On Tue, Jun 21, 2022 at 10:12 AM MAX B. <*************@gmail.com> wrote:
Your last program was right on in that conspiracies are a waste of valuable time and our focus should be on YAH.
You have judged the questioning of the caution and side effects in receiving the supposed Covid “vaccine” (the definition of vaccine was changed to accommodate the narrative) as to be “conspiratorial and conspiracy”.
I, based on evidence and reason, with the likes of the Pope and President, two individuals who are the heads of the two most despised organizations and institutions on earth that YAH hates and detests, both who espouse the wonderful, magical, and Babylonian elixir “vaccine”, have judged the opposite from you and it to be “conspiratorial and conspiracy” to promote the Covid genetic therapy without also alerting and advising that it is with risk of damaging short and long term and sometimes irreversible side effects, and in some cases even death, which is documented as fact, truth, and without controversy.
Please practice what you preach and stop and refrain from espousing the conspiracy that the Covid genetic therapy is without any element of danger. Tell that to one who has died or experienced the short or long term damaging side effects from receiving it and they will beg to differ with you.
You, like Dowd, are a zawora which I recognize and value. You, like Dowd, are not without limitations and sometimes misidentify, as in the case who was the Son of God,
I stand with you only in YAH.
Iron sharpeners iron.
Max B.
On Jun 21, 2022, at 12:38 PM, Yada Yahweh <email@yadayahweh.com> wrote:
Sorry Max, we disagree on the value of the vaccine against the original Covid strain. It worked. Ultimately, we were overwhelmed with Omicron variants making the boosters unnecessary. My issue with Covid is the government response, not the efficacy of the vaccines. The evidence is so overwhelming that to push your agenda you have to do as conspirators do, ignore the elephant for the flea.
I do not know why you brought the pope or president in on this. Their opinions are meaningless. And to call it a Babyonian elixir strongly suggests that you are being conspiratorial here. Also, if you feel this strongly about it, that is also a sign that you are being conspiratorial in this regard.
Do whatever you choose to do, but be careful when it comes to promoting this position in this way. I hope you drop it. But if you can't, I will not respond again.
The only reason that I did so this time is because we agree on the other issues and I want to be helpful in reflecting how you are coming across..
On Wed, Jun 22, 2022 at 8:20 AM MAX B. <**********@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry Max, - superfluous.
we disagree - correct, we “disagree”, not of one mind ON WHAT?
on the value - VALUE. THIS IS THE ISSUE YADA - VALUE. Value is relative to the individual and some could say to the world. I’m not concerned with the world, only the individual as YAH doesn’t love everyone, only individuals.
of the vaccine - ERROR as it is not a vaccine as has and had been ALWAYS defined UNTIL it was changed AFTER applying the term “vaccine” was CHALLENGED to apply it to genetic therapy, (as THAT is what in REALITY it is) to CONTROL THE NARRATIVE. Whoever controls the narrative controls the conversation and we both know who loves control. To be fair and honest here it is understood words and language are fluid and meanings can and do change but this is NOT my main point of contention.
against the original Covid strain - ERROR, you assumed I also just disagreed on the VALUE against the original strain. That is not the case. I disagree on the VALUE (KEY WORD AS THIS IS THE SUBJECT MATTER AND VALUE IS RELATIVE, NOT ABSOLUTE) of it against the original and ALL variants.
It worked. - ERROR as your using the term “worked” controls the narrative. WORKED first has to be defined, then measured. If the “vaccine” was designed to prevent Covid, then it FAILED. If it was designed to NOT to harm, injure, or kill, then it failed. If it was designed to “lessen” the symptoms then THAT appears to be true BUT very subjective. Pain, discomfort, and other criteria are subjective to the the individual.
Ultimately, we were overwhelmed with Omicron variants making the boosters unnecessary. - By your own words you do violence to those who think and feel the same way about the original vaccine - it was unnecessary as deemed by the individual if they disagreed or wanted to pursue other alternatives You want the freedom to say boosters are not needed WITHOUT BEING LABELED A “CONSPIRACIST, CONSPIRATORIAL” yet you deny that to others. HYPOCRITICAL, DOUBLE STANDARD, CONTROLLING THE NARRATIVE.
My issue with Covid is the government response, - we are in ABSOLUTE agreement here.
not the efficacy of the vaccines. - ERROR, not a vaccine but genetic therapy. Again controlling the narrative.
The evidence is so overwhelming - ERROR, your stating this does NOT make it true. There are EXPERT medical professionals, researchers, and qualified experts who DISAGREE with your ASSESSMENT (for THAT is all it is, an opinion) but whose voices have been squelched, deleted, berated, etc. to ONCE AGAIN CONTROL THE NARRATIVE.
that to push your agenda - ERROR, controlling the narrative with inflammatory language. I am NOT “pushing” anything. I am doing EXACTLY as YOU are doing, stating an opinion, assessment, judgment. Yes, I was being colorful with the “Babylonian Elixir” but YAH has a sense of humor, as do I.
you have to do as conspirators do, ignore the elephant for the flea. - ERROR, I am NOT “CONSPIRING” to do anything other than state an opinion just like you. VALUE IS RELATIVE. You state yours yet deem me unfit, unqualified or whatever else in your current mind set.
