I found this on-line. It is a reprint of an exchange between Yada and Sam Shemoun. I thought it contained some very good thoughts and asked Yada if he would object to me posting it here on the forum. He said that it would be OK if I stressed the fact that Sam and he are friends and that he greatly admires and respects the work that Sam is doing.
I have also attached an additional letter on the same topic to Yada and his response at the end.
Quote:Hello Yada,
My name is Sam Shamoun...
Just wanted to say that your book is great...
What a great pleasure it is to hear...
Quote:My precious colleague,
I do believe that God's covenant name is important, especially in order to contrast him with that demon named Allah.
And that is how I came to know and revere Yahweh’s name. There is a zero probability that Allah, the name of the dark spirit to whom Muhammad attributes his sadistic Qur’an revelations, was the same Spirit who inspired the Bible. Allah’s name isn’t mentioned once and Yahweh gave us His name 6868 times in His Scriptures. Then the more I read, the more I came to understand just how important knowing and using Yahweh’s name really is.
Quote:I was curious to know if you affirm the eternal deity and perfect humanity of Yashua, and whether you believed that the Holy Spirit is a divine Personality. In other words, do you believe and affirm that Yahweh Elohim eternally subsists in three distinct, yet inseparable Persons (for a lack of a better term)?
The Scriptures say that Yahweh, Yahshua, and the Holy Spirit are all Yahweh. They are one, not distinct personalities. It’s like liquid water, water vapor, and ice all being different manifestations of exactly the same thing. The best presentation is John 14—a chapter I present in an amplified fashion in Prophet of Doom and in Future History. Yahshua was not created. He is not a second generation God. Yahshua is Yahweh in the form or a man. I cover this in the Harpazo chapter of Future History. It’s available free online on the Resources pages of Prophet of Doom.
Men have had the tendency to attribute many things to the “God” whose name they do not know which are not true. I cover many of these in the Ekklesia chapter of Future History, another chapter I hope you read. And if you disagree with my conclusions once you have read these amplified Scripture presentations, feel free to challenge me on it. While Yahweh’s Scripture is true—I’m fully capable of error.
Quote:Please, I hope you don't mind me asking. I just needed to know where you stand since I am sure you would agree with me that affirming essential biblical truths are of outmost importance in order for true unity to exist.
Take care.
Sam, I don’t mind you asking because I agree with you. Affirming what Yahweh has to say in His Scripture is essential. I hope that you read the Scriptural amplifications that are available in the first five chapters of Future History. In them you will discover Yahweh’s position on this question, rather than my own. But that’s just fine as mine doesn’t matter—His does.
In Yahweh’s name,
Quote:Hey Yada,
I don't have too much time to read the entire chapter since I am currently trying to finish several new articles on exposing Islam. If you could explain to me what you meant that you do not believe they are three Persons, since your water analogy seems to comport with Trinitarianism. In other words, are you saying that Yahshua is not somehow distinct from the Father or the Spirit? I do agree with you that they are all the one true, eternal Yahweh Elohim.
I understand and agree with your priorities, Sam. But unfortunately, quick answers and sound bytes do more harm than good. It’s why the 1500 pages long. And what I believe is unimportant—it’s what Yahweh’s Scriptures say that counts.
As you know, Sam, the word “Trinity” does not appear in the Bible. Yahweh never says he’s three. Most of the OT prophecies regarding Messiah are in Yahweh’s voice. And Yahshua’s words in John 14 are very clear: Yahshua is Yahweh in the form of a man and the Holy Spirit is Yahweh’s Spirit.
Here are some excerpts from the Harpazo chapter:
One of the most powerful prophecies in the Bible is found in Psalm 22. Yahweh predicted His own crucifixion and resurrection 500 years before the torment was invented, and 1000 years before His body and Soul rose from the dead. What you are going to read may be the most important prediction ever made. It has profound implications on where we will spend our eternity and how we will get there.
It begins with Christ’s last words on the cross and explains why he was hanging there. “My God, my God, why have you azab (relinquished, left or forsaken) me? Far from my deliverance are the words of my groaning. O my God, I cry by day, but You do not answer; and by night, but I have no rest. Yet You are Holy, O You who are enthroned upon the praises of Israel. In You our fathers trusted; they trusted, and you did deliver them. To You they cried out, and were delivered; In You they trusted, and were not disappointed.” (Psalm 22:1-5)
I do not understand the mechanics of this miracle. But fortunately, I do not need to know how it happened to appreciate why it happened—or to benefit from it.
