, but that he will eventually come back and reconquer it. That does not strike me as monotheism, despite your claims to the contrary. Please do not be angered, I'm merely pointing out how the way you explain this, makes me more confused and unwilling to accept this as something other than idolatry than I already am.

Offline Robskiwarrior  
#36 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2008 1:23:33 AM(UTC)
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andrergsanchez wrote:
What you are telling me, if I understand you correctly, is that you follow a polytheistic religion in which there is a good God (Yahweh), and a bad God (Satan). Yahweh is the father-God, like Zeus, and Satan is the rebellious son-God which seeks to become the father himself. Since they are both Gods, they cannot destroy each other, so each has retreated to his own kingdom and built a wall between them. Man stands in the middle of the two kingdoms, and both Yahweh and Satan are calling out for him to join them. If you do not pick one, neither will sustain your life and you will die. Then you tell me that Yahweh is badmouthing Satan's kingdom, trying to scare us out of it. At the same time, Satan is telling us his kingdom is a garden full of virgins and rivers flowing with wine and milk. Yahweh also tells us Satan was given dominion over the earth, but that he will eventually come back and reconquer it. That does not strike me as monotheism, despite your claims to the contrary. Please do not be angered, I'm merely pointing out how the way you explain this, makes me more confused and unwilling to accept this as something other than idolatry than I already am.

Sorry, maybe I assumed that you understood our stance on satan/hell and all that. I dont know where you come from so I don't know how much you understand of scripture - im not saying I know more lol im just from a christian background (thank goodness im out of there :) ). Also if you had read YY and TOM I think you would have understood that a little better. Have you read any of YY or TOM?

Ok I will try and explain what I believe (and I think others believe) on the whole Yah / Satan thing.

There is one God. He is Yahweh. He created the Angels. Satan was one of these angels, although satan is not his name, its his title. Satan means adversary - one who apposes.

When Yah created the angels he gave them the ability to follow orders or break them. Satan decided to break the rules that Yah had set, he wanted to be God, so Yah had to eject him - as that is the way it is. Satan is not a god or a king, the only reason he wants you to side with him or be decived by him is so he can take you down with him. Satan dosnt rule hell, he is not the picture the world paints (that he directed probably) of the guy with the horns and the pitch fork controling what happens down there. Hell (in our time frame) isnt active yet, there is no one there and Satan still stalks the earth looking to devour souls.

Satan's one goal is to screw up the message of love that Yah is trying to promote. He wants people to not reach their potential as His children, he wants them annihilated, and even more so, he wants you to join him in hell. Satan has lost, he knows hes going down, so hes trying to cause as much damage as possible while he goes... And I must admit, hes doing a good job of it.

I really think you should read some more of YY if you have not already - not saying it holds all the answers, but it would give you a great background on what we are thinking, and make you able to really dig hard :)

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Offline bitnet  
#37 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2008 2:10:13 AM(UTC)
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Shalom All,

After following this thread, and also getting involved in it earlier, I am amazed at the patience of my brethren here. This forum is to discuss Yada Yahweh, a discourse on the Scriptures. It is also a platform for us to get to know each other better and to form relationship with each other even as we seek to firm up our relationship with our Creator. Andrergsanchez here does not believe in the Scriptures, does not read it, nor hold it with the same reverence that we do. He does not even read the books on YY in relation to Scripture and yet we try to enter into discussion with him. I am not saying that we should not engage but in all reality we are trying to explain each tree in the forest to a person who should actually be looking for a way out of the forest that he does not even realize that he is lost in. He has a strange way of turning statements upside down and inside out and thwarting logic with a warped sense of innocence. Personally, I think if andrergsanchez is truthful in his approach he would at least read and try to understand all the writings here and read the Scriptures with a proper perspective. In his opinion it seems that nothing should be between him and the Creator, not even the words of the Creator. This, I'm afraid, is warped thinking, and it is pointless to show the difference between each tree in the forest when the person refuses to even acknowledge forest. I'm sorry for being blunt and I'm probably going to be accused of being impatient and politically incorrect etc. but I have had my fair share of experiences. Let him read and decide. That's all there is to it. One step at a time. One thought at a time, one decision at a time. If the Set-apart Spirit is not present nothing written shall matter because it is only with the presence of the Set-Apart Spirit that men shall know things of Abba Yahweh. Be that as it may, I shall be only too pleased to contribute again if there is some effort made at reading the books in the right context and perspective. Meanwhile, I hope he finds what he seeks for surely that shall be it.
The reverence of Yahweh is the beginning of Wisdom.
Offline andrergsanchez  
#38 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2008 2:44:06 AM(UTC)
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bitnet wrote:

