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Offline dajstill  
#1 Posted : Friday, November 25, 2011 1:30:58 PM(UTC)
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I hope this is the correct place to post this question. We are pretty early on in our journey, but know it is time for us to leave the "traditions of men" and focus on Yahweh's Set Apart Times. The big thing for us is helping our children with this transition. For instance, although my kids are young (eldest is six) they know that Christmas is coming. We already got rid of our Christmas tree - they know we won't be having one. However, we have celebrated Christmas in the past and everyone in our family celebrates Christmas. Anyone have ideas for helping children turn aside from these traditions.
We do give gifts to our children all the time - when they show kindness towards others, accomplish something special - or honestly when mommy finds a good sale. So, we aren't going to stop giving our children gifts, but we do want to separate them from the expectation of gifts in association with Christmas. For instance, if my kids see a toy they would like they will say "can I have that for my birthday" or "can I have that for Christmas". They do this because we as parents stepped in tradition taught them that big gifts come for birthdays and for Christmas - any advice on undoing this? Do you allow your children to accept Christmas gifts from grandparents or other relatives?
We are just learning of the pagan roots of holidays and wouldn't you know my daughter just lost her first tooth and the the first thing from her mouth was "now the tooth fairy can come". We did this to her of course. I think I am prepared to tackle this one through a book we have the covers traditions associated with tooth lose from around the world and that the "tooth fairy" is a popular American myth, but it isn't true.
I would just love to hear advice from others with children that have left the traditions and religions of men and some lessons they learned in helping children handle the big changes.

Offline cgb2  
#2 Posted : Saturday, November 26, 2011 3:57:03 AM(UTC)
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Although my kids are grown & married, and I have much to be embarrased on how I raised them with xmas traditions. I'm thinking if I had it all over to do again, I would have perhaps made the last day of shelters very special, even gifts. I'd avoid extraneous trappings/replacements like Hanukkah and such, just Yah's 7 miqra only.

I'd repent of any awful things I'd done like teaching the kiddos to believe in a red-suited god (who knows if they've been bad or good), and especially leaving food and drink offering (milk and cookies) to that god. Maybe read a support verse about how detestable that is.
Also as xmas trees as Asheras and verses like in Yirmeyahu/Jeremiah 10 as much as their understanding is able.
Offline FredSnell  
#3 Posted : Saturday, November 26, 2011 4:31:13 AM(UTC)
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For me and mine, all are grown ups, but they all get the deception (we talk of) and cover up that took place. My oldest is 28yrs, and he's an atheist, most times, and I kid him bc he comes off sounding agnostic at times too. So he plays the x-mas games without the religiousity of it. The next one is just under him, and he too has removed himself from the religious aspects, but he has 2 sons,one, is seven, the other is 5yrs old, with another boy in the oven that's due any day. They too have recognized all the cover up and plastering that's taken place, but from the families on both sides that do practice mans corruption, they still partake in the deception, to mine and my wifes insistance against it, but so be it.

My daughter is about to be married, but instead of the church wedding endorsment, she and Zach are flying to Las Vegas for an Elvis wedding. Then a helicopter ride over to the Grand Canyon where it lands for a lunch in a designated place for such things. I hold out hope for them all and see that if I continue with my journey along with my wifes, that we may be able through our walk, enlighten them as we take part in finding out about our Fathers desires. Do I make mistakes, you betcha I do, bc it's part of the learning process.

I hold all the Commandments, Precepts, Instructions close to my vest and try as best as I can, to walk in them. The 3rd instruction, I have been using alot during these days, against man and his ways. I take my Fathers name seriously and don't keep it to myself. Just this morning I got up early and went around the corner for coffee at our local Shipleys Doughnuts and when the clerks that I know, bc I'm there every morning for coffee, asked if I had family over, I just laughed and said no, and then asked 'em if they remembered why? They know I don't celebrate these days anylonger, but it doesn't stop them from asking just to be cordial.
So I take advantage to sound off in public and denounce man, and his wickedness. I know they are decieved and never heard the actual truth. One of these days the mexican religious ppl are going to step up to a challenge, but for now, they keep their peace and remain silent, as I strongly challenge any to show me where these days are in scripture, that Father ask us to observe. They can't, but I can and they are not anything they have ever heard, even though they would consider themselves very religious. Everything they do and practice is a deception and I can prove it, they can't.