Yahshua is Yahweh in the form of a man. His name, I Am, defines Him. He is eternal. The immortal cannot die, thus God could not die on the cross—only the flesh His Spirit occupied and His human Soul could endure that indignity.
God can, however, feel pain. Psalm 22 will go on to detail the most torturous elements of His suffering. It was at the end of a long day. He had been tried, spit upon, beaten, and whipped by His own creation. His Spirit and the temporary body it occupied had suffered, sacrificed, and bled beyond our comprehension. We nailed God to a cross. But when His body neared death, Yahweh’s Spirit departed. That is what this question affirms: “My God why have you forsaken me?” To forsake is to abandon, to separate—to damn in a Biblical sense. The Hebrew word is azab; it means “to relinquish,” to “leave destitute.”
The abandonment is explained in the next verse. “Why are You so rachoq (far removed or remote) from yasha (helping me, or keeping me safe) from the moaning roars?
The middle portion of the passage affirms that this question will be posed in agony. In Hebrew, it says that He will call out to God by name, but that He will not respond. The following verse confirms the pain He will endure that day and the torment that the Soul which resided in the broken body would bear in the darkness of the long night that would follow. The Hebrew word translated night, layil, actually defines hell—“the adversity of being away from light.” There would be no rest as Yahshua’s Soul, not Yahweh’s Spirit, descended into the darkness of hell—the one place God Himself could not go. Hell, the home of the Adversary, is Lightless. Yahshua’s Soul would suffer there, as His body had suffered on the cross—all for our benefit.
But this was to be good news, not bad as the rest of the passage so boldly proclaims. Yahweh, the Holy or Sacred One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, would through this act of ultimate sacrifice deliver those who had and would come to trust Him. By the deed predicted in this Psalm, all those who had, and those who would cry out to Yahweh, would be delivered from damnation and into His company. The Hebrew word palat means to “escape” or to be “carried safely away.” Remember those words, as they will become synonymous with the coming rapture. We are told that those who trust Him will not be disappointed. This is the Gospel being manifest. It is the ultimate Good News.
The closer one looks, the more magnificent God’s Scripture becomes. So you can more fully appreciate the magnitude of Yahweh’s prophecy, I have amplified the Psalm by providing the range of meanings actually conveyed by the Hebrew words Yahweh inspired and David inscribed. They present the torment of flagellation and crucifixion. “But I Am a tola (crimson grub—i.e., bloodied pulp), and not iysh (extant, present as a person), [I Am] cherpah (rebuked and reproached) by adam (mankind), and bazah (despised, scorned, and disdained) by the am (people, specifically the tribe of Israel). All who see me laag (deride, speak unintelligibly about, and mock) me; They patar saphah (emit language—figuratively shoot off their mouth), they shake their heads, saying, ‘He galal (trusted or committed) himself to el (the God) Yahweh to palat (escape, carry safely away or deliver) him. Let Him natsal (snatch away, rescue) him, because He chaphets (is pleased with, delights in) him.” (Psalm 22:5-8)
Yahweh used three different words for man in one sentence and it wasn’t by chance. After accurately describing the condition and appearance of His wiped and crucified body, He said that He was no longer present as a person. He said that he was being accused by adam—symbolic of both the first man’s sin and of taking on the sin of all mankind. That was brilliant beyond words. Then, a millennia before it actually happened, Yahweh told us that He would be rejected by His chosen people, the Jews. These carefully crafted and chosen words reveal the nature, character, and intellect of God.
Roman crucifixions were executed along popular roadways so that the victim’s humiliation and the deterrent effect his pain would have on the eyewitnesses would be magnified. That is why Yahshua says that people were gawking at Him, shaking their heads, and saying senseless things—mouths running faster than their brains.
The final lines of this passage are particularly revealing. Written around 967 B.C., they predicted that in one thousand years, 33 A.D., a man who would trust a God named Yahweh would preach that He would deliver mankind to Yahweh and carry men away from death, yet that He would not rescue Himself. That only happened once in all of human history.
The Davidian Psalm ultimately ends by telling us that the individual hanging on this cross would be God, but so we wouldn’t miss the fact that this manifestation of Yahweh would be Yahshua, the Messiah—God in the flesh—it explains: “Yet You [God] are He who giyach (caused me to come forth) out of the beten (womb as in body); You caused me to trust when I was upon my mother’s breast. I was shalak (thrown down) from the rechem (womb as in matrix).” (Psalm 22:9-10) Yahshua is saying that Yahweh sent Him via a woman’s womb from the matrix—an eternal four dimensional construct we call heaven. This “man” who was beaten to a pulp by Roman whips was God in the flesh.
