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Offline Yada  
#1 Posted : Thursday, January 31, 2008 4:58:04 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

The following is an exchange between Yada and "BB."

-----Original Message-----
From: BB
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 10:41 AM
To: email@ProphetofDoom.net

Your website is idiotically ignorant, biased and is representative of
what us Arabs label as American ignorance. You alter quotes and events
based on your own likings and produce false facts in favor of fear
mongering. You are encouraging racism and hostility towards muslims
and Islam with your poor excuse of a website.
To think that someone would stupidly call the PFLP "Muslim Marxist"
when its' creator George Habash was a Christian. It is truly beyond
comprehensible stupidity that you have to resort to such lying and
deceit just to create more hostility between races and religions.

You should be ashamed of yourselves.

Yada's response on 1/31/08:

Dear Islamic Apologist,

You should be ashamed of yourself for writing this idiotically ignorant
and biased representation of Prophet of Doom. All of the 5,000 quotes in
Prophet of Doom came from Islam's oldest and most reliable sources. The
translations were all done by the world's foremost Arabic scholars. And none of
them are to my liking. I despise Muhammad because according to the only facts
known about him, Islam's lone prophet and Allah's singular voice, was
a sexual pervert, terrorist, mass murderer, and thief.

While I am hostile to Islam, I am being compassionate to Muslims by
pointing out the obvious idiocy and ignorance of their fraudulent religion.

As for the PFLP, it was founded as an outgrowth of the Arab League as
a Marxist organization but quickly became affiliated with other
Islamic Jihadist groups and was finally merged into the PLO. In fact,
the overwhelming preponderance of the PFLP's operatives were Muslims
who were trained in Syria. And Habash ceased being a Christian the
moment he became a Marxist, and at no time was the PFLP a "Christian organization." The
prime terrorist operating under the banner of the PFLP was Carlos the
Jackal--a very good Muslim.

More to the point, if this is the best argument you have against the
website and book, you are in trouble. The fact remains that Muhammad was a
terrorist and today Muslims are responsible for well over 95% of the world's
terrorist acts.

You should be ashamed of your religion.


-----Original Message-----
From: BB
Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2008 7:10 PM
To: Prophet of Doom
Subject: Re: PFLP

Dear Ignorant Webmaster,
It is true that I have not gone through each quote on your website and looked it up in the Qur'an to see how it holds up. I actually did that with the first few quotes and had found that you either left out chunks of some verses or added some of your own. I don't blame you the Qur'an has many interpretations even within Islamic Scholars, no wonder someone like yourself cannot be expected to have full knowledge on the subject. The reason I have not continued to go through each verse you quoted to disprove it is the simple fact that you are not worth it. I simply don't care enough about your views and the views you influence to try to change them. Just to make one thing clear, I have more first hand experience with the teachings of the Qur'an and the PFLP than you'll ever have. Trust me when I tell you that your interpretations are as inaccurate as they are bias. The PFLP were fighting for a United Secular Arab Nation no Jihadist would agree with that. Finally, lets make one thing clear, I was raised as a Muslim, I no longer believe in any god. Yet even I can see how wrongly you interpret the Qur'an. But please I have no further interest in arguing with such a pathetic "scholar". I hope I never hear from you again, cause I have no interest in any of your contorted views.

Yada's response:


Since you claim to be so smart, and to know it all first hand, why not be the first to demonstrate that the Qur'an and Hadith are misrepresented in Prophet of Doom. Correct the record if you can. As a former Muslim, your insights might serve to free others from the religion of Submission.

Millions of people visit the Prophet of Doom site each year. During that time we have received countless claims like yours from Muslims and yet no one has found a single passage in the context of the book which has been errantly conveyed. Hundreds of these have been posted in the Feedback section. Simply stated: if we have made a mistake, we'll gladly correct it.

Rather than "omitting chunks of verses and adding some of my own" as you errantly allege, I did the two things which should be the most helpful in understanding Allah's drivel. I put the Qur'an into chronological order and set it into the context of Muhammad's miserable life--as it is known to us in the Sira, Ta'rikh, Bukhari, and Muslim Hadith. And while I don't claim to be a scholar, this is the most informed and reasoned approach to understanding any text and especially the Islamic text.

