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Offline Theophilus  
#1 Posted : Friday, February 8, 2008 9:45:08 AM(UTC)
Joined: 7/5/2007(UTC)
Posts: 544

Thanks: 4 times
I've been considering a passage with a friend that I'd like to ask your insights about.

Here is the passage:

21And went out from there and withdrew to the parts of Tsor and Tsidon. 22And see, a woman of Kena'an came from those borders and cried out to Him, saying, “Have compassion on me, O Master, Son of Dawid! My daughter is badly demon-possessed.” 23But He did not answer her a word. And His taught ones came and asked Him, saying, “Send her away, because she cries after us.” 24And He answering, said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Yisra’el.”g 25But she came and was bowing to Him, saying, “Master, help me!” 26And He answering, said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” 27But she said, “Yea Master, for even the little dogsh eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.” 28And answering, said to her, “O woman, your belief is great! Let it be to you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed from that hour.

ISR Scriptures

f The “unwashed hands” was the issue, not the eating of pork or other unclean meat.
g See footnote 10:6.
h Gentiles were called “dogs,” not in an offensive way, but simply because the unconverted gentiles were outside the covenant. See Rev. 22:15 where we again read about the “dogs” that are outside!

Or the Rembreance Harmony for a different rendering:


Yeshua [Yahushua] arose from there and went into the borders of Tyre and Sidon. He entered into a house and wanted to keep it secret, but He could not hide anywhere.

A certain woman, whose young daughter had an unclean spirit, heard about Him, and came and fell at His feet. The woman was a Greek speaking Caananite pagan, of Syro-phoenician nationality. She implored Yeshua [Yahushua] to cast the deceiving spirit out of her daughter, saying, "O Adonai, son of David, my daughter is greatly tormented by a deceiving spirit." However, Yeshua [Yahushua] did not answer her at all. Then His disciples begged Him, "Send her away, for now she cries to us." Yeshua [Yahushua] said, "I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Yisrael."

Then she came again and worshiped Him, saying, "Adonai, help me!" Yeshua [Yahushua] said to her, "Let the children receive food first, for it is not correct to take the children's bread and throw it to the puppies."

"Yes, Adonai," she answered. "Yet even the puppies under Adonai's table eat the crumbs the children drop." Yeshua [Yahushua] said, "Oh woman, you have great trust. Because you have said this, go on now, the deceiving spirit has gone out of your daughter just as you wanted." Her daughter was healed that moment. When she came home she found her daughter sitting up in bed, and the deceiving spirit had gone.

While He did ultimately grant her petition, does this not seem oddly out of character? I'd like to share what it seems to me is going on but I'd very much appreciate your insights.
Offline Sator  
#2 Posted : Friday, February 8, 2008 7:56:55 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/29/2007(UTC)
Posts: 37
Location: orange county, CA

This may be off the mark but could be insightful.

Yahushua indicated that His kingdom was at hand if only the people would have received it. "The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of Yahweh is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel." (Mark 1:15)
"But I say to you that Elijah has indeed come, and they did to him whatever they wished, just as it is written of him." (Mark 9:13)

"Behold, your house is left to you desolate; and I say to you, you will not see Me until the time comes when you say, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of Yahweh'"(Luke 13:35)

And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and be led captive into all the nations; and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the nations until the times of the nations be fulfilled.(Luke 21:24)

It looks like because of the rejection of Yahushua by Israel a revised plan was set for the establishment of the kingdom sometime in the future until after the "times of the Gentiles."

Following Yahweh's plan Yahushua sent His disciples only through-out Israel, telling them not to go among the Gentiles with His message,(Matt 10:5,6).

If the people would have accepted the kingdom, then Yochanan was to fulfill the role of Elijah. Yahushua's Kingdom offer was rejected. Perhaps to open up the offer to both Jews and Gentiles. It appears that the offer to the "woman of Kena'an" wasn't available until after the rejection by Isreal. She was a little early for Yahweh's plan asking for something that was not offered to her yet.

There also seems to be a connection with the Wedding in Cana. Mary asking Yahshua to do something before Yahweh's plan.

When the hosts ran out of wine, Yahushua' mother told Yahushua, "They have no more wine." Yahushua replied, "Dear woman, why do you involve me? My time has not yet come." Yahushua' mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you" (John 2:3-5)

Yahushua did what the woman of Kena'an asked and what Mary asked.

Offline jojocc  
#3 Posted : Saturday, February 9, 2008 4:45:30 AM(UTC)
Joined: 12/1/2007(UTC)
Posts: 97

There are quite a few instances where Yahashua heals those who are not 'deserving' for some reason or another. If you look at all the instances, like the Roman Centurian, the woman who has been bleeing and touches his Tallit, the woman with the daughter etc, the common factor is that through their faith they (or their family members) are healed.

I think the message here is faith or pistueo, 'trusting without fear or doubt' that Yahashua is the son of the livingElohim - YHWH, and that according to his will, he will grant our requests.

Simple huh ;-)
Offline Mike_Browell  
#4 Posted : Saturday, February 9, 2008 10:51:14 PM(UTC)
Joined: 1/19/2008(UTC)
Posts: 51
Location: British Columbia, Canada

Daddy Yahweh's Love Everyone,

It wasn't time for the gentiles until after the day of pentacost. Hence, He says first for the Jews then for the Gentiles. He had to wait until the Jews refused it en masse to bring the gentiles in in order to make Yahuda jealous.