With foreboding words, the future sacrificial Soul pleads again, asking God not to remove Himself from Him. He tells us that He is headed to a rendezvous with Satan, the Adversary, where He will be afflicted. He knows that nothing exists that can protect him from this tribulation. “Do not rachaq (recede, remove or distance) Yourself from me, for tsarah (the Adversary’s affliction, anguish, and tribulation) is qarob (near or approaching); for ayin (nothing exists) that can azar (protect or aid) me. Many par (wild, strong, and powerful animals) surrounded me and they have kathar kathar (besieged and crowned) me (in hostile fashion causing suffering). They patsah (tear apart, separate into parts with force and violence) me with their peh (blows) as they taraph (pluck off or pull away pieces) with shag (rumbling and roaring moans) of ariy (piercing violence). (Psalm 22:11-13) The passage reveals that the Spirit from heaven will be besieged by strong men and crowned in hostile fashion. Long before the Romans developed their metal tipped flagellum scourging whips that pulled hunks of flesh from men’s bodies, a prophet described the effect they would have on God’s. And five centuries before crucifixion with ropes was invented by the Assyrians or perfected with nails by the Romans, we have a preview of their piercing violence. If nothing else, we are discovering that Biblical prophecy is very precise.
Crucifixion causes the fluids of the victim’s body to drain into their lungs. While dying of thirst, they drown. While bones are not broken, both shoulders are dislocated. Oxygen depletion due to the inability of the person being crucified to stretch their diaphragm, causes a carbon dioxide toxin to build up in the bloodstream such that all strength melts away, starting with the heart muscles. We know this today, but not 3,000 years ago, which is when these words were inscribed on a scroll. “I Am poured out like water and whole bones are parad (separated or out of joint). My heart is like wax; it is masas (melted away, wasted, or faint) in my tavak (core or bisection) of my meeh (intestines or abdomen—i.e., my diaphragm isn’t working). My koach (vigor or strength) is yabesh (withered or failed) like cheres (sun-baked dust or clay). My tongue cleaves to my mouth, and you have brought me to the aphar (dust or the earth). (Psalm 22:14-15) That is precisely how crucifixion kills.
It’s painfully clear that the Psalm was predicting public flagellation followed by crucifixion, Roman style. “For the keleb (yelpers/attackers) have sabab (surrounded) me. The assemblage of raa (spoiled and wicked evil doers) have naqaph (surrounded and struck me violently). They pierced my hands and my feet. I can saphar (record/count) all my bones [i.e., nothing is broken]. They stare at me. (Psalm 22:14-15) They struck blows, pounding nails into hands and feet, piercing them. His shoulders were ripped from their sockets. And we, spoiled and wicked men that we are, taunted God.
In the Gospels we are told that the Romans who crucified Christ, cast lots for the garments they had stripped from him. It shouldn’t have been a surprise. Psalm 22:18 predicted it: “They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots.”
With Christ’s last words on the cross, Yahweh’s Spirit departed, leaving Yahshua’s Soul to bear the sins of all mankind. He pleads: “Do not remove Yourself from me Yahweh. Your power is my protection, eager to help me. Natsal (Snatch away) my Soul from the chereb (cutting instrument, sword, or destructive effect), my yachiyd (beloved, lonely, life, or only son) from the yad (hand or power) of the keleb (yelping attackers). Yasha (Keep me safe) from the piercing violence, for You have anah (responded) to me from the qeren (peak of the mountain or power) and raam (lifted me up). (Psalm 22:19-21) There are several ways to interpret these passages, all of which would be correct and prophetic. Yahshua’s side was pierced by a spear and yet the whole affair, as well as what lay ahead, was destructive. He was loved, lonely, and the only Son of God all at the same time. He was hung on Yahweh’s mountain, Mount Mariah—the symbol of His power. And indeed, He was lifted up.
This would be no ordinary Soul being flayed alive, pierced, and crucified. We are told that those who revere Yahweh will praise Him—something that would violate the Ten Commandments if the willing sacrifice were not God Himself. “Those who yare (revere) Yahweh praise Him. All descendants of Jacob glorify Him. Stand in awe of Him, all you descendants of Yisrael (Israel—He will rule as God). For He has not despised nor abhorred the affliction of the aniy (humble, lowly, needy, poor). Neither has He hid His paniym (face or countenance) from him. When he shava (cried out to be free) to Him, He heard.” (Psalm 22:23-25) This verse proclaims that the crucifixion victim has parity with Yahweh—making Him God. The second part of the passage says that Yahweh chose the cross and that Yahshua went there willingly because He heard our cries. He hung there for you and me.
