Hello REPeet and some others in this thread,
This is the way that I'm able to understand this testamony so far.Curious – the testimony of others in the forum, Yah’s Towrah or the Christian new testament?
That Jesus not as a sin offering, like bulls, goats, and doves are, but is a death substitute, like the passover lamb was, is placed in the tomb on Wednesday night (sorry Yada).I read your words about using “Jesus” and “Yeshua”. As Yahowsha’s name is spelled Yad-hey-wa-shin-ayin and the wa is before the shin, it is not possible that the shin would be pronounced before the wa. Therefore “Yeshua” is incorrect both in spelling and pronunciation. Jesus has no significant meaning so is a worthless name. As a substitution for Yahowsha, it is in opposition to Yahowah and therefore deadly.
Yahowsha (Yahowah saves or Yahowah saving us) as the Pesach lamb paid the price (physical death) and the consequence (separation from Yahowah in Sheowl) of missing Yah’s way while causing others to miss Yah’s way. Note that this payment of price and consequences by Yahowah was accomplished only for those who choose to opt-in to His Covenant according to Its terms and conditions.
It makes sense that the fulfillment of Pesach would occur on a shabat as Yah’s Pesach instructions indicate such.
I’m thinking perhaps the “sin offerings” were included to illustrate that there are consequences for our actions but I must say I have not attempted to delve deeply into the details of those instructions as of yet.
During that night, by some supernatural event, the remants of that beaten to a pulp body was incinerated.
That during the next three days and nights, that Yeshua, a diminished and limited part of Yahowah experiences the appropiate punshment that satisfies the requirements of justice for the sins that Yahowah tells us that he chooses to forget/forgive.Just like most “magic” that is simply advanced technology, I would posit that it was not “super” natural, but simply natural beyond our current understanding. And yes – the body that was likened to a crimson grub was incinerated just like the uneaten bits of lamb in the Pesach instructions. Then came Matsah (when Yahowsha’s soul was in Sheowl) which illustrates the consequence of leading others astray and the analogy of yeast to religion, politics and oppressive monetary schemes.
On the third day, that Yeshua is ressurected in a "new" physical "heavenly" body. A body of the firstfruits of the ressurection. Yahowsha was never resurrected. His soul didn’t die but there was no body left to resurrect. If he did in fact appear to anyone after the Bikkuwrym harvest, it would have been as visible diminished energy according to E=MC2.
He then greets Mary at the tomb, but tells her not to touch him, because he is ritually clean and has to bring the firstfruits of the resurrection to the heavenly place and present them to our Father.
He, in his new physical body capable of navagating throughout the mulitverse, offers the firstfruits of the ressurection to the father.I seriously doubt that (if this did in fact happen) the no touching instruction would have had much to do with being “ritually clean”. My guess would be that it would have more to do with being diminished energy and attempting to touch him in that state might have been somewhat dangerous. I also think that the energy that was Yahowsha’s soul was absorbed (for lack of a better word) back into Yahowah.
Just ruminating now…. I think Yahowsha’s soul resulted from Yahowah’s imprint or a particular pre-organization of the prospective energy (soul) of Miriam and Yoseph’s child within the womb to reflect or have His personality. Hence the ability to be separated from Yah yet still be Yah providing the Lamb.
He then transports himself to the various visitations where he bears witness of his ressurection to his disciples. The inclusion of nail holes and pierced side is incorporated in this new body to bear testimony of the price paid.IF this happened, it would not be difficult as an energy based individual to adjust one’s physical manifestation to be holey (LOL
) for the benefit of others’ eyeballs.
I also believe that it is possible that the Shroud of Turin could be the physical evidence of the supernatural incineration of Yeshua's human body.Possible, but with spelling correction of Yahowsha’s name.
All of that said, other than the fun mental exercise, I do not think that focusing on Yahowsha is particularly productive. I much prefer to focus on Dowd in that respect as he’s the one coming back as Yah’s Son, the Lion of Yahuwdah and King of Israel. All those wonderful promises Yah made to Dowd got misappropriated to Yahowsha under a different name by Paul/Shauwl and clerics of Christianity. He is our example to follow into eternal life – not Yahowsha (as
doncarp14 referenced). Oh and by the way, do a re-read of the 22nd and 23rd Mizmowr. Dowd saw what Yahowsha went through. 'Tis proof enough other than all the noise and babel used to whitewash what actually ocurred in 33 CE. (I don't think there'd be nearly as much noise if nothing happened for them to try to cover up, obscure and steal.)
There seems to be a lot of focus on the Christian New Testament in this thread. And it’s recent! I really thought the erroneous nature of that collection of writings was already laid bare for all to see. It is extraordinarily unreliable. And we are still uncovering more of the skeletons and mummies in its closet (so to speak). Have y’all not read through the Yada Yahowah series of books that are the reason this forum exists? Do y’all not listen in to the weekly shabat show that airs every Friday evening? We’ve learned SO MUCH just last few years!
There are so many beautiful resources made available by other members of Yah’s Covenant Family and most are listed in various places within this forum. But please ask if you don’t know where they are and one or more of us will be delighted to direct you. You might want to get the latest version of Questioning Paul as soon as it comes out. (I think a volume or two are available now.)
Yahowah’s Towrah is all you need.
Yahowah’s Towrah is complete and entirely perfect, returning, restoring and transforming the soul. Yahowah’s testimony is trustworthy and reliable, making understanding and obtaining wisdom simple for the open-minded.
I don’t think anyone will get very far with one foot on Yah’s exacting path and one foot in the broad and open way. Just sayin'.