Your Loving Brother,
Michael Browell
Offline Theophilus  
#5 Posted : Sunday, February 10, 2008 12:29:23 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/5/2007(UTC)
Posts: 544

Thanks: 4 times
First thank you brothers for the insights. I regret that I forgot to post what's becoming my favorite rendering of Matthew:

The Trust of a Gentile Woman

And Yahushua*[a] departed and went forth from there at that place, withdrawing, turning back and returning into the parts of Tyre and Sidon. And suddenly, there and then was a Canaanite woman from the same boundaries and region, district, land and territory who came forth crying out and vociferating, saying and teaching, maintaining and exhorting, advising and affirming, directing and pointing out, "Have mercy on me, help and aid the poor and wretched, Master*[b], Son*[c] of David. My daughter is miserable and ill with a demon!"

But He didn't answer her a word, and His disciples, pupils and learners approached, drew near and came to Him, asking and begging, entreating, requesting and beseeching Him, saying and teaching, maintaining and affirming, directing and exhorting, advising and pointing out, "Send and dismiss, release and bid her to go away and leave, for concerning this she is crying out and vociferating behind and after us."

But He answered and said, "I am not ordered, dismissed or sent except to the lost and perishing, ruined, destroyed and the useless sheep of the House of Yisra'el." But nevertheless, she came, arising and appearing and knelt down before, paying homage to and showing reverence, prostrating herself and expressing uttermost respect to Him, saying and exhorting, teaching and affirming, advising and directing, maintaining and pointing out, "Master*[d], Help, succour and aid me!"

Moreover, He answered her and said, "It is not beautiful or excellent, admirable or useful, suitable, commendable or eminent to take and seize, claim, obtain and lay hold of the children's bread and throw, scatter and cast it to dogs." But she said, "Yes, truly and surely, certainly, verily and assuredly Master*[e], but even the dogs eat, consume and devour the crumbs that fall, descend and that are cast from their Master's*[f] table."

Then, at that time, Yahushua*[g] answered and said to her, "O Woman, great and numerous, large and abundant, excellent and splendid is your faith and belief, trust, reliance and conviction of the truth. Let it come and exist to you as you desire and love, wish, will and intend."

And from that time and hour, her daughter was made whole, being cured and saved.

[a]15:21 From the Greek Ιησους which would have been a ΙΣ placeholder in the original

[b]15:22a From the Greek Κυριε which would have been a ΚΕ placeholder in the original.

[c]15:22b From the Greek Υιος which would have been a ΥΣ in the original.

[d]15:25 From the Greek Κυριε which would have been a ΚΕ placeholder in the original.

[e]15:27a From the Greek Κυριε which would have been a ΚΕ placeholder in the original.

[f]15:27b From the Greek Κυριων which would have been a ΚΝ placeholder in the original.

[g]15:28 From the Greek Ιησους which would have been a ΙΣ placeholder in the original

From Swalchy's : http://www.thewaytoyahuw...er1/ntmatt.htm#chapter15

I think this is a challenging passage to understand as Yahushua seems rather harsh to this need and seperate Gentile lady not granting her request on her fisrt two attempts and only after agreeing with His arguably demeaning term for Gentiles having her request answered.

Yahushua was travelling with Jewish companions early in His earthly ministry. These Jewish witnesses were looking to see whether Yahushua is indeed fulfilling the messianic prophecies as "Son of David", the rightful King of the Yahudim. Were He to bless and work miracles more readily among Gentiles than Jews, would this have caused doubts among them whether He was indeed the Son of David and the Son of or in deed the diminished manifestation of Yahuweh?

She first addresses / calls upon Yahushua as "Son of David". This seems appropriate for an Israelte but odd for a Gentile. That might be like me as an American requesting a check up from the British public medical services, simiply because I said "Long live the Queen" at the front counter of their clinc perhaps? I'd be recognizing their ability to fullfill the service I requested, but not making the appeal in a justifiable manner. That might be why He didn't immediately acknowledge her request.

I'm supposing He sensed her desperation and knew that with testing she might both serve to show something of who He is but also that she would presist and in the presisting come to an awareness that would profoundly benefit her and her's eternally rather than simply temporally. That is having made such a public proession of trust in Yahushau and experiencing the miracle, she and her family might trust him greater from the testing and when word of His good news reached them would be prepared to accept the set-apart Spirit and yada Yahuweh rather thamn recieve an easily received answer and possibly dismmissing the incident not bound for eternal desolation and lifelessness. It also reminds me of Yahushua's delay in going to help Laerus arriving after his passing four days earlier. We know He wept but also had a greater purpose in delaying as that resurrection so close to Jersusalem was a powerful sign for the people and Jewish authorities to consider.

I can still understand the charge that this resistence to help someone in need still seems rather out of character for the one who taught the parable of the good Samaritan to delay in aiding one who was requesting in earnest otherwise.

I'm wondering why Yahushua or the Jews would refer to the Gentiles as dogs or puppies benath the tables in this instance. I'm guessing it would be to acknowledge both their unclean ways (diet) or spiritual state?

It does seem like in the case of the Centurian Yahushua did not delay or require such testing however and this occuring also before the rejection by the sanhedren or Pentecost. I'm supposing here that it was a comperable state of awareess on behalf of a Roman military coimmander to acknowledge the power and authority of Jewish prophet who was likely less aware of Jewish Canaanite traditions and religious differences than this woman.

I like the insights on the weding at Cana not yet being time and the rejection by national Israel before openning the renewed covenant to the Gentiles. It seems clear that both aspects of the renewed covenant were foretold, but not forced and clearly many Jewish contempraries of Yahushua came to trust Him as risen Messiah and redeeming Saviour.

Maybe Swalchy or another person knowledgeable in the Greek can help me verify that the word rendered as dog may in fact be puppies as some translators note?

I still feel like there's more going on here and welcome any other thoughts on the matter.
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