The prophecy continues with prophetic echoes of the Sermon on the Mount. “The anav (the needy, meek, and especially the saintly) shall akal (be fed) and saba (be completely satisfied). They shall praise Yahweh that darash (seek, follow, and worship) Him, your lebab (heart or understanding) shall live forever.” (Psalm 22:26) There were no capitalizations in paleo Hebrew so the final “you” could be saying that Christ and his teachings shall live forever or that the understanding and souls of those who “seek, follow, and worship” Him shall endure for all eternity—or both.
The final four verses of the 3000 year old prophetic Psalm reveal that Yahweh knew that evil men would brutalize Him in the manner He has just detailed ten centuries before He allowed it to happen. Yet one thousand years after He inspired this Scripture, Yahshua entered our world in the form of a man to fulfill His mission. That defines love. He proclaims that ultimately, when the last chapter is written and the last act is played out, we will remember His sacrifice and turn to Him because He has done this. “The entire world shall remember and turn to Yahweh and every family and nation shall worship before Him. For the realm is Yahweh’s. He has mashal (dominion, and is the Governor) of the nations. From the prosperous to those who have descended into the dust, they will all bow to Him, as no one can keep his own soul alive. Posterity shall serve Him, and it shall be saphar (recorded or inscribed) to the Lord for dor (a revolution of time, an age). They shall come and nagad (expose, predict, explain, manifest, announce, and declare) his tsedaqah (receptiveness, objectivity, justice, moral virtue, and righteousness) to a people that shall be born that He has asah (done, bore, accomplished, bestowed) this.” (Psalm 22:27-31)
I do not know how anyone can read this and not be moved to conviction, to tears, to action. Prophecy doesn’t get any more relevant than this. No words sing more beautifully or more clearly. Yahweh predicted his role in the single greatest act in human history. He committed it to writing three thousand years ago so that when it happened we would know that He bestowed His gift—His sacrifice—because He loves us and wants us to live eternally with Him.
Here is John 14:
“Iesou [Pronounced EE AY SU, was designed to transliterate Yahshua, Hebrew for savior. There was no “Y” or “SH” sound in Greek. And the “A” at the end of His name couldn’t be added without violating grammatical rules. Since we have the ability to replicate the correct sounds toady, Yahshua]
said, ‘I Am [Yahweh means “I Am”]
the hodos (way, route and means)
and the truth, and the life; no one erchomai (appears before or accompanies)
the Pater (Father)
, but through Me. If you ginosko (know or understand)
Me, you ginosko My Father also. You have horao (seen, experienced, beheld)
Him.... He who has horao Me has horao the Father. [Yahshua is claiming that He is Yahweh in the flesh.]
Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is Me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on My own initiative, but the Father meno (abiding or dwelling)
in Me [Yahweh’s Spirit]
does His works. Pisteuo (trust in or rely upon)
Me that I am in the Father and the Father is in Me; otherwise rely upon the account of the works themselves. [Christ performed countless miracles to confirm his deity.]
Amen (This is trustworthy)
what I say to you; he who pisteuo (trusts in and relies upon)
Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I poreuomai (traverse, or go)
to the Father. And whatever you aiteo (ask, desire, or require)
in My onoma (name, authority, or character)
, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Huios (Son, as in figurative kinship)
. If you ask Me anything in My onoma, I will do it. If you agapao (love in a moral sense)
Me, you will tereo (keep an eye on)
My entole (prescriptions)
. And I will ask the Father, and He will didomi (give or bestow upon)
you allos (a)
Parakletos (Intercessor, Advocate, Comforter)
, that He may meno (abide, indwell, or be with)
you aion (forever)
; that is the Pneuma (Holy Spirit)
of Truth, whom the world cannot lambano (receive)
, because it does not theoreo (discern, experience, consider, or behold)
Him or ginosko (know or understand)
Him, but you ginosko Him because He meno (abides or dwells)
with you, and will be in you. I will not leave you orphanos (bereaved, comfortless, or fatherless)
; I will erchomai (come back and enter)
you. After a little while the world will see Me no more [He’s predicting his crucifixion]
; but you will theoreo (experience, behold, or look upon)
Me; because I live [He’s predicting his resurrection]
, you shall live also. [That’s the Gospel: we get to live forever with Him because He sacrificed Himself as payment for our sins—the final solution.]