I was telling a brother over the phone about my day before thankgiving day, and how one of my customers that knows me, and I him, how he came into the shop and asked one of my boys if they will be thankful to the lord tomorrow. He knows I don't play that, but I felt this a test, so I dropped what I was doing and came at him like a person I don't know, and kicked his rearend out of my shop. After I walked him to the gate and then stood there for more that 1 hr explaining to him why he can never come here doing that, he finally got it, that I will stand for none of it, and it's that simple.
We know His name and we build on that and we expect those that know us to show good sense, or I'll remove you myself. Time for playing is over in my opinion. We either take this serious and come to know what's expected of us, or at least give the true path good consideration and decide if you want to be a part of the truth. I have a feeling after I denounced his pastor, Kerry Shook of the Woodlands, he might not use me anylonger after he comes back on Monday to pick up what I repaired for him on Thursday. So be it!

I take every chance to get ppl to wake up. I'm pretty successful at times, b/c you can see it in ppls eyes that they are tuned in, most times, but those like that customer that are stepped heavy in religion, usually will just give me a flip of the arm, like, who cares what you have to say, I have jebus in my life.

Happy Shabat/Sabbath!!!
Offline shalom82  
#4 Posted : Saturday, November 26, 2011 10:33:06 PM(UTC)
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Shalom Dajstill,
Welcome to the forum first off. It is alway great to welcome another member be they a brother or a sister into our online fellowship. I was thinking about your dilemna and for me....I think the solution is simple but not easy. You just have to be honest.....explain it however you can explain it....mention it persistantly and honestly and always strive to make it clear that this is an action of love. I know it is not easy to admit to a mistake as a parent. My two year old daughter calls me out all the time....haha. But I don't know what else to say than just to be honest. Tell them that there are a lot of lies in the world and it takes people time to sort through the mess. You wish that you would have learned the truth sooner...but once you learned the truth you are are not going to spend another second on the lies. You do this not out of hatred for your children but because of even greater love....a love at all costs.....that the greatest gift that you can give them is an introduction to YHWH...with the hopes that they can know Him and be His children and love Him for who He truly is. Read the pertinent scriptures and show them you aren't just being cruel....and tell them they aren't sacrificing but rather they are gaining so much more....they get to party hardy all the time with YHWH. Tell them of the feasts, the camping out, the family time, the music, the relaxation that awaits them. Get them involved early and start them participating and taking an active role in YHWH's appointed times. Develop family traditions of your own....be it BBQs during Sukkot or making homemade matza for Pesach....or counting the Omer to to Shabuot....and on and on. Do it with love and affection and fidelity to truth and you will preserve your children.....but above all do your utmost to make sure that everyone from the oldest to the youngest understands the Torah and the appointed times to the best of their ability and capacity. And I will be the first to admit that I am not in your shoes. My daughter was born after my wife and I embraced YHWH and His Torah. But as you try to undo....I must try to hold on.....in a way these are similar tasks....although they aren't quite the same. It is challenging to go to a mall this time of year....that is for sure. This is where I regret we don't have a physical community for support and to let our children realize they aren't alone.....and sometimes for that matter for us as well.
As far as other family members being cooperative. I don't know what to say. Some of my family is cooperative....others aren't so much. They try to push our buttons...for what reason I know not....I don't know if it is some counter productive attempt to bring us back into the fold or what.....but nonetheless they do things. My parents though they do not understand or agree with us at all have been very supportive and have agreed to our requests. My sisters haven't so much. They send christmas cards and try to give my daughter gifts and it has been a real challenge. I usually just ask my mother to speak to them and I think she has conviced at least one this year to knock it off. My mother is a blessed peace maker....a person that I wish was on our side....who knows...maybe in time.

YHWH is with you,

YHWH's ordinances are true, and righteous altogether.
Offline york mister  
#5 Posted : Saturday, November 26, 2011 10:45:11 PM(UTC)
york mister
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Hi dajstill... we have 9 and 8 year old boys. They have had to 'give up' Christmas over the last 2 years since we ditched religion and the pagan rubbish that is embedded in our society.
At first it was tough and we felt a little guilty!
Now we make such a big deal of the right feasts (they get more celebrations in and gifts with Yah than they do with religious stuff!) and have done studies with them so they can see how ridiculous Xmas is, where it came from, how it ties in the the winter solstice. They see the deception for themselves and look at people caught up in it with sadness too. They saw someone buy 5 reindeer head bands yesterday plus a load of other stuff for £50 and said "what a waste of time... poor lady"!

We also try and go away at Xmas (to a muslim country!) which helps a little too!

In the end, the children are very accepting. You have to be strong in your own mind of why you are doing what you are doing and give them the information too. God bless!