The chronological presentation of the Qur'an in Prophet of Doom starts in the With Whom Am I Speaking chapter and continues through the end of the book. You will find the process which was used to create the citations in the Letter to the Reader and a review of the veracity of the five sources used in the Source Material Appendix. I challenge you to read them and then prove your point.

The reason the "Qur'an has so many interpretations" is that is that it is so poorly written. It isn't chronological, there is no context, it claims to be pure Arabic and yet most every important religious word is Hebrew or Greek, there are many missing words and meaningless words, and the subjects and objects of many sentences are either missing or poorly defined. Meaningful transitions are nonexistent, and the book is hopelessly repetitive. It is full of historical and scientific errors and contains countless contradictions. To add insult to injury, much of it is poorly plagiarized from the Talmud. Not only that, the message contained in Allah's book is vile. It has been a curse on humankind.

I understand that you don't like me because I have associated the PFLP with Muslims in addition to Marxists. But what you think of me is immaterial, as is my relative worth. And most all opinions are meaningless. Evidence and reasoned judgment matter.

By claiming that you "have more first hand experience with the teachings of the Qur'an and the PFLP than I'll ever have," are you inferring that you were once associated with this murderous terrorist group and that you were a Muslim? How else might one interpret "first hand experience with the PFLP"?

Relative to the Qur'an's teachings, are you inferring that you have composed a comprehensive analysis of Islam's five oldest sources and that you have used them to put Allah's book into the context of time, people, and place? Have you shared your path away from Islam with others?

When you say, "trust me, your interpretations of the Qur'an are inaccurate" are you suggesting that the five most highly regarded Islamic translations of the Qur'an are errant, or don't you recognize that every word in every verse is based upon them? Or perhaps you are suggesting that putting Muhammad's recital into the context of his life and times as they are known to us from the Hadith isn't an appropriate way to "interpret" the Quran's message.

While it isn't germane to the subjects you have raised, I'm pleased to hear that you are no longer a Muslim. Leaving Islam is a very difficult thing to do. That said, there is a God. His name is Yahweh. If you would like to review the case He makes for His existence, I encourage you to read www.YadaYahweh.com.

If you don't want to hear from me, don't write me. It's as simple as that.


Edited by user Monday, February 4, 2008 1:39:09 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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Offline Noach  
#2 Posted : Thursday, January 31, 2008 7:47:47 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/5/2007(UTC)
Posts: 127

Yahuwah has truly put a wonderful blessing upon you Yada, and at the same time a heavy burden, one that He knew you would be able to handle though. To have to deal with this kind of hatred and ignorance all of the time must be very tough. This kind of garbage thrown at me every day would make me feel awfully dirty.

Offline bitnet  
#3 Posted : Thursday, January 31, 2008 9:01:45 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/3/2007(UTC)
Posts: 1,120

Shalom Yada,

May Yahweh continue to bless you with Wisdom and Faith and protect you and your family and all dear to you. May you continue your walk with Yahushua and fear not those out to desecrate Truth with ignorance, hate, bigotry, vileness, deception and evil. May Yahweh open the eyes of those who seek him truly and who want to love, and may Yahweh shut the minds of those who have nothing but hate and foolish contempt for those whom Yahweh has blest!
The reverence of Yahweh is the beginning of Wisdom.
Offline Robskiwarrior  
#4 Posted : Thursday, January 31, 2008 10:10:57 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/4/2007(UTC)
Posts: 1,470
Location: England

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at least he didn't want to kill him... that makes a change.
Signature Updated! Woo that was old...
Offline Tiffany  
#5 Posted : Friday, February 1, 2008 5:18:41 AM(UTC)
Joined: 6/7/2007(UTC)
Posts: 185

This just goes to show how blind not only lead the blind but that with out the light (Yahuweh) its dark out there. And I appreciate that Yada always replies to emails even when dumb people can't handle the truth.
Offline Heretic Steve  
#6 Posted : Friday, February 1, 2008 11:14:02 AM(UTC)
Heretic Steve
Joined: 9/26/2007(UTC)
Posts: 258
Location: ohio

Yada, I'd always ranked Pat Buchannon as one of the great debaters of our time. You make him look like a blithering idiot. Kudos...
If not us, who? If not now, when?
Offline Yada  
#7 Posted : Friday, February 1, 2008 5:41:37 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

The conversation continues between "BB" and Yada continues:

-----Original Message-----
From: BB
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 3:42 AM
To: Prophet of Doom
Subject: Re: PFLP

Listen lets say in a hypothetical manner that everything in your website is the pure truth and nothing but the truth.