In that day you shall know and understand that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you.”The Spirit of the Messiah, Yahshua, is the Holy Spirit, which is Yahweh. And collectively these manifestations of Yahweh created us and called out the ekklesia. These are all manifestations of the same thing. It’s not three persons like Matthew, Mark, and John. It’s Yahweh the Spirit, the Creator, the Savior, the Comforter. For example: my name is Yada; there is only one of me. Yet I am a father, a son, and a comforter to my family. Water’s three forms—ice liquid, and vapor—are all pure water. Their substance does not changed—just their manifestation as a result of their level of energy.
Sam, I hope this helped. Like I said, I’m always concerned when I’m asked to provide a short answer to a big question.
Quote:Furthermore, I think you would be doing people a great service if you were to write a chronological listing of the Quran.
There isn’t one—there are five. And there are problems with all of them. The surahs are jumbled internally as well as jumbled in the order they are presented. Some surahs have verses that were “revealed” 10 to 15 years after other verses in the same revelation. The order I have them in Prophet of Doom is as good as it gets—especially for early Mecca and all of Medina. But I’ll supplement what I have done by posting the five charts that attempt to order Allah’s mess. Now all I have to do is find the documents I used a couple of years ago to do what I did.
Quote:Finally, I am sending you my responses to Nadir. They are in the rough Draft stages and maybe edited before they are published on our site. One file exposes Nadir for lying like his demon prophet, showing that he ran like the demented demonic coward that he is. The other two are a series of replies to his Science filth. The first part is outlining the methodology that I will be using in accordance with Nadir's beliefs as a Salafi, Wahhabi Muslim. The second is a direct response to some of his arguments, with more to follow, Yahshua willing.
You have my permission to use information from the files and edit them in line with your style, but please do't post them in their entirety until they come out on our site.
I hope you enjoy them. Take care.
Sam, I have copied your files in Word docs and I look forward to reading them. I appreciate your willingness to allow me to edit them in my style, should that be useful. You may do the same with anything you find on our site or in my books. We are both serving Yahweh in this mission. Time is short, the workers are few, and the battle is large. I am so very pleased you have opened this dialog and I look forward to serving with you for as long as Yahshua allows us to engage. In the mission to expose and repudiate Islam—to free Muslims from it and us from the terror it inspires—I’ve always considered your site, Answering Islam, to be the very best.
In Yahweh’s name,
I understand and agree with your priorities, Sam. But unfortunately, quick answers and sound bytes do more harm than good. It’s why the 1500 pages long. And what I believe is unimportant—it’s what Yahweh’s Scriptures say that counts.
Quote:I agree. But unfortunately not everyone's reading of the text is actually what the text is saying. So Yahweh's scriptures are essential, but at times our reading of those scriptures can be skewed.
That’s true. That is why I like to amplify Scripture from the original Hebrew and Greek and why I like to review large segments in context, pulling the teaching of the NT and OT together. When a line is quoted from a single English translation, a person can twist it to sponsor most any notion.
As you know, Sam, the word “Trinity” does not appear in the Bible. Yahweh never says he’s three. Most of the OT prophecies regarding Messiah are in Yahweh’s
voice. And Yahshua’s words in John 14 are very clear: Yahshua is Yahweh in the form of a man and the Holy Spirit is Yahweh’s Spirit.
Quote:I agree that the word Trinity is not mentioned, but that is not a valid argument against the Bible teaching what the doctrine of the Trinity entails. The word isn't what matters, but whether if the Bible teaches what the word entails. For instance, you will not find within the Bible any inspried statement telling you how many books form the canon of the Scriptures, nor do many of the inspired wiritings identify their authors, i.e. the book of Hebrews. But this doesn't really matter much as far as the authority, canonization, integrity and preservation of God's Word is concerned.
Sam, this is not a good argument. When we extrapolate in this way, implying that the words don’t matter, we can get ourselves into all kinds of trouble. And there are far too many words and thoughts that politically and economically minded clerics have added to Bible translations that actually corrupt Yahweh’s message. I think you’d be surprised by what I discovered when writing the Ekklesia chapter of Future History.