After following this thread, and also getting involved in it earlier, I am amazed at the patience of my brethren here. This forum is to discuss Yada Yahweh, a discourse on the Scriptures. It is also a platform for us to get to know each other better and to form relationship with each other even as we seek to firm up our relationship with our Creator. Andrergsanchez here does not believe in the Scriptures, does not read it, nor hold it with the same reverence that we do.

I do thank the patience that has shown to me, and the effort made to answer my questions. It is very much appreciated.

I do read the scriptures though I'm sure not as much as you. However, this particular section of the forum is entitled, "Seekers, Skeptics, and Inquirers", which is precisely what I am. The thread itself is named "I have my doubts". If skepticism isn't to be tolerated here, why have a section by that name at all?


He does not even read the books on YY in relation to Scripture and yet we try to enter into discussion with him.

You are incorrect. I may not have understood YY, TOM and FH, but that is a different matter. There is much that makes sense in them, but there are also things that strike me as rationalizations, which to be fair, even muslims and communists can provide. I'm trying to see if that impression of mine is accurate, or if I merely missed something or failed to grasp it. A rationalization, in case you don't know, is a lie (conscious or not) that seems plausible enough, but cannot stand to closer scrutiny.


He has a strange way of turning statements upside down and inside out and thwarting logic with a warped sense of innocence.

In what way have I thwarted logic? I analyze things. I do so truthfully, though I'm certainly capable of error, and am willing to acknowledge them when I see them. There is no profit in falsehood.


Personally, I think if andrergsanchez is truthful in his approach he would at least read and try to understand all the writings here and read the Scriptures with a proper perspective.

Can you explain what you mean by "proper perspective"?


In his opinion it seems that nothing should be between him and the Creator, not even the words of the Creator. This, I'm afraid, is warped thinking,

You misunderstand me. Though I'm not sure I understand how the words of the Creator could stand between me and him, my primary concern is not with removing them from my path, but making sure they are in fact, the words of the Creator. If they are not, and I put them between me and God, I'm practicing idolatry.


Be that as it may, I shall be only too pleased to contribute again if there is some effort made at reading the books in the right context and perspective. Meanwhile, I hope he finds what he seeks for surely that shall be it.

I'm not sure what you want me to do that I have not yet done. Perhaps you are the one what has not read these books in the right context and perspective? If you are not the means God has choosen to shine his light on my path, then surely another means is there, and I won't starve for his light. If this is not the path of God, the true God, I'll be glad to be turned away from it.

Offline andrergsanchez  
#39 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2008 3:14:43 AM(UTC)
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Robskiwarrior wrote:
Sorry, maybe I assumed that you understood our stance on satan/hell and all that. I dont know where you come from so I don't know how much you understand of scripture - im not saying I know more lol im just from a christian background (thank goodness im out of there :) ). Also if you had read YY and TOM I think you would have understood that a little better. Have you read any of YY or TOM?

I have read most, though I will admit I may have missed parts of them between readings. Some parts I have read several times. It is the reason I am here!


Ok I will try and explain what I believe (and I think others believe) on the whole Yah / Satan thing.

Nothing of your post is new to me, or answers my questions. Let's try something else. Tell me which of these statements you believe is false.

-Nothing exists without the consent of a God. Gods are the only source of life (even if only one exists, or can exist). The term life is being used strictly in its literal meaning, which is existance.