If you are going to present an argument, please be accurate and don’t stoop to building a straw man. You are smarter than that.

With regard to Prophet of Doom--Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad's Own Words, I claim is that the Qur'an and Hadith passages are accurately and fairly presented from the most reliable translations of the most trusted sources. I claim that while countless people have tried to refute the book on the basis of misquoting, misinterpreting, taking out of context, and adding to the Islamic scriptures as you did, no one has prevailed. And for the book’s conclusions against Islam to be invalidated, the overwhelming preponderance of the 5,000 quotations presented in Prophet of Doom would have to be proven completely inaccurate.

I claim that Prophet of Doom is the most comprehensive, best documented, most contextual and chronological presentation of Islam's five oldest and most important sources. I claim that the evidence from these sources proves beyond any doubt that Muhammad was a sexual pervert, pedophile, rapist, incestuous, adulterer, womanizer, thief, assassin, mass murderer, slave trader, liar, and terrorist, and that his religion is a hoax, a complete and utter fraud.

With regard to the rest of the site, I seldom make any representations. You claimed that the PFLP didn’t have both Marxist and Muslim affiliations, and I simply pointed out that the most famous and vile member and leader of the PFLP, Carlos the Jackal, was a good Muslim, that Islamic Jihadists were trained by the PFLP in Syria, and that the PFLP was ultimately merged into an Islamic terrorist group—the PLO. I even say in the second paragraph of my review of the group that “The PFLP began life as a Marxist organization and over time became Muslim.” I revealed “that the PFLP’s secular nature was its undoing.” I specifically identified George Habash’s parents as being “Greek Orthodox” as well. The report concludes that the PFLP sect of the PLO has been eclipsed in favor of Salafist/fundamentalist Islamic groups. Therefore, my presentation of the PFLP was accurate and fair and your argument against the position I articulated is invalid.

This doesn’t mean that everything I’ve written is perfectly accurate and unbiased, only that your specific arguments against the site were unjustified.

The only thing you will achieve with your website is to create anger from previously peaceful Muslims or creating more hostility in other people towards Muslims.

According to the Qur’an, and most especially its last two surahs chronologically, there is no such thing as a peaceful Muslim. The moment a Muslim shuns fighting, they become a hypocrite. Allah asks good Muslims to kill the peace-loving hypocrites—which is why Muslim on Muslim violence is greater than jihadist attacks on infidels. If you are an expert on the Qur’an, you should know this.

It is Islam which creates hostility between good Muslims and those who are not. To blame someone who is exposing the source of rage for that rage is irrational.

At issue in your argument is whether it is better to hide evidence, leaving a billion people deceived by an inherently violent religion, or tell the truth in hopes that Muslims and non-Muslims will be better equipped to deal with the problems inherent in the religion. Ignoring the flaws in Nazism didn’t bring peace. Ignoring the flaws in Socialist Secular Humanism didn’t stop communists from killing a hundred million people. Ignoring Islam’s true nature didn’t stop the fundamentalist government in the Sudan from murdering three million Africans in the past 25 years.

Even if all of what you said is true, the fact still remains that this is not how Islam is taught in most Islamic countries. I have had an Islamic upbringing and never once have I been encouraged to not have Christan or Jewish friends. Never once did any Imam or any religion teacher preached violence as a method.

The purpose of Prophet of Doom is to expose what Islam actually is based upon the words and deeds of its founder and his god. How Islam was taught to you is irrelevant. My argument isn’t against modern corruptions of Islam, or even against Muslims, but instead against the religion Muhammad and his dark spirit inspired.

The purpose of the Islamic Terrorism Timeline is to expose the direct link between the religion of Islam and terrorism today. To ignore this correlation is irrational and deadly.