I do not know why you brought the pope or president in on this. - EASY. You may not of heard my favorite riddle:
You are in the jungle on a path looking to reach the village of truth. The path comes to a fork with a villager standing there from one of the two villages at the end of each path. One to the village of truth (people always tell the truth) and the other to the village of liars (they always tell a lie). You don’t know which village the person standing at the fork is from. You may ask one and only one question and you will know IMMEDIATELY which way is the village of truth.
The question is: Which way is your village?
They will BOTH point to the village of truth.
When two snakes (Pope and President) both say the same thing you can rest assured you smell a rat.
Their opinions are meaningless. - see riddle above.
And to call it a Babyonian elixir strongly suggests that you are being conspiratorial here. - ERROR, controlling the narrative. Just being funny and colorful.
Also, if you feel this strongly about it, that is also a sign that you are being conspiratorial in this regard. - ERROR, controlling the narrative. You do the EXACT SAME THING WITH THE BOOSTERS.
Do whatever you choose to do, but be careful when it comes to promoting this position in this way. - ERROR, controlling the narrative again. I am not promoting anything. I, like you, am free to share an opinion, thought, assessment, or judgement.
I hope you drop it. - As I do you.
But if you can't, I will not respond again. - That’s your choice in free will.
The only reason that I did so this time is because we agree on the other issues - YEP sure do. I know and love DAD.
and I want to be helpful in reflecting how you are coming across.. - Five years ago I wrote you that your writings, material, and shows ARE THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT THINGS IN THIS WORLD NEXT TO THE TOWRAH, PROPHETS, AND PSALMS. THIS IS STILL TRUE.
I recognize who you are, a ZAWORA, a man of integrity, a lover of YAH, and the second end time witness (I think). That being said I am Yahudym and I fear not GOD or man.
Iron sharpeneth iron.
Max B.
6/22/2022 9:44 AM, Yada Yahweh <email@yadayahweh.com> wrote:
Please go away, Max, until you learn to reject such unsupportable notions or discover the self-control to keep your misguided and conspiratorial opinions to yourself. You are coming across as a nutcase - echoing the diatribes of other thoughtless and mistaken individuals. That is not appropriate in this setting.
Since the conspiracy advocates were quick to seize on the Corona virus and then on the vaccines to advance their agenda, I studied both extensively. As a result of the evidence, I spoke out against the false claims of the conspirators, against the response of governments to the virus, and against the lack of judgment worldwide that was making a bad situation much worse. I have studied the inception of the disease, its mutations, its spread, and mortality. The development of MRNA and standard vaccines was fascinating, as was the public diatribes about their use, testing, distribution, and then proven results. The downside of the vaccines was negligible and the initial results overwhelmingly positive. Over time, mutations outpaced the vaccine and the antibodies proved to be short lived. And with so many anti-vaxers, we never reached herd immunity, so a valiant effort was for naught.
Yes, you have the freedom to share deceptions and delusions, to call out the flea and ignore the herd of elephants. In fact, you are commonplace in doing so. But you are not free of the consequences.
You are placing these ridiculous conspiratorial notions so high on your agenda, that you are desperate to get others to agree. It is pathetic, irrational, and irresponsible. If your intent is to be an advocate of conspiratorial nonsense, then leave those who know better out of your delusions. And stop commingling Yahowah's name and message with your conspiratorial beliefs. You cannot have both, and your words make it obvious which you have chosen. You are deceiving yourself if you believe that you can be both conspiratorial and Covenant, that you can love Yah and promote stupidity. But such is the nature of those who believe these things and then promote and defend them as if they were true.
Conspiracy is a sickness and you are badly infected with this virus - one far more deadly and deceptive than religion. I wish, for your sake, that someone could reason with you, hold a mirror up to your words, but as is the case with religion and politics, those who promote conspiracies are immune to evidence and reason. You are now living in an echo chamber filled with other believers from which few escape. And for what benefit: to be accepted by fellow believers while rejected by God?
If you want to be anti-vax for personal reasons, that is your choice. Some 20 to 30% of people - those predisposed to conspiracy - will agree with you. And if you want to be among those discrediting themselves by defending an anti-vax position, you are free to make a fool of yourself. But you cannot claim a relationship with Yahowah, cite His name and message, while advocating a conspiratorial position without being judged unworthy of the Covenant.
Iron cannot be effectively used to sharpen iron. You are not ironclad and your notions are more akin to jello. Blacksmiths do not use iron to sharpen iron. And the truth is: iron does not hold an edge.
I have discovered that the religious and conspiratorial love to cite an errant interpretation of Mashal 27:17. So here is a more accurate presentation of it...
"Iron (barzel) with (ba) iron (barzel) is fierce, violent, and harmful, even destructive, slashing away (chadad). And so (wa) an individual ('iysh) fiercely and harmfully slashes away in a destructive manner (chadad) at the presence (paneh) of his friends, companions, and neighbors, even similarly evil, mistaken, and loudmouthed comrades, fellow citizens, and associates."
I have no interest in controlling anything, much less the narrative. You are free to go.