-For someone to live forever (in heaven OR hell, or for that matter, in New York or Neptune) he must receive their life from a God. No creature of a God can give this life.

-If Satan lives forever in hell, he must receive HIS life from a God (even if he is the God in the question).

-For a God to create a being that is independent of him, that does not need his nourishment, is for a God to create another God.

-If a God cannot, as opposed to will not, remove life from Satan, Satan is a God.

-If the reason people live forever in hell (including Satan) is because they receive their immortality from Satan, then he is a God.

Sheding the idea that Satan is merely a rebellious angel, as opposed to another God, means things make much more sense. The pieces don't seem to fit otherwise. His rebellion ceases to be a strange and foolish act, to become an understandable, if still foolish act. Of course, it also makes the story automatically false, because there can only be one, true God. Perhaps the story is inspired by an actual angelic conflict, of two angels who practice self-idolatry and fail to realize they are not God, yet are tolerated by God. But then I could never take the scripture any more seriously than the Quran, or for that matter, the ancient myths of Greece and Rome and Carthage.

Offline Robskiwarrior  
#40 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2008 4:20:19 AM(UTC)
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andrergsanchez wrote:
I have read most, though I will admit I may have missed parts of them between readings. Some parts I have read several times. It is the reason I am here!

excelent :)

andrergsanchez wrote:
Nothing of your post is new to me, or answers my questions.

yea sorry, I wasnt trying to be patronising, just looked like you didnt get it :) but im glad you do. Although I did answer your question about not being able to kil yourself in hell, maybe it just wasnt the answer you were looking for :)

andrergsanchez wrote:
Let's try something else.Tell me which of these statements you believe is false.

Good idea :D

andrergsanchez wrote:
-Nothing exists without the consent of a God. Gods are the only source of life (even if only one exists, or can exist). The term life is being used strictly in its literal meaning, which is existance.

There is only one God, Yahweh, from which life comes. So with a definite cutting out of the "Gods" bit, I would say True. :)

andrergsanchez wrote:
-For someone to live forever (in heaven OR hell, or for that matter, in New York or Neptune) he must receive their life from a God. No creature of a God can give this life.

I would agree, but its different to that. Life on earth and life in eternity is very different. There is no time in eternity, you just are. Because Angels are of the eternal spirit, they are something Yah can not destroy, hence why hell was made, as a place to "put" them.

andrergsanchez wrote:
-If Satan lives forever in hell, he must receive HIS life from a God (even if he is the God in the question).

He did, because Yahweh created the angels. If satan is a god, then Yahweh would not have created him as Yahweh states that He is the only God. Anything else classed as a "god" is something rasied up by man - a "false" god. But Angels again, were created in the spirit, and not in flesh.

andrergsanchez wrote:
-For a God to create a being that is independent of him, that does not need his nourishment, is for a God to create another God.

False. We do not need his nourishment, but it is our ability to choose Him or not that enables us to accept that nourishment. If we do not accept it, that is our loss, if we do then its our gain. We are given a hunger for Him though, which therefor makes us seek after the nourishment.

andrergsanchez wrote:
-If a God cannot, as opposed to will not, remove life from Satan, Satan is a God.

They are Yah's rules - and something we can not possibly grasp being in this linear existance. That is why Satan has no control over whats going to happen to him. If he did, he would be a god, but as he does not - he isnt.

andrergsanchez wrote:
-If the reason people live forever in hell (including Satan) is because they receive their immortality from Satan, then he is a God.

There soul only recives immortality when intwined with an imortal and eternal spirit - be that on Yah's side or against him. so False.

andrergsanchez wrote:
Sheding the idea that Satan is merely a rebellious angel, as opposed to another God, means things make much more sense.

Maybe its more comfortable that way, but unfortunatly (or maybe fortunatly) its not. Satan is not God, no matter how much he wants to be.

andrergsanchez wrote:
The pieces don't seem to fit otherwise. His rebellion ceases to be a strange and foolish act, to become an understandable, if still foolish act.