Your generalization regarding how Islam is taught is inaccurate. Based upon the most recent polling data from Islamic countries, some 60 to 70 percent of Muslims have become fundamentalists. That means that they are schooled in the fundamentals of the religion—the religion as it was lived and taught by Muhammad. Moreover, since Muslims are responsible for over 95% of all terrorist acts, and are always crediting Islam for their attacks by uttering the Islamic Prayer of Fear (“Allahu Akbar”), it’s readily apparent Islam as it is taught today is directly responsible for inspiring terrorism.

The Qur’an teaches that Muslims are not to take Christians and Jews as friends, ordering them to kill them, so your assertion is in conflict with the Islamic religion. Further, imams are the primary source of jihadist teachings.

Since you have stated categorically “Never once did any Imam or any religion teacher preached violence as a method,” by citing a single exception I will have invalidated your claim. Therefore, I present:

Then consider this quote from the Saudi ruling family's favorite imam, al Buraik. He's not only licensed, he's atop the pecking order. Prior to a telethon hosted to enrich the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, this esteemed cleric said, "I am against America. She is the root of all evils and wickedness on earth. Muslims, don't take Jews and Christians as allies. Muslim brothers in Palestine, do not have any mercy or compassion on them, their blood, their money, or their flesh. Their women are yours to take, legitimately. Allah made them yours. Why don't you enslave their women? Why don't you wage jihad? Why don't you pillage them?"

Do you suppose the licensed Saudi cleric was corrupting Islam too? Sorry. It's Allah who commands Muslims not to befriend Christians and Jews, for he wants them killed so he can use their bodies to stoke hell's fires. Qur'an 5:51 "O believers, do not hold Jews and Christians as your allies. They are allies of one another; and anyone who makes them his friends is one of them." Qur'an 2:10 "As for those who deny Islam...they shall be the faggots for the Fire of Hell." Islam's god is a spirit of an entirely different color. Ishaq:327 "Allah said, 'A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.'" The Saudi imam has correctly interpreted Islam's message. Bukhari:V5B59N512 "The Prophet had their men killed, their children and woman taken captive." Qur'an 33:26 "Allah made the Jews leave their homes by terrorizing them so that you killed some and made many captive. And He made you inherit their lands, their homes, and their wealth. He gave you a country you had not traversed before."

If you’d like a thousand more hateful and violent quotes from Islamic imams, go to any fundamentalist Islamic website, to MEMRI.org, or to YouTube.

Whenever a terrorist attacks occur, Imams condemn these acts and try to turn people away

from killing innocent civilians. These terrorists you see are only a minor sector of extreme radicalism. Because if what you said in your website was true and people followed it, then we would've had none stop wars between Islam and the rest of the world.

While there are always exceptions, most Islamic imams incite terrorist acts and relatively few Islamic imams condemn them. The reason for this is that imams teach from the Qur’an and Hadith and fighting is central to the message contained therein. Also, peaceful imams are assassinated in Islamic countries by fundamentalist Muslims consistent with Allah’s instructions.

Islamic terrorists are extremely good Muslims. They are fundamentalists. In fact, according to Muhammad and Allah, jihadists are the very best Muslims. Therefore, Islamic terrorists aren’t “radicals.” A radical is someone who seeks to alter the fundamentals of a doctrine—making them the opposite of fundamentalists. This is the central point proven by the 5,000 Qur’an and Hadith citations in Prophet of Doom.

Your last point is also misguided. During the first 3,000 years of recorded history there isn’t a single mention of Arabs leaving Arabia en masse to terrorize, conquer, or plunder anyone. Then Muhammad invented the religion of Islam. He personally lead 75 terrorist raids upon his neighboring Arabs, upon Jews, and finally upon Christians. Upon his death his successor started the War of Compulsion, forcing all Arabs to submit to Islam or die. In the next ten years, Arabs now under the influence of Islam raided and conquered Persia, Syria, what is today Israel, and Egypt. Over the first hundred years of Islam, the first Muslims led barbarian assaults against the Byzantine Empire, India, Northern Africa, and most of Southern Europe. What turned these once peaceful people violent if it was not Islam? And even more to your point, the Islamic assault on the rest of the world continued unabated for 1000 years.

