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Offline James  
#1 Posted : Saturday, April 14, 2012 6:39:40 AM(UTC)
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Yada emailed me today and asked me to share the following with everyone. This is the site plan that he sent to Yow'el, the webmaster here, about what the new site will look like.

Yada wrote:
An Introduction to God – Site Development Plan

Let’s use the hand touching hand image at the bottom of the current YY site as the header. Yahowah’s name is comprised of 5 hands. Then let’s superimpose efei.
In the body of the homepage for the ITG, lets consider...
An Introduction to God Call me Yada. I am going to serve as your guide throughout our voyage of discovery. As we embark on our journey, you should know that I am an irrelevant character. This story is not about me. It is about Yahowah, and understanding the means to engage in a relationship with Him.
If your mind is open, and if you are willing to let go of the myths which permeate our world, you are on the cusp of engaging in life’s greatest and most rewarding adventure. The universe we are going to explore is extraordinary, well beyond anything you may have imagined. And while the map to this magnificent realm has been available for a very long time, barely one in a million people have capitalized upon it. Very few individuals have gone where we are going – which is to meet God. (More)

His Word The evidence affirms that Yah’s Word was as inerrant as language allows when it was revealed to Moseh and to the Children of Yisra’el, and when it was scribed in Ancient Hebrew—mankind’s oldest existing alphabet. But God makes no claim that your human translation is inerrant, because He knows with language, such a claim would be impossible. Beyond this, insuring continual inerrancy would require Him to interfere with freewill – something He will not do.
While language is mankind’s most important tool, it is an imprecise one—especially apart from Hebrew, the language God, Himself, authored. Further, no language translates perfectly from one dialect to another, and the cultural baggage is almost always lost. And while these are issues with which we will grapple, the biggest problem with translations is that there is often very little correlation between the text of the oldest manuscripts and what is printed on the pages of the most popular “bibles.” (More)

His Name As you are now aware, this Introduction to God makes no accommodation to garner popular support, and it was not designed to appeal to a religious audience. It seeks to reveal, examine, and consider the pictures God has painted in His Word.
One of the more significant factors culling the audience for this material will be the absence of a familiar vocabulary. I have endeavored to avoid most of the brushstrokes people have become accustomed to seeing because they either corrupt or conceal Yahowah’s portrait. And since God does not combat deception with delusions, neither shall I. Therefore, if you are searching for “Jesus Christ,” you will not find him here. (More)

His Teaching Part 1 We are about to commence the next stage of our voyage of discovery. Our destination will be Yahowah’s “Towrah – Teachings,” because this book of books is both foundational and controversial.
According to Yahowah, the Torah is His Testimony—God’s Word. It is in the Torah that Yahowah formally introduces Himself to humankind. It is where He wrote His name so that we would know it. The Torah provides the lone witness to the Covenant. Without the Torah, this relationship, and God’s purpose, would be unknown. (More)

His Teaching Part 2 Towrah is the name of a collection of books, and as such, it serves as a title. Therefore, most of the 219 times “Towrah” appears in Scripture, it should be transliterated replicating the sound of the name as accurately as possible. However, because “towrah” is often used as a descriptive noun, the word should also be translated so that readers come to appreciate the fact that towrah means: “teaching, instruction, guidance, and direction.”
With this in mind, let’s consider one of Yahowah’s Masal or Word Pictures on the importance of the Towrah. As a Father guiding His son, it begins: “My son (ben), never ignore, overlook, nor forget (‘al sakah – elect to never lose sight of the significance of nor ever choose to inappropriately respond to) My Towrah / Teaching (Towrah – Instruction, Guidance, and Direction).” (Masal / Word Pictures / Proverbs 3:1) (More)

His Teaching Part 3 One Mizmowr / Song is devoted entirely to signing the Torah’s praises. In fact, the 119th Psalm provides Yahowah’s most comprehensive instruction on how to properly observe His Towrah.
The 119th Psalm, second only to the Towrah itself, is the most important document ever written. I have found nothing which compares to the lyrics of this extraordinary melody. If you have and ear for Yah, and if you love His Towrah, you are in for a treat. (More)