Angels are capable of thought, Yah likes to create things He can relate to. Satan just got it in His head that He could sit on the throne. His rebellion was a foolish act, still is a foolish act, and will always be one. He knows there is no repentance for Him - so the best thing a rebellious being that has lost the war can do, is try and burn as much as he can, while he can.

andrergsanchez wrote:
Of course, it also makes the story automatically false, because there can only be one, true God.

True :)

andrergsanchez wrote:
Perhaps the story is inspired by an actual angelic conflict, of two angels who practice self-idolatry and fail to realize they are not God, yet are tolerated by God.

or perhaps its just actually fact... lol

andrergsanchez wrote:
But then I could never take the scripture any more seriously than the Quran, or for that matter, the ancient myths of Greece and Rome and Carthage.

After study scripture, inside and outside of YY - I can not see your logic here.

I hope that was helpful in anyway :)
Signature Updated! Woo that was old...
Offline bitnet  
#41 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2008 7:55:25 AM(UTC)
Joined: 7/3/2007(UTC)
Posts: 1,120

Shabbat Shalom,

This is meant for andrergsanchez. All quotes are his.

I'm not sure what you want me to do that I have not yet done. Perhaps you are the one what has not read these books in the right context and perspective? If you are not the
means God has choosen to shine his light on my path, then surely another means is there, and I won't starve for his light. If this is not the path of God, the true God, I'll be glad to be turned away from it.

I do not aim to be the one to enlighten you. That is not my job. I can only share with you some thoughts, experiences and reflections of what I have learnt. It is Yahweh who does the calling and the enlightening in depth. If you think that you need to find the answers elsewhere there is nothing that shall stop you. I, too, seek to learn as much as I can, and not just from this site. His Truth is bigger than all of us. But I know what I seek and I recognise His voice through His Word. How would you?

But then I could never take the scripture any more seriously than the Quran, or for that matter, the ancient myths of Greece and Rome and Carthage.

Therein lies your problem. You do not seem to seek enlightenment. You seem to have a preconceived idea of who Creator is, and you are looking for proof of such. If you truly seek the Creator, then look for His Word. Through His Word you shall find life. But if you are not prepared to unlearn then the learning stops.

Everytime I open my eyes I have a direct revelation from the Creator Himself. There is no other source of light, all that I see is revealed to me by him. This I know for a fact.

Beware, for the adversary himself transforms into an angel of light to deceive the world. So what is your "fact" if you cannot prove it?

I don't believe in proof. There is truth, experience (revelation) and judgement. Proofs do not exist.

So what are you looking for? What is your point then?

I do not claim to have intimate knowledge of God's nature, complete with the answers to all of our problems, but I know he exists. My fear is of puting the Bible, or any other book considered as holy, between myself and God. Of making lies my refuge, and falsehood my hiding place.

Perhaps this is how Islam started. A direct revelation. A belief that slowly transmuted itself into something that assumed a mantle of truth because of an unwillingness to belief that which was written before. So despite what you said that Islam would not have started, this is how it started.

Actually, he thought he was possessed by a demon. Judging by his life (and death), I bet his first impression never left him, despite his rethoric.

And eventually he thought it was his god. And he shared it with others. And they believed him. And today the world is as it is. Are you any different seeking direct revelation if you are unable to discern who God is? If you have no basis for his existence other than the trees, animals and stars? The animistic religions think as such so what makes you different?

The main argument seems to be that the prophecies were fulfilled, which could only happen if the Bible was written by God. When I look at it though, I'm not particularly convinced. They often seem vague prophecies, that could be manipulated a million ways to fit a million different outcomes. If we look at more contemporary collections of prophesies, we can see just how easy it can be to "predict" history.

If you continue to lump contemporary collections together with Scripture, what do you think you can find in Scripture that shall make you change your thoughts?

I trust God, but why should I trust the Bible to tell me about him? Surely God has not abandoned all the millions that lived without ever having the chance to look at one, or hear the name of Jesus.

Who says that they are abandoned? And what makes you think that they all need to hear the name of Jesus?