The purpose of the Islamic Terrorism Timeline is to demonstrate how the rise of OPEC has served to fuel the more recent worldwide rise in Islamic terrorism. There is a direct correlation between the funding the OPECers provide and Islamic terror, which is now sweeping the globe. And as a result of a misguided population listening to the false teachings of people like you, Islam will continue to grow ever more violent until Muslims headquartered in a united Iran/Iraq start the Third World War.

And I am not interested in joining Yada Yahweh bullshit. I am no going to follow any religion that bases itself on our faith that a god exists without providing unquestionable evidence of his existence .

Now you are lashing out in ignorance, something that should be beneath you. There is nothing to join at Yada Yahweh. Yada Yahweh isn’t a religion and is in fact anti-religious. It has nothing to do with faith. And, in direct conflict to your charge, Yada Yahweh exists to present the evidence Yahweh reveals to prove His existence.

Further, since Yada Yahweh is based upon an amplified translation of the oldest Greek and Hebrew manuscripts of the Covenant Scriptures, it’s God’s actual revelation that you are calling “bullshit.” While that is a choice that you are free to make, making an informed choice would be wise.

Only dimwits would follow what some imaginary god told them to do instead of accepting the truth that is right in front of them. ( I don't really care about Yada Yahweh don't try to convert me)

A “dimwit” dismisses that which he doesn’t know and that which he hasn’t thought about. Since you don’t know what Yahweh revealed, and haven’t thought about it, the name you are tossing at me may fit you better. If you had read Yada Yahweh you would have known that the first seven chapters of the book focus on presenting the correlation between Scripture and science, detailing the fact that what we now observe before us is best and most accurately explained in Genesis.

If you had read the book, you would know that we are opposed to conversion. All we are committed to doing is to expose and condemn lies while presenting the truth so that people are left without excuse. You and chose to ignore the evidence, reject the evidence, or accept it.

And when I say that he Qur'an can be interpreted in many different manners I am not defending it I am just attacking you for trying to create more animosity between people by taking the worst possible interpretation.

This is inconsistent with your previous reply. And I’ve already dealt with the issue of animosity—pointing out that it is irrational to equate the actual source of animosity with someone who simply reveals the nature of that source. Further, it’s not my interpretation of Islam which is presented in Prophet of Doom—it’s Islam’s own words as they were recorded in the earliest Islamic sources.

I'll tell you what the verse you had I am not sure what it is exactly "They are infidels who claim Christ's divinity" that is not the complete verse it continues " They are infidels who claim Christ's divinity, since Christ himself claimed to be a prophet from the all mighty god" The way you put it made it seem Muslims are calling Christ a liar and his followers infidels which isn't true.

You’ll have to do better than this if you want to discredit Prophet of Doom. The passage you are referring to is in the 5th surah, the last revealed chronologically, and thus the most authoritative in the Qur’an. It is covered in the “Jihad” chapter of Prophet of Doom ( http://www.prophetofdoom...t_of_Doom_23_Jihad.Islam ).

In context, this is what I wrote:

These next two verses, combined with Qur'an 5:17 and 98:1, condemn Christians to endure the cutting edge of Islamic terror - forever. Throughout the Qur'an's most violent surahs (4, 5, 8, 9, 33, 47, 48, 59, 60, and 61) Muhammad used the words "infidel," "unbeliever," and "disbeliever" to describe his enemy. Then in the 5th surah, the prophet defined his terms. "Infidels, unbelievers, and disbelievers" become Christians; and thus they inherited the legacy of Islam's sword.

While it was ingenious and efficient, it was also transparent and immoral. Muhammad had robbed, enslaved, and killed every significant Jewish settlement in Arabia. After enduring ten years of terror, the Quraysh had surrendered, as had most every Arab town within Islam's reach. There was nothing left to steal. But having turned self-sufficient and peaceful men into bloodthirsty pirates, Muhammad needed a new enemy.

So... Qur'an 5:72 "They are surely infidels who blaspheme and say: 'God is Christ, the Messiah, the son of Mary.' But the Messiah only said: 'O Children of Israel! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.'" Now that the Qur'an has brought the 14th chapter of John's Gospel to our attention, we know that Yahshua, the Messiah, claimed that he was God. Thus Allah is doing what he does best: lie. "Lo! Whoever joins other gods with Allah or says He has a partner, Allah has forbidden Paradise, and the Hell Fire will be his abode. There will for the wrong-doers be no one to help." Qur'an 5:73 "They are surely disbelievers who blaspheme and say: 'God is one of three in the Trinity for there is no ilah (god) except One, Allah. If they desist not from saying this (blasphemy), verily a grievous penalty will befall them - the disbelievers will suffer a painful doom."