His Teaching Part 4 Now that we have considered what the Towrah has to say about the Towrah, pondered the merits of the Towrah from the perspective of the Proverbs, and have learned how to properly observe the Towrah from the Psalms, it is time to reflect upon what the Prophets revealed regarding the Towrah. And speaking of prophets, they don’t get any bolder or better than Yasha’yahuw – a name which has been corrupted by theologians to “Isaiah”—all to keep you from knowing that it is Yahowah who saves. (More)

His Covenant On several occasions in this Introduction to God, I shared something profound which I’d like to prove: Yah wants us to enjoy an engaged yet relaxed, personal, conversational, upright, and familial relationship with Him. He wants to adopt us. God doesn’t want us to fear Him, to bow down to Him, or even to worship Him. He despises religions—all of them. He adores relationships and will sacrifice everything (save His integrity) to achieve them.
Since these conclusions are contrary to the edicts of every religion, and since conveying them is the purpose of the Towrah, let’s turn to the evidence God, Himself, provided to ascertain whether or not they are valid. To begin, let’s start where Yahowah began, by asking Abraham to walk away from the most religious and political place on earth.

His Terms In our quest to get to “yada’ – know” Yahowah even better, and to better “byn – understand” what He is offering and wants from us in return, this is an ideal time to consider the statements Yahowah wrote with His own hand. On the first of the two tablets, God summarized His message to humankind, providing an essential perspective from which to understand everything He would reveal to us in His Towrah. On the second, He taught us how to live our lives.
As always, these translations are amplified, providing you with a more complete rendering of Yahowah’s advice. In addition, they include the Hebrew words themselves, because it is vitally important that you take the time to verify their meanings. In all things, you should trust God, not man (including me). (More)

His Invitations The basis of this section is currently presented in the Called Out Volume of Yada Yah. A summation of what they reveal about how we are afforded the opportunity to meet with God will soon be incorporated into this Introduction to God.

His Way The basis of this section is currently presented in the Salvation Volume of Yada Yah. Once those chapters are edited, and corrected based upon what I’ve learned, a summation of what they reveal about how we are vindicated by God will be incorporated into this Introduction to God.

Yada Yah Site Makeover

First, let’s rebrand the site Yada Yah instead of Yada Yahweh. And let’s replace the first 20 chapters with the edited versions.
Second, in addition to the existing Paleo Hebrew script on the page, let’s add the Ancient Hebrew version. efei odi
Third, let’s replace all of the copy currently found in the gold area between the blue header and the white graphic menu area with:
An Introduction to God Call me Yada. I am going to serve as your guide throughout our voyage of discovery. As we embark on our journey, you should know that I am an irrelevant character. This story is not about me. It is about Yahowah, and understanding the means to engage in a relationship with Him.
If your mind is open, and if you are willing to let go of the myths which permeate our world, you are on the cusp of engaging in life’s greatest and most rewarding adventure. The universe we are going to explore is extraordinary, well beyond anything you may have imagined. And while the map to this magnificent realm has been available for a very long time, barely one in a million people have capitalized upon it. Very few individuals have gone where we are going – which is to meet God. (More) to the Prelude of ITG
Fourth, as we discussed, let’s remove the FH and TOM links (while continuing to host the sites as there is now too much conflict between them (and for anonymity ITC)) from the Books links on the right side of the page. The new order should be ITG, YY, QP, POD, and TWT.
Fifth, let’s correct the time and the name for Yada Yah Radio. It is Listen & Interact Live Weekdays 11.00 AM to 12:30 PM EST. We should then add a link directly to the archive page of YYR BTR. Also, James and friends have been active creating a more useful archive. He has separated the news and scripture portions of the shows and has named both sections. So, when time permits, we should add this to the site.
Sixth, since we are not posting a newsletter, what do you think of the idea of making the Newsletter box a more accessible Contact Us box.
Seventh, for ease of getting this done, I have rewritten the captions and comments for each of the existing links.
Eighth, when time permits, it would be nice to have cover art done for the ITG, YY, and QP which could then be integrated into the site.
Ninth, it is time to remove the FH and TOM links (as a result of the conflicting conclusions but let’s continue our free hosting of the sites themselves) as well as the ITC link from the POD links to books and add the ITG and QP.
Ten, let’s remove my name from the cover of POD and also from the Letter to the Reader. And if you can do a find and replace, I’d like to replace every reference to “Yada” “Winn,” or “Yada” with “POD” of “Yada.”
Eleven, on the QP site, please add the ITG and remove ITC, FH, and TOM.
Twelve, here is a rewrite of the YY menu copy...