Moreover, pertaining to this paragraph, Yahshua considered the OT Scripture. While I believe that the NT was inspired and while I trust what it says, based upon what it says and how it says it, the NT does not call itself Scripture. And by comparison to the OT, the NT has been very poorly preserved. Further, the author of a book is meaningless if Yahweh inspired the words. And thankfully, He gave us a test for that, called prophecy.
Quote:Furthermore, when you say Yashua is Yahweh in the form of man I wholeheartedly agree with you, but this doesn't tell me anything about the inter-relationships of Yahweh, i.e. whether Yahweh is a singular consciouness within a single Being, or are there a plurality of persons that eternally coexist within one Being.
There is just one God. All of God, however, could not fit inside the man. Much of the dynamic of the inter-relationship between Yahweh and Yahshua was for us—for us to understand the kind of relationship Yahweh wants to have with us—father-son. When I write the book after Future History, I intend to expand on the nature of Yahweh/Yahshua as He is comprehensively presented in His Scripture. But for now, to answer your question, Yahweh does not have three personas, nor three personalities, nor are there three of Him. Yahweh can manifest Himself in many ways, however. Two of these manifestations are Yahshua and the Holy Spirit. And both of these manifestations only exist for a singular purpose—to draw us to Him.
In FH and to a lesser degree in POD, I cover the Scriptural evidence that Yahweh is four dimensional. Understanding this is helpful in appreciating how He can manifest Himself in different ways.
We misunderstand why Yahshua used the term son. Yahshua was not a second generation Deity, which means he could not have been Yahweh’s son in the sense we use the word. In the Messianic manifestation, Yahweh demonstrated the kind of relationship He was seeking with us by establishing a tangible example in Yahshua.
Quote:Just one typo. You quote John 14: Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father IS Me? It actually says is IN me.
Thanks, it was a typo. I made the change. However, Yahshua being in Yahweh and Yahweh being in Yahshua, when put in the context of the whole statement is the same as saying that Yahweh is Yahshua and Yahshua is Yahweh. That is the point of the whole chapter.
The Spirit of the Messiah, Yahshua, is the Holy Spirit, which is Yahweh. And collectively these manifestations of Yahweh created us and called out the ekklesia. These are all manifestations of the same thing. It’s not three persons like Matthew, Mark, and John. It’s Yahweh the Spirit, the Creator, the Savior, the Comforter. For example: my name is Yada; there is only one of me. Yet I am a father, a son, and a comforter to my family. Water’s three forms—ice liquid, and vapor—are all pure water. Their substance does not changed—just their manifestation as a result of their level of energy.
Quote:You mention "manifestations of Yahweh" which can imply Oneness, that there is only one center of consciousness or Person who is Yahweh and that he manifests himself as all three. But you may also mean by manifestations that there are real distinctions between the three, not that one Person is manifesting himself in three different ways. So I am still a little confused.
You and I will not fully understand the nature of Yahweh while we are three dimensional and mortal. But I can tell you that you can’t go wrong with the first summation above.
Quote:I will try to read your stuff and see what I can gather from it.
Take care.
Thanks for sharing Sam. After dealing with Muslims all day it is such a pleasure to converse with you. I enjoy discussing these challenging issues and trying to understand them better. The more I learn, the more I think, the more magnificent Yahweh appears.
Sorry for the lengthy email. I didn't intend this to turn out into a debate, so i will try to make this my last email.
Sam, I don't see this as a debate. It's an enlightened discussion between friends about important issues. Please don't make this your last email.
Quote:You write:
That’s true. That is why I like to amplify Scripture from the original Hebrew and Greek and why I like to review large segments in context, pulling the teaching of the NT and OT together. When a line is quoted from a single English translation, a person can twist it to sponsor most any notion.
Yet even citing Greek and Hebrew doesn't really help an argument if one doesn't understand that words are defined within their specific contexts. So it isn't simply enough to cite the lexical meanings of words, but see which meaning best fits the specific
When scholars choose which word they think fits, they are at best guessing. But that's not the biggest problem. No language translate word for word to another. And many Hebrew and Greek words have many meanings and important shadings--all of which are lost when we read word for word translations. A great example is the Hebrew word "shem." It is always translated "name." But that is one of 13 meanings--and by no means the most important one. By not amplifying the Hebrew to include them all the reader is cheated out of 90% of what Yahweh was telling us. And one of the benefits of Biblical Hebrew and Greek being dead languages, the meanings of words no longer shifts in those languages like it does in our own. So when Strongs or others say that shem meant character, position, nature, mark and authority in addition to name when...
Edited by user Saturday, March 15, 2008 9:00:48 AM(UTC)
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