With that said, "Christian" must now be substituted for "infidel" and "disbeliever" in every verse commanding Muslims to fight, kill, terrorize, plunder, or enslave. "Must" because of Qur'anic abrogation. Qur'an 2:106 proclaims: "Whenever We cancel a verse or throw it into oblivion, We bring one which is better." The 5th surah was the last handed down and thus its commands and definitions abrogate all others. The result is as clear as the skies over New York at 8:45 A.M. E.D.T., the 11th of September 2001. I'm sorry to be the bearer of such bad news, but this is why Muslims kill Americans. They believe we are Christians.

Finally about the PFLP, no I have never joined it but living in an Arabic society I have come across its' ideology more than you would from reading about it. If you ask anyone in the PFLP if they consider them selves Muslims and they would laugh in your face.

If this revised position is accurate, then you were disingenuous when you said, “Just to make one thing clear, I have more first hand experience with the teachings of the Qur'an and the PFLP than you'll ever have.” As it relates to your final statement, why don’t you read the book Carlos the Jackal wrote in prison about his commitment to Islam. He was the terrorist group’s most notorious member and leader. But you’ll have to go to prison to have him laugh in your face when you ask him if he considered himself to be a Muslim.

Oh and since we are blaming religion for everything how about we blame Judaism for allowing the occupation of land and the exodus of Palestinian people. It seems to me they have created more despair, they have killed more and they have destroyed more lives than Islamic terrorists. Don't you agree that the state that cuts off electricity, food and medicine from the people of Gaza striking fear and terror in the heart of the innocent,should be called a terrorist state? or is it that Arabic blood isn't as pure as the blood of the Jewish master race?


You might be able to get the boy out of Islam but it appears that it is impossible to get Islam out of the boy. Islam has done a magnificent job of blaming the Jews for the terrorist acts Muslims themselves have perpetrated. And that’s because Islam is the most anti-Semitic dogma ever conceived.

In the minds of those Islam has corrupted it’s as if Israel was Islamic before it was the homeland of the Jewish people. It’s as if the Muslims were given 0.2% of the Middle East following the World War and that Jews were given 99.8%. It as if the only prosperous and free nation in the Middle East was other then Israel and as if Islamic nations were prosperous and free when they are neither. It is as if the victims of Islamic terrorism were responsible for their own deaths. It is as if there were actually a “Palestinian People.” It is as if trying to detour terrorism by is the cause of terrorism.

Sadly, Islam has made you a racist who has lost the ability to see anything clearly. You’ve clearly lost your mind in a milieu of misguided hate. The very thing you accuse me of, you yourself are guilty. Thanks for revealing your true nature.

Hypocrite indeed.


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Offline Yada  
#8 Posted : Friday, February 1, 2008 5:57:38 PM(UTC)
Joined: 6/28/2007(UTC)
Posts: 3,537

BB responds:

From: BB
Sent: Friday, February 01, 2008 3:27 PM
To: Prophet of Doom
Subject: Re: PFLP

Yeah sure it was a Jewish homeland since "god" promised it to them. Since when does imaginary figures make promises and we are expected to live by them? Santa Claus has just promised me your house, please evacuate it within 24 hours. Please, the entire concept of Zionism is based on man made lies and deception. You are the hypocrite who is willing to fight Islam for committing acts of Terror under the name of Islam then defending Zionists when the commit acts of terror under the name of Judaism.

If you think that Israel is a peaceful state then you are much more misguided and ignorant than I previously thought.

Yada answers:


This final reply from you is particularly thoughtless. I am going to answer it, just as I have corresponded with you previously, for the purpose of enlightening those less effected by Islam than you have been. Based upon your own words, I'm convinced that you are beyond hope.

