No, not even a little bit.
First: I must congratulate the sailors, operators and support staff on the successful and just resolution of the operation conducted in Pakistan last week. Hard training, good intel, excellent logistics and aggressive action carried the day. Good show!
Second: Huge numbers of people are celebrating this event as though "The War on Terror" has been one. This is an extremely foolish notion. The Sheik was not the Supreme Commander of Al-Queda. He was not even the inspiration for Islamic violence: Allah is. Let those words be burned into your mind. Never forget them.
Allah, and his prophet, Muhammad are the inspiration for Islamic violence against the rest of the world. The marching orders for Al-Queda do not need to come from a cave in rural Wackistan (or an upscale villa near the suburbs of the Pakistani capital, as it turned out). The words that incite violent attacks come straight from the Koran itself.
It is not "radical Islam" or "the twisting of the words of Allah/Muhammad" that justifies the actions of terrorists. It is just the simple reading of the text itself. It is Islamic fundamentals that are the problem. Those who doubt this can simply read the 9th Surah (chapter) to see for themselves. The most popular English-language translation, "The Nobel Koran" has a page-long footnote detailing how the imperatives to wage violent war against the enemies of Islam are not culturally bound nor limited to a specific time and place and most importantly that modern weaponry is to be used including 'tanks, aircraft and artillery'. The footnote is included by the translators and was printed there just in case anyone missed what Allah/Muhammad was trying to say in the Ayat(verses) that make up the "War" Surah(chapter).
I can already hear it now: "You are taking those verses out of context!" "That is not what the Prophet (or Allah, if you prefer) meant by those verses..."
Oh, really? Anyone who says that the "War" verses of the Koran are not reflective of the true nature of Islam has not studied the Sira (sīrat rasūl allāh) or the ahaddith. These are the biographical/historical documents that give context to the Koran and further legitimate the Muslim conquest of the non-Muslim world.
Let me make this perfectly clear: If you read and study the Koran, in its historical context, along with the early, authentic, biographies of Muhammad, and you do what it says, you must strap on a bomb-belt and head down to the shopping mall.
Just as most Christians and Jews don't really take their faith seriously, the overwhelming majority of Muslims do not either. This is why most Muslims are not violent and are just like everyone else; Trying to make a better life for their children.
The problem is that there are a few people who actually read what Allah had to say in The Koran (al-Qur'an), pattern their life after how Muhammad conducted himself, and take it seriously. The Sheik (who is now with Muhammad/Allah, thanks to the actions of our sailors) was one of those people who actually took the text of Islamic primary sources to heart and acted upon them. The killing of this guy was just, it will yield in the spontaneous creation of many more just like him.
Make no mistake, we can expect an increase in violent attacks by militant Muslims to start almost immediately. They will not be in the form of hijacked airliners ramming into building, nor will they be suitcase-nukes at sports stadiums. They will be Mumbai-style attacks, low-tech, low-dollar, lone-gunman type events. 'Some guy' will be in the Food Court at The Galleria in [fill in your city here], scream out "Allah-hu Akbar" twice, then pull out a firearm from under his coat and start killing soccer moms in the name of The Religion of Peace.
The FBI, CIA, TSA or Jack Bauer himself cannot prevent save you at this point, but you can. You can save yourself and others if you are properly trained, equipped and ready for decisive action. [Shameless plug: You can begin the training process at my website by clicking ] Armed citizens with only rudimentary training and minimal equipment have foiled terrorist attacks several times. If you do not choose to be one of these couragous individuals, you have chosen (in advance) to be a victim.
To paraphrase Winston Churchill, "This is not the end. This is not even the beginning of the end, but it may be the end of the beginning."