(Mat 12:38) Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered, saying, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from You.”

(Mat 12:39) But He answering, said to them, “A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Yonah.

(Mat 12:40) “For as Yonah was three days and three nights in the stomach of the great fish, so shall the Son of Adam be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

You do not have to believe this, of course, if it was just the statement of a man with a messianic complex that was further boosted by his relatives and friends to fulfill the scores of prophecies, which "could be manipulated to fit a million different outcomes," as you stated,

From what I remember of the story of his birth, it seems pretty clear that his parents filled his head with the idea that he was the Messiah, and while not everyone was interested in accepting him as such (clearly), I am sure there was a deep longing among people for it. People cooperate with madmen all the time. You can find about a billion cults alive today, from those of people claiming to speak with aliens, to those of people who claim to be the Messiah. It happens. People take their own lives for these blatantly false religions.

Sure they do. People are guilty of many things. But how do you know that the religions are blatantly false? What is your yardstick?

I have trouble making sense of the concept of the trinity. When I read such things, they strike me as nothing more than word play, poetry.

Who told you that god is a trinity? Where did you get that idea?

For example, I cannot understand how God could separate his spirit from himself. For that matter, I have trouble understanding how God could separate his spirit from -anything- that exists.

Do you really expect to know the full extent of the power of the Creator? Probably not. But yet you deny Him and limit Him by hinting that God cannot do certain things because you cannot understand certain things. Your approach should be to find out what He wants from you, not the extent of His power as He has revealed according to your perception.

My question is, why? Why criminalize symbolic behaviour, with the death penalty no less?

Does it remain symbolic when they actually do behave in such a way?

It's not that I don't "agree" with Yahweh. The question I'm asking myself is not, "Do I think God is right?", but "Do I think this is God?". If I can't make sense of these things, to accept him as such I would be risking idolatry. I don't want that.

Putting your intellect in the way is idolatry! So how do you resolve this as we all need to think with what we have?

Perhaps it would be better if you shared your thoughts with us and let us see where we can help you anchor your thoughts with Scripture. Otherwise, another approach may be to "taste and see that Yahweh is good." Learn and do. Think and act. Act and think. That's how many of us "manage to have a different degree of certainty of scripture." If it does not work for you then so be it.

I have read most, though I will admit I may have missed parts of them between readings.

There was the first big clue as to why this thread dragged to this point. Remember the start of this post? I quoted you. Which is why I advised you to read YY and re-read. The answers are there. Find it. Don't dissect my words, or Robski's or Matthews or even KP's posts. It does you little good. Study the Scriptures and study all of YY which has to do with the Scriptures. Everything. Don't skip parts or you lose the plot and do yourself a disfavour. You want a shortcut? Just do it! Do not get analysis paralysis! C'mmon, the prophets wrote over hundreds of years and Yada and KP did all the recent work, all we have to do is read. Is that too hard?
The reverence of Yahweh is the beginning of Wisdom.
Offline CK  
#42 Posted : Friday, August 29, 2008 7:58:29 PM(UTC)
Joined: 9/10/2007(UTC)
Posts: 128
Location: Washington State

Indeed, a thread titled "Seekers, Skeptics, and Inquirers" would and should elicit the like. I have been following this particular thread for a few days now and I applaud many of the comments and answers that have been made by fellow forum members. I must say 'andre' that you do indeed appear to be a seeker, skeptic, and inquirer. However, I get a little ill feeling in the pit of my gut at some of your comments and questions. On the surface you come across as naive and innocent, but you throw a rather shrewd curve ball that belies innocence. If you truly wish to know if Scriptures are of Yahuweh then read and re-read them. If your heart is in the right place, He will not hide Himself from you.

I have studied many writings from various religions over the years. I am not an expert in any of them. In all truth, I found no other writings to be as moving, enlightening, and insightful as the Scriptures. Others on this forum have made similar statements. It's time for you to discover this for yourself. Simply my opinion. No offense meant. I pray Yahuweh's Salvation for you. I pray that you will come to know His Son, Yahushua.
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