Putting the issue of whether God exists and has revealed Himself aside, it is an indisputable historical fact that Jews occupied the land we now call Israel from around 1500 BCE until 135 CE when they were assaulted by the Romans. And in the time between 135 CE until the Muslim invasion in the seventh century, Jews remained the majority population in the land. Other than having attacked Israel in the seventh century, as they did much of the civilized world, Muslims have no claim to Israel. But sadly, Muslims will not rest until every Jew is pushed out of their homeland and into the sea to die. It is how Muhammad himself treated them—stealing their property, their land, their women and children, and their very lives.

You would do well to learn the history of the place called Israel, learning who lived here and what was revealed to them. But unfortunately, like all of those who have been infected by the poison of Islam, you have become too racist, too biased, too hateful to deal with reality.

While I despise the Jewish religion almost as much as I hate Islam, Socialist Secular Humanism, and Christianity, Zionism isn’t a religious concept. It is based primarily on a racial group's love for their ancestral homeland and their desire to live in their land after the genocide of the holocaust. It is like the Kurds wanting to live autonomously in their ancestral homeland against the wishes of Islamic nations and the Armenians wishing to live autonomously in their ancestral homeland after their demise during the Turkish genocide. There isn't any meaningful part of these people's love of freedom and their homeland that isn't rooted in history and geography. To dismiss it as "lies and deception" is ignorant, irrational, and especially hypocritical.

Jews very, very seldom commit acts of terrorism and almost never do so under the name of their religion. Muslims commit acts of terrorism every day, and they most always do so in the name of their religion. Muslims commit over 95% of the world's terrorist acts and Jews don't account for a fraction of 1%. In light of this reality, it's obvious that you are far too hateful, far too racist, far too indoctrinated, to render a just and moral conclusion even if you were actually aware of the evidence.

I've grown weary of this dialog because it's no longer a discussion of fact, but instead a lesson in just how badly Islam corrupts the mind and soul. You will die in your ignorance, hatred, and rage because you are unable to rationally or morally evaluate reasoned words and historical evidence. I am sorry for what Islam has done to you BB.



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Offline bitnet  
#9 Posted : Friday, February 1, 2008 9:06:41 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/3/2007(UTC)
Posts: 1,120

Another one bites the dust! Sigh! If only they are willing to even read and discover for themselves their fate at the end of this age... but "ignorance is bliss" to these people, whereas Yahweh says plainly, "My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge," and it would also be good for Christians, Jews and all others to wake up to the reality of the coming Kingdom of Yahweh.
The reverence of Yahweh is the beginning of Wisdom.
Offline Robskiwarrior  
#10 Posted : Friday, February 1, 2008 10:21:03 PM(UTC)
Joined: 7/4/2007(UTC)
Posts: 1,470
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I hope he comes back - he seems a little bashed by religion. I hope he reads YY.
Signature Updated! Woo that was old...
Offline J&M  
#11 Posted : Friday, February 1, 2008 11:48:15 PM(UTC)
Joined: 9/5/2007(UTC)
Posts: 234
Location: Eretz Ha'Quodesh

Robski,please post this where apropriate.

Full article here

http://www.worldnetdaily...cle.asp?ARTICLE_ID=59985 2008 WorldNetDaily.co


This excerpt took my full attention!!

No one ever leaves Islam, according to a judge in Egypt who has cited Islamic religious law in rejecting a request from a Muslim convert to Christianity to be allowed to change his religious affiliation on his national identification card.

In a decision that forecasts more and more decisions being based on Shari'a, Islam's religious law, Judge Muhammad Husseini has concluded it violates the law for a Muslim to leave Islam.

According to a report from Compass Direct News, the judge found that the convert, Muhammad Hegazy, "can believe whatever he wants in his heart, but on paper he can't convert."

The report said Husseini cited Article II of the Egyptian constitution, making Islamic religious law the "source" of Egyptian secular law, as the basis for his conclusion.

Since Islam is the "final" and "most complete" religion, Muslims already have full freedom of religion and are not allowed to return to the "less complete" Christianity or Judaism, the ruling said.

Shallom shabbut

Offline Robskiwarrior  
#12 Posted : Saturday, February 2, 2008 1:45:41 AM(UTC)
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I think its appropriate here :) but I think it does need its own thread.

you can find the thread discussing the above report HERE
Signature Updated! Woo that was old...
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