A Conversation With God... Yahweh, or more precisely transliterated, Yahowah (pronounced using His “Towrah – Instructions” as our guide), is the Creator’s name. Since it is based upon the Hebrew verb “hayah – to exist,” it answers mankind’s most basic question: is there a god? “Yada’ means “to know in a relational sense, to recognize, to acknowledge,” and to use what you learn “to understand.” Therefore, the stated goal of Yada Yah to know Yahowah as He revealed Himself to us. [read more] to Re’syth (Full Width No Image)
Have Men Copyedited God and Changed Scripture? Did the Masoretes purposely change the Hebrew Scriptures to keep Jews from knowing the Ma’aseyah? Is the “Christian New Testament” reliable? More curious still, has the Covenant been renewed? [answers] to His Word in the ITG (Parchment Scripture Image)
Are Christian Symbols, Terms, and Rituals Demonic? Do you know the origins of Lord, Jesus, Christ, Christmas, Easter, the Cross, Church, Sunday, the Eucharist, and other cornerstones of Christendom? "The Bible" is not only the wrong answer, it's another step in the wrong direction. [read more] to His Name in the ITG (Cross and Sun Image)
How Many Good Deeds Does It Take to Get Into Heaven? Is the Torah a book of laws? Can the Torah save? Has the Torah been replaced by the “Gospel of Grace”? [answers] to His Teaching (Part 1) in ITG (Abacus Image)
Christianity - Relationship or Religion? Did the Church replace Yahowah's Covenant Relationship with a beguiling religion? Are you aware of the five conditions which must be met to engage in a relationship with God? [answers] to His Covenant in the ITG (rather than Jezebel) (Vatican St. Peter’s Image)
Has Yah Invited Us to Meet with Him? Are the Torah's seven feasts Jewish holidays or do they represent the lone means to meet with Yahowah and become part of His family, regardless of race, time, or place? Should we answer God’s invitations, or have they been replaced by the “Gospel of Grace”? [answers] to Pesach rather than Skia (which is now Qara’) (Wine and Bread Image)
Creation - Six Days or Fifteen Billion Years? Can Einstein's Theory of Relativity be used to demonstrate that creation took exactly six days from the Creator's perspective having caused the Big Bang, and nearly fifteen billion years from ours? Do science and Scripture actually agree? [answer] to Hayah (Nebula Image)
Did Yah Reveal His Timeline? Does the Creation account detail the future history of mankind in addition to providing the story of our salvation? Does Genesis One's pattern of six plus one reveal Yahuweh's Date Planner? [answer] to Chay (Hourglass Image)
Can We Know When the Ma’aseyah is Returning? Why does the “Christian New Testament” say that no one knows the hour when Yahowsha’ will return Yahowah provides a sea of evidence in His Torah, Prophets, and Psalms which points directly to a specific date? [answer] to Kippurym (Sun Earth Image)
Why did He say, "My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?" If the Ma’aseyah was God incarnate, why were these His last words? Did Yahowah explain why He abandoned the Yahowsha’ and predict his own execution as the Pesach Lamb 1,000 years in advance? If so, why do so few know what He said? [answers] to Tsadaq (Crucifixion Image)
Did Daniel Predict the Date of the Ma’aseyah's Arrival? In 538 BCE, did Gabriel reveal that Yahowsha’ would enter Jerusalem to be “cut off by not for Himself” four days before Passover, March 28th, 33 CE in precise accord with the Towrah’s instructions? [read more] change to “answer” and then to Ma’aseyah (Old Jerusalem Image)
Are Heaven and Hell the Only Options? Why does the Church preach that there are only two destinations, eternal life in Heaven or eternal punishment in Hell, when Scripture speaks most often about a third alternative–the death and destruction of souls? [answer] to Thanatos (which I’d prefer to rename using a Hebrew word) (Cloud Sunset Image)
Does Yahowsha’ Really Call Today's Church "Vomit?" Have the character, teachings, and practices of Protestant Christianity in the Western democracies become so poisonous and polluted that the assembly is now revolting and excluded from Yahowah's family? [answer] to Yahuwdy (Vomit Fountain Image)
Is Hosea's Israel a Metaphor for America? Does Yahowah's divorce of Israel reveal why He has abandoned America? How are we alike and what does it say about our future? [answers] to Azab (WTC 9-11 Image)
I’d like to add: Was Paul a False Prophet? Are Paul’s letters in conflict with God’s testimony? Is there sufficient clear and irrefutable evidence to prove that Paul cannot be trusted? to QP Homepage (Image of Paul used as the background of QP)
The Choice Is Yours... Ultimately that is all that matters. [read more] to His Terms of ITG (Hand Touching Hand Image (now enlarged and also used as part of the Yada Yah Header)

Don't take my word for it, Look it up.