Offline dajstill  
#6 Posted : Monday, December 5, 2011 8:16:59 AM(UTC)
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Thanks so much for the help and encouragement everyone!
Offline pilgrimhere  
#7 Posted : Wednesday, January 18, 2012 9:00:34 AM(UTC)
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Hello dajstill and family,

I wanted to recommend a book but when I searched back to find who posted the reference, discovered that … you did. Thank you. Biblical Holidays (which I just purchased yesterday) appears to be a good resource for transitioning. Also, I have been reluctant to leap into this community until reading your introduction. You are ahead of me and my family, but I’ll share some things my wife and I practice with our girls (3, 4.5, 7).
Regarding fables: we never mentioned ‘Santa’ – the bearded guy is Nicholas, and they are familiar with his generosity. Now, of course they are familiar with Santa but know better. I wish Christmas had been fully extracted from our family earlier, but we still have to deal with it. We don’t allow our kids to believe anything that we know is not true i.e. Santa, tooth fairy etc. Otherwise, they could choose later on not to trust us when we tell them what is true. The reward for losing a tooth is a balloon of choice … and the younger sisters get a more generic one just because. The reward comes from mom and dad, and they know it. Easter (this one turns my stomach more than Christmas) would not exist in their minds if not for in-laws and commercial marketing. Nothing comes into our home that mom and dad haven’t previewed (no broadcast TV), and we started officially homeschooling this past year. My wife and I aggressively filter the world before our kids – even explaining what the objective of advertisements is (we ask, “What are they trying to sell you?). We operate a system of rewards and consequences with the girls and teach that princes and princesses get rewards and brats get consequences. One can act like the other but shouldn’t. We’re trying to instill the princess mentality into our girls I guess because I so anticipate seeing them in a royal function in a world where the brats have been removed. I suspect that shielding my kids from being influenced by errant traditions will be just as difficult as transitioning from them. Don’t know if I’ve helped with anything, but I do feel for you and your family. Oh, one last thought – I believe that as we begin to acquaint ourselves/families with the appointed times of Yah, those will eventually cause the counterfeits and distractions to diminish from our fascinations. The more we draw near to Yah, the better we are able to walk with Him. This will be reflected in our children, just as you have witnessed.
I will recommend Hinds Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard – both original and children’s versions.

Yah’s blessings!
Offline dajstill  
#8 Posted : Wednesday, January 18, 2012 1:47:40 PM(UTC)
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Nice to "meet" you pilgrimhere!

Homeschooling has to be one of the best decisions we have made as parents. Helps showing my kids the way to truth so much easier. It is amazing how many Christian books I have had to throw away since we came into the knowledge! One problem we have run in to though is that my kids are learning Mandarin - probably the only language on earth filled with more pagan content than Greek! It's bad enough trying to dilute the influence of the Christian pagan holidays - we are now having to deal with Chinese New Year! I had no idea. My goal is to try and see if a Jewish or Messianic congregation will allow my kids to join their Hebrew classes. The Jewish synagogs start teaching Hebrew to children very early and I would love for us all to learn it, but especially my kids (they really need a balance with Mandarin).

I love the idea of the prince and princess mentality. I have b/g 4 year old twins and my eldest son is 6 - so we are working on some foundational things in our home as well. They actually gave up the tooth fairy much easier than I thought and they didn't complain a whole lot about not having a Christmas tree. However, Christmas was ALL around us and they got Christmas cards and gifts from what seems like everyone on the planet. Every place we went from the grocery store to the library someone was asking them what they wanted for Christmas and if they had been good for "Santa".

I too am looking forward to the Feasts as a way to help my kids learn their true identity and realize all these traditions of men are poor counterfeits for the amazing appointments with have with Yahowah. So nice to talk with another family with kids around our age. Please share the things you are doing with your children and we will do the same!
Offline pilgrimhere  
#9 Posted : Thursday, January 19, 2012 7:06:58 AM(UTC)
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Yes, dajstill, any sacrifice made in order to build the educational foundation of our kids is like giving up air to get some oxygen. My wife was intent from the beginning to protect our kids from anything that could hurt them. She even teaches them how to respond to someone telling them that they are silly – “No, I’m not silly. I’m sweet and fun!” We want them to recognize and differentiate anything that will either build them up or tear them down. Sarcasm is rampant in my extended family and is perceived as jovial and funny. Kids don’t comprehend that, though. And it takes weeks sometimes to extract brat behavior after exposure to kids whose parents just don’t think. I guess what it all comes down to is that we want our girls to be able to think for themselves when they will need to and stand with confidence on a solid foundation.

My wife told me last night that our middle child while playing was explaining that “God made people, and people made these things.” I thought of yours. May the Spirit of Yah remain fresh in their little hearts!

We recently discovered Twebrew School and are probing a bit to see if it’s a good method for us. The lessons are short, simple and fun. There does appear to be some Jewish information outside of Torah among the “Treats”. I have the impression Twebrew School is an aid for repatriating Jews to Israel. Here is a good starting point if you’re interested: http://www.twebrewschool.org/search/label/video .

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