“The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.” ― Ayn Rand
Offline Steve in PA  
#2 Posted : Monday, April 16, 2012 4:03:27 AM(UTC)
Steve in PA
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just a quick proof...
I'm pretty sure this would have been caught... not sure that the text above is what will be used to set up the page... but...

Why did He say, "My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?" If the Ma’aseyah was God incarnate, why were these His last words? Did Yahowah explain why He abandoned the Yahowsha’ and predict his own execution as the Pesach Lamb.....

Almost certain that should read... the Ma'aseyay Yahowsha'.

"the Yahowsha'" does have an urban ring to it though ... ;)
Offline Steve in PA  
#3 Posted : Monday, April 16, 2012 4:05:00 AM(UTC)
Steve in PA
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Almost certain that should read... the *Ma'aseyah Yahowsha'.
Offline Steve in PA  
#4 Posted : Monday, June 11, 2012 5:41:48 AM(UTC)
Steve in PA
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So James... have you fixed Yow'el's computer yet ...?
Just kidding ;) ... but do you have any word on when the site will be updated?
Offline lassie1865  
#5 Posted : Tuesday, June 12, 2012 6:24:52 AM(UTC)
Joined: 2/18/2008(UTC)
Posts: 309
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Just noticed:

His Teaching Part 3: Song is devoted to singing [signing] the Torah's praises.
an [and] ear for God

Why Did He Say "My God, why have you forsaken me?: If the Ma'aseyah Yahowsha' is / were [was] God incarnate . . .
Offline FredSnell  
#6 Posted : Wednesday, June 13, 2012 2:51:03 AM(UTC)
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lassie1865 wrote:
Just noticed:

His Teaching Part 3: Song is devoted to singing [signing] the Torah's praises.
an [and] ear for God

Why Did He Say "My God, why have you forsaken me?: If the Ma'aseyah Yahowsha' is / were [was] God incarnate . . .


I think since Yahowsha is set-apart form Yah that He was referring to His soul seperating from His spirit? I could be wrong, but I view Yah as One with the ability to set-apart from Himself a small amount of energy to manifest enough of Himself to either serve us here on earth, or enough set-apartness to also protect us in the spirit. So, if the manifestation was breathing His last breath on the pole knowing what was yet to come, that the two, spirit and soul, were going to be ripped apart from one another as they both were going to be heading in completely different directions. The Father would notice/know that the Son/His set-apart was bearing our sins, and being Father/Perfect, Yah is not willing to look upon the sin that His Set-Apart had taken upon for the whole world, He would turn His back upon His Son/the Set-Apart One. The Set-Apart spirit had to return to where it came from, Yah. As the soul headed towards She'ol away from Him to do what we couldn't. I'm sure there's an answer deeper than I see, but if there is, it has to be from Him. I do view it now as His sixth visit to us here on earth and the next visit the Father will return in His fullness. His set-apartness together as one with Him, and those here that view this return will perish, just as He told Moshe/Moses. My hope is when He does return, I'm not here, b/c He has seen to it that I have been MADE perfect.

Shemowth/Exodus 33: 19-23

And he said, I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of YHWH before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew mercy on whom I will shew mercy.
And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live.
And YHWH said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock:
And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by:
And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be seen.

Offline cgb2  
#7 Posted : Wednesday, June 13, 2012 7:30:30 AM(UTC)
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lassie1865 wrote:
Just noticed:

His Teaching Part 3: Song is devoted to singing [signing] the Torah's praises.
an [and] ear for God

Why Did He Say "My God, why have you forsaken me?: If the Ma'aseyah Yahowsha' is / were [was] God incarnate . . .

Because chapter and verse wouldn't be invented for another millenium after. That is the opening stanza to Psalms 22.
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